Time Trialing

Thursday Evening TT League

Seacroft Wheelers organise and participate in the Thursday Evening Time Trial League in conjunction with  Seacroft Wheelers, Yorkshire Road Club, AlbaRosa, Wetherby Velo, Valley Striders, Bramley Wheelers, Addform and Leeds Bradford Tri. The league is run every Thursday evening from May to August on courses in the Tadcaster, Fairburn & Allerton Park areas with time trial events from 10 to 25 miles. Entry is open to time trial bikes and regular road bikes and prioritised to first and second claim members of the above clubs, trophies and medals awarded by category over the season long competition.

Promoted under Cycling Time Trials regulations the Thursday Evening League provides an ideal introduction to cycle racing for newcomers to the sport.

Seacroft Wheelers stage a number of evening Club Events ourselves prior to and following the Evening League programme. All are welcome to ride. (See “Club evening time trials” tab at the top of this page).

Evening League Results/info./chat  can be found on the facebook group here, Some of the results also get posted on our facebook group .

New to Time Trialling?

If you have not ridden a time trial before and would like to have a go then the evening league or the club evening time trials are ideal for you to try, to see if you like it.

There are two categories of machine, each has its own competition.  The categories are time trial machines (aero) and road bike. In order to be in the road bike competition you must not have:

  • time trial bars
  • time trial helmets
  • disc wheels

Please arrive and be ready to pay and collect your number. There is a maximum number of  riders and it’s on a first come first served basis. Please note the very latest signing on time will be no later than 15 minutes before the race start time. This helps organisers plan better but more importantly gives you the chance to warm up. Once you have collected your number this needs to be displayed on your back towards the left hand side. All riders are pushed off at one minute intervals and given a time for the distance rode. It is helpful for the marshals if you shout out your number as you cross the finish line.

Thursday Evening TT League 2025

Seacroft Wheelers – Wetherby Wheelers – Yorkshire Road Club – AlbaRosa – Wetherby Velo – Valley Striders – Bramley Wheelers – Addform – Leeds Bradford Tri

Below are details of courses, distances, where the headquarters will be and which club is organising.

In the past many riders have been disappointed when races have had to be cancelled where it is found that there are roadworks on the course, or the course has recently been gritted making it dangerous for riders to race. Therefore police forms are submitted for a reserve course in readiness for if this happens. However, we may not know about this immediately and the course could then be changed up to the day before the event.

Club Championship

The club championship is within the Thursday Evening League.  The club championship is for a 10, 15 and 25 mile time trial and is only open to Seacroft first claim riders. 2nd claim riders are eligible to ride the events but not claim championship prizes.  There is a gold, silver, and bronze medal for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd male and female first claim member of Seacroft Wheelers. The medals will be presented at the annual club presentation night.  For the dates of the club championship nights is noted as such in the in the notes column on the table below.

If you want to make sure you are kept as up to date as possible you can:

Register for the Thursday Evening TT League facebook Group where announcements will be made first.

Check on the Seacroft Wheelers facebook Group where announcements will be made once noted from the Thursday Evening TT League facebook group.

Check this page on our website for any changes which will be noted at the top of this page as an announcement.


1. Competitors must be a paid up first or second claim member of one of the participating clubs and may compete for that one club only in the competition.

2. Riders may not compete in events which their own club is listed to organize.

3. First claim members take priority over second claim members on over-subscribed evenings, with a maximum of 4 second claimers per club per event if over-subscribed.

4. All competitors (including second claim members) are expected to assist with the running/marshalling of the events during the season.

5. Entry fee £5.00 seniors, and for under 16s,  fee breakdown below:-
(£3 goes to the CTT Levy, £2 goes to charity- currently Yorkshire Air Ambulance).

6. All events held under Cycling Time Trials regulations.

7. Riders must use both rear and front lights at all times of day in all conditions. No lights no ride!

8. Riders must wear a helmet – no helmet no ride!

9. Points are awarded to riders on the basis of every event completed and the placing achieved therein. Riders may ride and receive points in as many events as desired. A rider’s best seven positions score towards the final total.

10. Points per event – 40 for 1st, 39 for 2nd, etc down to 1 for 40th place.

11. Awards:

  • 1st man, 2nd man, 3rd man,
  • 1st woman, 2nd woman, 3rd woman
  • Road Bike 1st man and 1st woman
  • Handicap 1st person
  • Other awards may be made at the discretion of league officials.

12. One rider one prize rule applies. All awards are provisional and subject to availability of funds.

13. Riders who wish to be considered for the road bike competition must not have

  • time trial bars
  • time trial helmets
  • disc wheels

The ‘League Prize Presentation’ will occur at the end of the season, venue and date to be announced.


1. CTT regulations require that records of name, address and CTT affiliated club of all riders are kept at the event. Please ensure that you complete the signing on sheet including these details. Second claimers please use the name of your second claim club.

2. CTT regulations require riders to use both front and rear lights at all times of day in all conditions. No lights no ride!

3. CTT regulations require riders to wear a helmet – no helmet no ride!

4. Under 18s must complete a CTT club events parental consent form and pass it to the League Co-ordinator – one form covers the entire season.

5. In the event of roadworks, or for other information regarding these events contact the League Co-ordinator.

Notes to all riders:- 
Please be discreet when changing and do not use any car parking area as a toilet. Any rider urinating in public will be banned from the evening time trials and reported to the district committee.


Distance Course Location Name Time Date






Adam Duggleby

Richard Sharp





10 V910A Old A1/Fairburn Adam Duggleby 20.42 2012
10 V111R Old A1/Walshford Vince Macklam 22.43 2011
12.5 Cawood Ian Cooke 26.26 2010
15 V328 Sherburn Pete Nixon 31.41 2018
25 V134 A168 Doug Hart 56.39 2010

Want to improve your times?

