Sunday Rides – 29 December (Edited 10.45 am 28/12/19)

Event Details

Elementary – Askham Richard (40 miles; 12-14 mph average; flat)

Intermediate – York (55 miles; 14-16 mph average; flat)

Extra Ride – 10.30 START – Easterly/North Easterly (30 miles, no cafe stop; 14-16 mph average; flat)

NOTE: The ‘Extra Ride’ is an occasional trial over the rest of winter to try and accommodate those not wanting a cafe stop.  Members must inform us in advance if they are attending this, so ride leaders can plan accordingly.)

EDIT (posted  10.45 am, Sat 28 Dec 2019): There are currently no requests/confirmations for the Extra Ride. If there are no confirmations by 7 pm Sat 28 Dec, there will be no leader present on the day to take this ride.

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