Whether you are new to time trialling or would just like to improve your times, Seacroft Wheelers have a qualified coach, Mike Farthing, who organises a variety of training sessions throughout the year.
Mike is available to offer extra coaching sessions and advice if required for all Seacroft club members.
For more information on any of the activities contact Mike on: coaching@seacroftwheelers.co.uk

Club evening time trials

Seacroft Wheelers organise their own evening time trial club events. You do not need a time trial bike to enter these events you can enter on any bike.

Riders must be a member of a CTT affiliated club. Under 18s must supply a signed CTT club events parental consent form – (one form covers all season).

Notes to all riders:–
Please be discreet when changing and do not use any car parking area as a toilet.  Any rider urinating in public will be banned from the club events and reported to the District committee.

New to Time Trialling?

If you have not ridden a time trial before and would like to have a go then the evening league or the club evening time trials are ideal for you to try, to see if you like it.
Please arrive and be ready to pay and collect your number. There is a maximum of 40 riders and it’s on a first come first served basis. Please note the very latest signing on time will be no later than 15 minutes before the race start time. This helps organisers plan better but more importantly gives you the chance to warm up. Once you have collected your number this needs to be displayed on your back towards the left hand side. All riders are pushed off at one minute intervals and given a time for the distance rode. It is helpful for the marshals if you shout out your number as you cross the finish line.

What is the 2-up 10?

The Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 2-up time trial is a time trial for teams of 2 who will race together with a time based on the slowest rider, encouraging riders to stick together and work as a team. The clock will stop when the slowest rider of the team crosses the finish line.
However, if you don’t have a partner to race with you are more than welcome to ride this event as a solo.

What is the 3-up 10?

The Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 3-up time trial is a time trial for teams of 3 who will race together with a time based on the slowest rider, encouraging riders to stick together and work as a team. The clock will stop when the slowest rider of the team crosses the finish line.
However, if you cannot make a team of 3 you are more than welcome to ride this event as a team of 2, or as a solo.

What is the 4-up 10?

The Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 4-up time trial is a time trial for teams of 4 who will race together with a time based on the 3rd rider across the finish line, encouraging riders to stick together and work as a team. There are a number of tactics you may employ in such an event, such as using one rider as a sacrifice in the last few hundred metres.
However, if you cannot make a team of 4 you are more than welcome to ride this event as a team of 3 where your time will be based on your slowest rider, or as a solo.


Further information about start times and places is available from the club calendar and linked event pages

In the event of having to change courses due road conditions there are also reserve courses – these may change at short notice

Date Time Dist. Course HQ Area
24th April
2 up 10 mile V910A Fairburn
14th August
2 up 10 mile V910A Fairburn
21st August
4 up 10 mile
28th August
Hill Climb V8912 The New Inn

Entry Fees £5 senior members, and under 16s.
(£3 goes to the CTT Levy)

Riders must be a member of a CTT affiliated club. Under 18s must supply a signed CTT club events parental consent form – (one form covers all season).


Help is always needed for the running of these events and without volunteers it would not be possible.  To encourage and reward volunteers, you could qualify for free membership.  To do this you need to earn 4 points or more from January to December (inclusive).  One point is awarded for helping at each evening club event, (if you do timekeeping you are awarded 2 points per event), or 2 points for each open event.  If you earn 4 points or more you will qualify for free membership the following year.

Therefore, if you wish to help out in these club evening events please contact:

Dave Hall
Email: eveningleague@seacroftwheelers.co.uk

Courses and maps

Course Description V212 – 10 miles – Boroughbridge

GPX of route can be found here.

V212 Start approx. 3.5 miles south of Boroughbridge in entrance to A168 from old A1 (now a long lay-by) at a point approx. 1 yard before “clearway” sign. Turn left on to A168 and proceed to Walshford roundabout (4.72 miles). Encircle roundabout and retrace along A168 to Arkendale Road, to finish adjacent to central bollard at a red paint mark. (10 miles)  Map of course is below:

Course Description V225 – 15 miles – Boroughbridge

Gpx of the route can be found here.

Start on South side of slip road from A59 to A168, just before “clearway” sign. Proceed towards A168, turn left to join A168 southbound.  Proceed to Walshford traffic island (2.1 miles).  Encircle island and proceed northwards to reach Boroughbridge south traffic island (9.7 miles). Encircle island and proceed southwards to finish at mark on kerb, approx. 150 yards of long lay-by alongside red wall (15 miles). Map of course is below:

Course Description V235 – 25 miles – Boroughbridge

Gpx of the route can be found here.

Start approx. 3.5 miles south of Boroughbridge, in entrance to a168 from old a1 (now a long layby) at a point approx. 1 yard before “clearway” sign. turn left on to a168, and proceed south to Walshford traffic island (4.72 mls). encircle island and retrace north along a168, past start, to Boroughbridge south traffic island (12.27 mls) encircle island and retrace south on a168 to Walshford traffic island (2nd time) (19.86 mls). encircle island and proceed north on a168, to finish at northern end of crash barrier protecting road direction sign, on west side of road, approx. 150yds south of Arkendale road (25 miles).  Map of course is below:

Course Description V318 – 10miles – Tadcaster

Gpx of the route can be found here

Start on east side of A162 Tadcaster to Sherburn road at paint mark on kerb, 10 yds before road sign “A162 Ferrybridge, A64 York” just north of bridge over A64 dual Carriageway. Proceed South on on A162,via Towton, and Barkston Ash, to roundabout at start of Sherburn by-pass (5.0 mls). Encircle island and retrace outward route to the finish at southern gatepost of first field entrance after crossing A64 fly over (opposite start point). (10 miles)
Map of course is below:

Course V318/1 – 10 miles: Grimston Park – A162 – Sherburn Bypass – TI junc B1222 – Retrace A162 – Grimston.

Gpx of the route can be found here.

START on A162 Tadcaster to Sherburn road, 300m south of entrance to Grimston Park, at point where high stone wall reduces to about half its original height. Proceed south via Towton to traffic island at start of Sherburn bypass.(4.0 mls).
Take 1st exit and continue on A162, to Ringlet Way island, where straight across to next island, junction with B1222. (5.1 mls). Encircle island and retrace outward route to
FINISH approx.200m north of junction with B1223, approx.600m south of entrance to Grimston Park, opposite triangular road sign “Rumble Strips” on the eastern side of the road (10 miles).


Course Description V328 – 15 miles – Tadcaster

Start on A162 approximately 1.5 miles south of Tadcaster, 200 yards south of entrance to Grimston Park and adjacent to third cat’s-eye north of entrance to Greatwood House (on western side of road). Proceed south on A162 to Sherburn in Elmet TI where left along Sherburn by-pass. Go straight ahead at TI with B1222 to next TI, at South Milford. Encircle island and retrace route past start. Finish at power pole 27, approximately 200 yards after passing over A64 flyover and just before electricity sub station (on eastern side of road). (15 miles). Map of course is below:

Course Description V910A – 10miles – Fairburn

Gpx of the route can be found here

Start on unclassified road (Holyrood Lane) leading from Ledsham to A1246, just South of Selby Fork, at northern edge of grate on east side of road adjacent to road sign, 65 yards west of A1246. Proceed to junction with A1246, where turn left to Selby Fork TI – junction A63 (0.20 mls). Take first exit (straight ahead) on to A63, and continue to Micklefield TI (Boot & Shoe) (1.74 mls). Encircle island and retrace to Selby Fork TI (3.35 mls). Take 2nd exit on to A1246 and continue south to Fairburn North TI (4.55 mls). Encircle island and retrace to Selby Fork TI (2nd time) (5.75 mls). Take first exit on A63 and continue to Micklefield TI (2nd time) (7.3 mls). Encircle island and retrace to Selby.

Fork TI (8.91 mls). Take second exit on to A1246 and continue south to finish at start of kerbstone at southern side of tarmac-ed entrance to field, 200 yds north of Fairburn North T1 (10 miles). Map of course is below:

Course Description Weardley Bank Hill Climb V8192, 1.4miles 369ft elevation

Gpx of the route can be found here

Start from- Weardley Lane, Harwood.

Finishes at- Telegraph pole at the summit of the hill.



Course Description “Hilly 11”

Not currently in use but the route is here.



Thumbnail Gallery

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2023 results

This year saw changes to the Thursday League, which was organised between a number of clubs, Wetherby Velo, Wetherby Wheelers, Alba Rosa,Yorkshire Road club, Seacroft Wheelers and Valley Striders. Each event was marshalled and run either by one of the larger clubs or a combination of two smaller clubs. Despite the reorganisation and need to coordinate between clubs the league went off successfully, with only one event having to be moved due to road works at Towton and another one had to be cancelled due to an incident.

Riders had the opportunity to complete their 7 counting events with no problems.

The conditions were generally good, we did get lucky with rain falling literally just after the last rider completed, but we didn’t seem to get that ‘float day’ that every time triallist dreams of.

Seacroft Wheelers were well represented, of the 74 riders in total we managed to field 19 competitors. Add this to those riders who took part in the club 2-ups and 3-ups and we had more riders than we have had for a very long time. Perhaps next year some of those new riders will move up and try the league itself.

We also attracted a number of guests from other clubs whose scores are not eligible to count towards the league but now they have taken part perhaps they will commit to next year.

OverallClubPoints (from 7 Best Events)M/FMachineCommentry
1Ed NicholsonAlbaRosa CC349MT
2Duncan ThorpeAlbaRosa CC346MT
3Pete NixonSeacroft341MT3rd Man Overal and 1st Seacroft Wheeler
4Mike FurbyValley Striders CC337MT
5Sam StrawAlbaRosa CC333MT
6Dave JohnsonWetherby Velo321MT
7Alasdair BruceYorkshire Road Club313MT
8Danny KellySeacroft313MT2nd Seacroft Wh Men
9Craig BeasleySeacroft302MT3rd Seacroft Wh Men
10Stuart CoupeValley Striders CC295MR
11Keith StoreySeacroft293MR2nd Road Bike Men and 4th Seacroft Wh
12Mark CaseySeacroft291MT5th Seacroft Wh Men
13Steve WardWetherby Wheelers288MT
14Kat HandyValley Striders CC283FT1st Female overall
15Stu SklinarAlbaRosa CC263MT
16Eleanor StaffordValley Striders CC255FR2nd Female overall
17Chris AsheSeacroft251MR3rd Road bike Overall Men and 6th Seacroft Wh
18Elaine KellySeacroft249FT3rd Female overall and 1st Seacroft Wh Female
19Dave HallSeacroft241MR4th Road bike Overall Men and 7th Seacroft Wh Men
20Helen FentonSeacroft228FR4th Female overall and 2nd Seacroft Wh female
21Nik HansonValley Striders CC134MR
22Steve FreshneySeacroft116MR8th Seacroft Wh Men
23Rich SaundersSeacroft114MT9th Seacroft Wh Men
24Nigel RaperWetherby Velo113MT
25Christine ClubbsSeacroft104FR5th Female Overall and 3rd Seacroft Wh Female
26Steven ScottWetherby Velo96MT
27James Andrew WardAlbaRosa CC96MR
28Mick FlahertySeacroft95MT9th Seacroft Wh Men
29Stuart LittleAlbaRosa CC95MT
30Paul GraveValley Striders CC91MR
31Jason ProctorValley Striders CC89MT
32Adrian KeelerValley Striders CC89MR
33Angela FlahertySeacroft81FT6th Female Overall and 4th Seacroft Female
34Flora JohnsonAlbaRosa CC76FT
35Doug JoplingBramley Wheelers73MT
36Jonny AdamsonValley Striders CC68MR
37Mat LeachWetherby Velo61MR
38Pete MacklamYorkshire Road Club60MTT
39Nathan GreenValley Striders CC47MR
40Will HollowayAlbaRosa CC46MT
42James TeagleYorkshire Road Club45MR
41Rob WhiteWetherby Velo45MT
43Gareth ShephardBramley Wheelers45MT
44Rich WhitefieldSeacroft44MT10th Seacroft Wh Men
45Dale AntcliffSeacroft44MT11th Seacroft Wh Men
46Gary SimpsonValley Striders CC42MR
47Liz BallValley Striders CC42FT
48Tim LeachValley Striders CC41MR
49Lee BarkerSeacroft41MT12th Seacroft Wh Men
50Adrian EvansSeacroft40MR13th Seacroft Wh Men
53Alastair WilcoxWetherby Velo39MR
51Olly BowlesValley Striders CC39MR
52Paul RymanBramley Wheelers39MT
54Dave MorleyValley Striders CC37MT
55Bruce SwanWetherby Velo36MR
56Nic Drever-SmithWetherby Velo35MR
57David JamesWetherby Velo34MR
58Henry DixonValley Striders CC32MR
59Brendan SpencerWetherby Velo31MR
60Lisa Belford-McDowellSeacroft31FR9th Female Overall and 5th Seacroft Wh Female
62Andy KeayWetherby Velo30MR
61Michael BrawleyValley Striders CC30MR
63Jake NaishValley Striders CC28MR


CycleSense Evening League full results 2022

What a season 2022 was!   Seacroft Wheelers members came out in force again for this season with 9 riders who rode consistently over the season.  Unfortunately, like 2021 season, more events than usual were cancelled which meant riders only had to ride 5 events in the season to qualify for any places.  It was great to see that we had quite a few new riders this year and I hope this continues into the 2023 season.

Below are the final results for the CycleSense Evening League for 2022. The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense Website.

Congratulations go again to Pete Nixon who was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler. Well done Pete!  2nd fastest Seacroft Rider was Mick Flaherty closely followed by Danny Kelly.  Exactly the same positions as 2022 so well done for keeping at the top 3.

The fastest Seacroft lady and overall fastest lady in the league was Angela Flaherty.  This was, yet again another fantastic result for Angela – well done!

Craig Beasley came 2nd road bike overall after an absolutely fantastic first season – great work Craig!

Well done everyone – great racing.

Once the handicap results are known I will post these on the website too.

Hope you all enjoyed it and that you will be back again in 2023.

For any queries with the results please contact Dave Hall.
Email: eveningleague@seacroftwheelers.co.uk

NameClubTime Trial/Road BikeRoad bike/Seacroft Position
Ed NicholsonCycleSenseTime Trial
Anthony AshworthWetherby WheelersTime Trial
Pete NixonSeacroft WheelersTime TrialOverall 3rd and Fastest Seacroft Wheeler rider
Sam StrawCycleSenseTime Trial
Duncan ThorpeAlba RosaTime Trial
Mike FurbyValley StridersTime Trial
Mick FlahertySeacroft WheelersTime Trial2nd fastest Seacroft Wheeler
Mike DillowCycleSenseTime Trial
Danny KellySeacroft WhelersTime Trial3rd fastest Seacroft Wheeler
Adrian KeelerValley StridersRoad Bike1st Road Bike overall
Alasdair BruceYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial
Dave JohnsonCycleSenseTime Trial
Angela Hannon-FlahertySeacroft WheelersTime Trial1st lady overall and 1st Seacroft Wheelers lady (4th Seacroft Wheeler overall)
Craig BeasleySeacroft WheelersRoad Bike2nd Road Bike overall and fastest Seacroft Wheeler Road Bike. 5th fastest Seacroft Wheeler
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers Time Trial6th fastest Seacroft Wheeler
Mark CaseySeacroft WheelersTime Trial7th Seacroft Wheeler
Liz BallValley StridersTime Trial2nd lady overall
Eleanor StaffordValley StridersRoad Bike1st lady overall road bike
Saul ClaytonAlba RosaTime Trial
Elaine KellySeacroft WheelersTime Trial4th lady overall and 2nd lady Seacroft Wheeler
Gary SimpsonYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial
Kat HandyValley StridersTime Trial5th lady overall
Steven ScottAlba RosaTime Trial
Gill EdmondsonCycleSenseRoad Bike2nd lady road bike/6th lady overall
Richard BarkerSeacroft WheelerTime Trial9th Seacroft Wheeler
Paul GraveNot known
Pete MacklamYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial
Grant YoungValley StridersTime Trial

Seacroft Wheelers Hill Climb Thursday 1st September 2022

It was a pleasant evening weather wise for the hill climb though the road was a bit bumpy!

Massive congratulations go to Elliot Fraser who not only won the race with a time of 5:19 and also smashed the record for the fastest Seacroft Wheeler senior, junior and juvenile record.  Very impressive Elliot well done! Runner up was James Green from Valley Striders with a fabulous time of 5: 32 closely followed by Craig Beasley with 5:59.

Fastest lady of the night was Kat Handy from Valley striders with an impressive time of 6:51  and the fastest lady for Seacroft Wheelers was Angela Flaherty with a great time of 7:42.

Keith Storeys training has paid off this year being the fastest vet beating fellow Seacroft member Mick Flaherty by 2 seconds.  Well done!

It was fantastic to see so many Seacroft Wheelers riding the hill climb tonight and was lovely to see some new faces. Well done everyone great climbing.

Elliot FraserSeacroft Wheelers5:19:2
James GreenValley Striders5:32:0
Craig BeasleySeacroft Wheelers5:59:8
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers6:32:2
Mick FlahertySeacroft Wheelers6:34:6
Kat HandyValley Striders6:51:0
Mark CaseySeacroft Wheelers7:00:4
Dominic BarronValley Striders7:01:0
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers7:10:0
Danny KellySeacroft Wheelers7:10:1
Kye ForresterSeacroft Wheelers7:27:1
Angie FlahertySeacroft Wheelers7:42:0
Steve FreshneySeacroft Wheelers7:53:0
John CairnsSeacroft Wheelers8:07:8
Ethan LancasterSeacroft Wheelers8:18:6
Astrid PottSeacroft Wheelers8:24:7
Joseph IbrahimSeacroft Wheelers9:08:0


Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 3 up time trial Thursday 25th August 2022

It was a sunny warm pleasant evening tonight for the 2 up 10 mile time trial.

Congratulations go to Nick Boydell and Mike Dillow who won with a fantastic time of 23:14 beating Nikolas Hanson and Pete Nixon to the top spot by just 10 seconds! The fastest team of 3 were Ben Webster, Jack Davey, and Oliver Barker from PMRR with a fabulous time of 23:42. The fastest mixed team were Valley Striders Mike Furby and and Kat Handy with an brilliant time of 24:19 just missing out on 4th place overall by 5 seconds!  The fastest female team were Bev Firth, Jo Derry and Christine Clubbs who finished with a great time of 28:19 meaning that both Bev and Jo knocked nearly a full a minute off their time from last week – well done girls!

Nick Boydell
Mike Dillow
Nikolas Hanson
Pete Nixon
Valley Striders
Seacroft Wheelers
Ben Webster
Jack Davey
Oliver Barker
James Teagle
Gary Simpson
YRC/Jackpot Racing
YRC/Jackpot Racing
Kat Handy
Mike Furby
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Mark CaseySeacroft Wheelers26:25
Liz Ball
Alan Chalmers
Dominic Barron
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Pete Macklam
Carl Gomersall
Steve Smith
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Dave Johnson
Jim McQuaid
Beverley Firth
Christine Clubbs
Jo Derry
Seacroft Wheelers

Helen Fenton
Astrid Pot
Craig Lyons
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers

Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 2 up time trial Thursday 18th August 2022

It was a blustery evening for the 2 up 10 mile time trial tonight.

Congratulations go to Matt Chipping solo with a fantastic time of 21:55.  The fastest pair were Nick Boydell and Mike Dillow with a fabulous time of 23:30 which is excellent.  The fastest female team were Jo Derry and Bev Firth with a great time of 29:13 so well done girls!

It’s lovely to see some new faces tonight and some returning who haven’t raced for a while.  Well done everyone great riding.

Matt ChippingValley Striders21:55
Nick BoydellCycleSense 23:30
Mike DillowCycleSense
Andy ColbeckSelby CC23:58
Ian RichardsonSelby CC
Gary SimpsonYorkshire Road Club24:26
James TeagleYorkshire Road Club
Kat HandyValley Striders25:01
Mike FurbyValley Striders
Dominic BarronValley Striders26:09
Mark CaseySeacroft Wheelers26:26
Pete MacklamYorkshire Road Club28:26
Carl GomersallYorkshire Road Club
Joanne DerryCycleSense29:13
Bev FirthSeacroft Wheelers
Craig LyonsSeacroft Wheelers29:55
Astrid PottSeacroft Wheelers
Lisa Belford McDowellSeacroft Wheelers33:53
Helen FentonSeacroft Wheelers

Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 2 up time trial Thursday 28th April 2022

A cold evening it was! This didn’t deter newcomers Lisa Belford-McDowell and Helen Fenton who did a great first ride and got a time of 36:32. Very well done ladies!  Unfortunately the early start caught out a few riders who unfortunately turned up too late.  However, it was fantastic to have 3 Seacroft women on the start line so early on in the season.

The winners were Mike Dillow and Nick Boydell with a fantastic time of 23:41 and they were closely followed by Alan Chalmers and Mike Furby coming a close second.

Craig Beasley also new to the evening events rode solo but was the fastest Seacroft rider with a brilliant time of 27:11. Well done Craig!

A very well done to all riders – great racing.

For any queries with the results please contact Andy Mobbs
Email: eveningleague@seacroftwheelers.co.uk

Mike Dillow
Nick Boydell
Tadcaster Cycling Club
Tadcaster Cycling Club
Alan Chalmers
Mike Furby
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Craig BeasleySeacroft Wheelers27:11
Liz Ball
Dominic Barron
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Danny KellySeacroft Wheelers27:57
Peter Callaghan
Richard Bewell
Helen LewisSeacroft Wheelers32:38
Lisa Belford-McDowell
Helen Fenton
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers


CycleSense Evening League Results 2021

What a season 2021 was!  After a year of no league in 2020 due to Covid-19 Seacroft Wheelers members came out in force for the 2021 season.  Unfortunately, due to roadworks and weather more events than usual were cancelled which meant riders only had to ride 5 events in the season to qualify for any places.  It was great to see that we had quite a few new riders this year and I hope this continues into the 2022 season.

Below are the final results for the CycleSense Evening League for 2021. The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense Website.

Congratulations go again to Pete Nixon who was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler. Well done Pete!  2nd fastest Seacroft Rider was Mick Flaherty closely followed by Danny Kelly.

The fastest Seacroft lady and overall fastest lady in the league was Angela Flaherty.  This was a fantastic result for Angela’s first season with us.

Danny Kelly has made vast improvements to his time and this showed as he won 1st handicap prize.  Great work Danny and congratulations.

Chris Ashe was a newcomer to the league this year and showed great improvements throughout the season earning him 2nd place in the handicap, followed by Mark Casey in 3rd place.

Well done everyone – great racing.

Hope you all enjoyed it and that you will be back again in 2020.

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly
Email: eveningleague@seacroftwheelers.co.uk

NameClubTime Trial/Road BikeLadies
Matt ChippingValley StridersTime Trial
Ed NicholsonCycleSenseTime Trial
Pete NixonSeacroft WheelersTime Trial
Duncan ThorpeAlba RosaTime Trial
William HollowayAlba RosaTime Trial
Mike FurbyValley StridersTime Trial
Rich Knell-MooreValley StridersTime Trial
Ian PrestonCycleSenseTime Trial
Sam StrawAlba RosaTime Trial
Mick FlahertySeacroft WheelersTime Trial
Mike DillowCycleSenseTime Trial
Danny KellySeacroft WheelersTime Trial
John Blomeley Yorkshire Road ClubRoad Bike (1)
Ian BrownSeacroft WheelersTime Trial
Rob WhiteWetherby WheelersTime Trial
Dominic BarronValley StridersTime Trial
Joe SimonsAlba RosaTime Trial
Richard BarkerSeacroft WheelersTime Trial
Keith StoreySeacroft WheelersTime Trial
Angela Hannon-FlahertySeacroft WheelersTime Trial1st lady
Dave JohnsonCycleSenseTime Trial
Mark CaseySeacroft WheelersTime Trial
Alasdair BruceYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial
Gill EdmondsonCycleSenseRoad Bike lst lady road bike
Scott KellySeacroft WheelersTime Trial
Nigel RaperWetherby WheelersTime Trial
Mark LunhamCycleSenseTime Trial
Tessa KnowlesAlba RosaTime Trial
Grant YoungValley StridersTime Trial
Elaine KellySeacroft WheelersTime Trial 2nd Seacroft lady
Steve Freshney Seacroft WheelersRoad Bike (3)
Chris AsheSeacroft Wheelers Road Bike (4)
Liz BallValley StridersRoad Bike (5)
Mark LansdownAlba RosaTime Trial

Seacroft Wheelers Hill Climb (Weardley Bank) Thursday 2nd September 2021.

There was a great turn out of Seacroft Wheelers riders tonight, 10 Seacroft riders out of 21 in total which was fabulous.  Many Seacroft Course records have been smashed tonight and the details are below.  Congratulations go to Andy Cunningham (Wheelbase) who won the event with a brilliant time of 04:56:4. Thomas Hutchinson (University of Nottingham SCC) was 2nd place with a great time of 05:30:5 followed by Ben Hall (Valley Striders) with a time of 5:45:8.

Craig Beasley was the fastest Seacroft rider with a fabulous time of 06:03:7 and also now sets the mens Seacroft Wheeler course record.

Elliott Fraser was very close behind as the second fastest Seacroft rider with a great time of 06:07:3 and takes the Juvenile course record.

Third fastest Seacroft Wheeler of the night goes to Mick Flaherty with a very good time of 06:28:5 and takes the Seacroft veterans mens record.

Fastest lady was Angie Flaherty with a fantastic time of 07:22:3 and Angie takes the Seacroft ladies record and the Seacroft ladies veteran record.

Alexander Fraser also takes the junior record with a fabulous time of 7:30.1

Good to see the records getting smashed and all riders did brilliant so well done!  Its been a good year this year as we have seen new faces on the race scene and we look forward to seeing you all for a full season in 2022.

Andy CunninghamWheelbase4:56:4
Thomas HutchinsonUniversity of Nottingham SRC5:30:5
Ben HallValley Striders5:45:8
Finn CollValley Striders5:49:3
Russell BrownValley Striders5:49:5
Craig BeasleySeacroft Wheelers06:03:7
Elliot FraserSeacroft Wheelers06:07:3
John BlomeleyYorkshire Road Club06:08:2
Mike RobertsAlba Rosa 06:11:4
Mick FlahertySeacroft Wheelers06:28:5
Dave JohnsonCycleSense06:29:2
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers06:39:3
Mark CaseySeacroft Wheelers06:55:6
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers07:05:4
Dominic BarronValley Striders07:19:2
Angie FlahertySeacroft Wheelers07:22:3
Alexander FraserSeacroft Wheelers07:30:1
Ged CollValley Striders07:30:8
Danny KellySeacroft Wheelers07:32:7
Mark LansdownAlba Rosa07:32:8
Ethan LancasterSeacroft Wheelers09:30:3

Seacroft Wheelers 10 Mile 3-up time trial Thursday 26th August 2021.

What an eventful night it was tonight at the 3-up.  Nick Boydell, Mike Dillow and Mark Cunham had a mechanical which cost them at least 2nd place.  Unfortunately they weren’t the only ones who suffered a mechanical Ethan Lancaster also had trouble when his chain came off!  It was fantastic to see 3 junior Seacroft Wheeler riders.  A massive well done to Elliott Fraser, Ellie Harrison and Ethan Lancaster who all rode extremely well and we look forward to welcoming you to the full league next year.

It was a very breezy tonight but this didn’t stop speedy cyclists Tony Stubbs (Alba Rosa), John Blomeley (Yorkshire Road Club) and Russell Brown (Valley Striders) from winning the event with a fantastic time of 23:13.  Second place were the Seacroft Wheelers team of Mick Flaherty, Danny Kelly and Mark Casey followed by Dave Morley and Mike Furby from Valley Striders. Great riding and very well done..

Tony Stubbs
John Blomeley
Russell Brown
Alba Rosa
Yorkshire Road Club
Valley Striders
Mark Casey
Mick Flaherty
Danny Kelly
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Dave Morley
Mike Furby
Richard Knell-Moore
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Nick Boydell
Mike Dillow
Mark Cunham
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers25:28
Gemma Travis-Turner
Kat O'Mahoney
Kat Hardy
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Ellie Harrison
Elliott Fraser
Chris Ashe
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Dawn Morley
Liz Ball
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Stu SklinarAlba Rosa28:12
Jim McquaidWetherby Wheelers28:37
Dalia Hawley
Mark Bryant
Wakefield Triathlon
Calder Clarion
Claire LancasterSeacroft Wheelers36:07
Ethan LancasterSeacroft Wheelers37:08

Seacroft Wheelers 10 Mile 2-up time trial Thursday 19th August 2021

It was a good turnout for the Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 2 up time trial tonight and we had some fantastic times.  Congratulations go to both Mike Furby and Rich Knell-Moore who were the fastest pair with a fabulous time of 23:02.

It was lovely to see a good turn out from Seacroft Wheelers riders and both Mick and Angela Flaherty were the fastest Seacroft riders closely followed by Danny Kelly and Mark Casey. Congratulations also go to both Claire and Ethan Lancaster for entering and completing their very first time trial with a great first time of 35:07.  Well done! We hope to see you again next week.

Ed NicholsonCycleSense21:44
Mike Furby
Rich Knell-Moore
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Tony Stubbs
John Blomeley
Alba Rosa
Yorkshire Road Club
Dave Bramley
Kirsty Bramley
Clifton Cycling Club
Clifton Cycling Club
Mick Flaherty
Angela Flaherty
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Danny Kelly
Mark Casey
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Dave Johnson
Jim McQuaid
Wetherby Wheelers
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers26:02
Tim MilnerValley Striders26:49
Peter Macklam
Carl Gomersall
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Elliott Fraser
Chris Ashe
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Emma Barnett
Kat Handy
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Danny Sampson
Ste Porritt
York Triathlon
York Triathlon
Claire Lancaster
Ethan Lancaster
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers

Seacroft Wheelers 10 Mile time trial Thursday 29th April 2021

Please note the results have now been updated at 16:00 on 30th April 2021 following an error.  Apologies for this.

A good start to the season after Covid with 33 entries.   Congratulations go to Richard Sharp from Chapeau Viva Le Velo winning the event with a fantastic time of 20:58 and also beating the course record.  Matthew Chipping took 2nd place and Ed Nicholson  3rd.   Congratulations also go to Rebecca Bland from York Cycleworks who was the fastest lady.

It was great to see a fabulous turnout from Seacroft Wheelers,  Pete Nixon being the fastest Seacroft Wheeler.  Danny Kelly was 2nd Seacroft Wheeler and has made yet another big improvement this year – well done Danny!

A big well done to all riders out there tonight and thank you for sticking to the rules and keeping the event as Covid safe as possible.

The full results are below and if anyone has any queries about the results please contact Elaine Kelly via Email: eveningleague@seacroftwheelers.co.uk

Richard SharpChapeau Viva Le Velo20:58
Matthew ChippingValley Striders22:24
Ed NicholsonCycleSense23:15
Franco PardiniChapeau Vive Le Velo23:25
Ewan DowesCalder Clarion23:58
Ian PrestonCyclesense24:05
Pete Nixon Seacroft Wheelers24:10
Mike FurbyValley Striders24:22
Joe SearleAlba Rosa25:18
Mark LunhamCycleSense25:29
Danny KellySeacroft Wheelers26:05
Andrew RobinsonWakefield Triathlon Club26:18
Dave JohnsonCycleSense26:23
Alasdair BruceYorkshire Road Club26:29
Robert WhiteWetherby Wheelers26:32
Nicholas Drever-SmithWetherby Wheelers26:34
Richard BarkerSeacroft Wheelers26:49
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers27.11
Dan StoneWakefield Triathlon Club27:18
Jim McQuaidWetherby Wheelers27:47
Mark CaseySeacroft Wheelers27:50
Nigel RaperWetherby Wheelers28:23
Rebecca BlandYork Cycleworks28:41
Doug JoplingBramley Wheelers29:19
Jake BirkbySeacroft Wheelers29:30
Scott FisherSeacroft Wheelers29:52
Evelyn OldaleRFDA30:12
Grant YoungValley Striders30:17
Rebecca DawesRFDADNF
Danny MalaBramley WheelersDNF
Sophie EarlCrimson PerformanceDNS
Neil RobinsonWakefield Triathlon ClubDNS
Robert WyattSeacroft WheelersDNS


CycleSense Evening League results for 2020

Due to Covid-19 there are no results as no events were held.

CycleSense Evening League results for 2019

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly
Email: eveningleague@seacroftwheelers.co.uk

Below are the final results for the CycleSense Evening League for 2019. The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense Website.

Congratulations go again to Pete Nixon who was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler. Well done Pete!

As Madeline Moore was not racing this year this gave Elaine Kelly a chance to claim the fastest Seacroft lady this year, closely followed by Jeanette Pitts.

This year saw the introduction of the road bike competition.  Congratulations go to Keith Storey who was the fast Seacroft Wheeler on a road bike. Great work Keith!

Congratulations also go to Jeanette Pitts who were the fastest Seacroft Wheeler lady on a road bike.  Well done Jeanette a fantastic first season!

2019 was a good turnout and it was fabulous to see many different riders having a go this year for the first time.  Hope you all enjoyed it and that you will be back again in 2020.

NameClubTime Trial Bike/Road BikeLadies
Ed NicholsonCycleSenseTime Trial Bike
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers Time Trial Bike
Joe SimonsAlba RosaTime Trial Bike
Will FosterCycleSenseRoad Bike (1)
Stu WoodYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Duncan ThorpeAlba RosaTime Trial Bike
Nick BoydellValley StridersTime Trial Bike
Sam StrawAlba RosaTime Trial Bike
Chris JohnsonValley StridersTime Trial Bike
Sam AllenCycleSenseTime Trial Bike
Nic Drever-SmithTime Trial Bike
Nick JohnsonCycleSenseRoad Bike (2)
Jim McQuaidWetherby WheelersTime Trial Bike
Nigel RaperWetherby WheelersTime Trial Bike
Steve MooringYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Mark LunhamCycleSenseRoad Bike (3)
Mike DillowCycleSenseTime Trial Bike
Dave JohnsonWetherby WheelersTime Trial Bike
Keith Storey Seacroft WheelersRoad Bike (4)
NIcola ForwoodAlba RosaTime Trial Bike1st Lady
Gill EdmondsonCycleSenseRoad Bike (5)1st lady Road Bike/2nd overall
Eleanor StaffordValley StridersRoad Bike (6)2nd Lady Road Bike/3rd overall
James HowcroftCycleSenseRoad Bike (7)
Phillip WorbeyCycleSenseTime Trial Bike
Mike FurbyValley StridersTime Trial Bike
Ian LangleyWetherby WheelersTime Trial Bike
Elaine Kelly Seacroft WheelersTime Trial Bike4th Lady
Russell BrownYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Anthony AshworthWetherby WheelersTime Trial Bike
Jeanette PittsSeacroft WheelersRoad Bike (8)3rd lady road bike/5th overall
Tina WorbeyCycleSenseRoad Bike (9)4th lady road bike/6th lady overall
Peter HookTime Trial Bike
Liz BallValley stridersTime Trial Bike
Sacha Hesling Seacroft WheelersRoad Bike (10)
Matthew KirkbrightTime Trial Bike
James TeagleYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Simon WestCycleSenseTime Trial Bike
Steven ScottTime Trial Bike
Wayne AylesburyYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Glen JohnsonCycleSenseTime Trial Bike
Ian BrownSeacroft Wheelers Time Trial Bike
Stu SklinarAlba RosaTime Trial Bike
Pete MacklamYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Richard SaundersTime Trial Bike
Danny Kelly Seacroft WheelersTime Trial Bike
Jason ProcterValley StridersTime Trial Bike
Dalia HawleyAlba RosaRoad Bike (11)5th lady road bike
Kevin EastCycleSenseRoad Bike (12)
Poppy CookeTime Trial Bike
Mick YoungstonTime Trial Bike
David RowleyWetherby WheelersTime Trial Bike
Mark CaseySeacroft WheelersTime Trial Bike
David ParkinsonCycleSenseRoad Bike (13)
Jim GlassRoad Bike (14)
Rich Knell-MooreValley StridersTime Trial Bike
Chris BeethamSeacroft WheelersTime Trial Bike
Damian EvingtonTime Trial Bike
Mike CrossYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Richard McKellarRoad Bike (15)
Alasdair BruceYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Steven SmithYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
M GreenTime Trial Bike
Dave MorleyValley StridersTime Trial Bike
Jonathan O'RorkeRoad Bike (16)
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers Time Trial Bike
Alex ScottTime Trial Bike
Graham Johnson Seacroft Wheelers Road Bike (17)
Drew TaylorTime Trial Bike
Tom PerryValley StridersRoad Bike (18)
Gary SimpsonYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Martin Clough Seacroft WheelersRoad Bike (18)
Bob TateWestfieldRoad Bike (19)
Sarah BurnRoad Bike (20)7th lady road bike
Mark HaynesCycleSenseRoad Bike (21)
Melissa KellySeacroft Wheelers Road Bike (22)8th lady road bike
Stuart PicklesSeacroft WheelersTime Trial Bike
Matthew HallamValley StridersTime Trial Bike

Seacroft Wheelers Hill Climb (Weardley Bank) Thursday 29th August 2019

Not a bad turnout tonight for the Seacroft Wheelers Hill Climb. A very well done to all riders who worked hard up that hill!  Congratulations to Anthony Ashworth from Wetherby Wheelers winning the event in a cracking time of 06:08:3.  Keith Storey was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler rider with a great time of 07:01:6

NameClubLap 1Total
Anthony AshworthWetherby Wheelers06:08:3
Ryan ThomasEast Bradford06:13:3
Rebecca SheridanAlba Rosa06:26:6
Hannah TweddellAlba Rosa06:27:5
Finn CollValley Striders06:31:1
Chris JohnsonValley Striders06:38:2
Michael BrawleyWetherby Wheelers06:49:0
Jim McQuaidWetherby Wheelers06:50:5
Keith Storey Seacroft Wheelers07:01:6
Dave JohnsonWetherby Wheelers07:14:7
Lydia HunterUniversity of Leeds Cycling Club07:30:0
Nigel RaperWetherby Wheelers07:32:8
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers07:51:6
Lynn HansonSeacroft Wheelers08:28:4
Mike FarthingSeacroft Wheelers08:39:1
Dalia HawleyAlba Rosa08:56:2
Martin CloughSeacroft Wheelers10:54:2

Seacroft Wheelers 3-up Thursday 22nd August 2019

Another good turnout for the Seacroft Wheelers 3-up and for the 2nd week running windy conditions.  A very well done to all riders and congratulations to Ed Nicholson winning the event riding solo with a fabulous time of 21:42.

NameClubLap 1Total
Ed NicholsonCycleSense21:42
Nick Boydell
Kieran Savage
Cycling Sheffield GS
Russell Brown
Jason Proctor
Matt Hallam
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Andy Colbeck
Ian Richardson
Mark Rowland
Selby CC
Selby CC
Selby CC
Nick JohnsonCycleSense24:54
Steve SmithYorkshire Road Club25:30
Jim McQuaidWetherby Wheelers Cycling Club26:18
Mark Lunham
Laurence Loxham
James Howcroft
Andy Bramham Seacroft Wheelers26:25
MIke FurbyValley Striders26:45
Liz Ball
Tom Perry
Finn Coll
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Pete Macklam
Carl Gomersall
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Danny KellySeacroft Wheelers28:31
John TomlinsonBarnsley Road Club28:47
Mike Farthing
Jeanette Pitts
Sacha Hesling
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers

Seacroft Wheelers 2-up Thursday 15th August 2019

It was a good turnout for the Seacroft Wheelers 2-up despite the windy conditions and it was great to see fellow Seacroft members riding tonight. A very well done to all riders and congratulations to Pete Nixon and Ed Nicholson winning the event with a fantastic time of 21:28.

NameClubLap 1Total
Ed Nicholson
Pete Nixon
Seacroft Wheelers
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club22:09
Nick Bodell
Stu Wood
Yorkshire Road Club
Andrew Coulbeck
Ian Richardson
Selby CC
Selby CC
Nick JohnsonCycleSense24:51
Mark Lunham
James Howcroft
Peter McGowen
Steven Smith
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Dave Johnson
Jim McQuaid
Wetherby Wheelers CC
Wetherby Wheelers CC
Scott Caul
James Sheldon
York Triathlon Club
York Triathlon Club
Liz Ball
Finn Coll
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Rebecca Bland
Kieran Savage
York Cycleworks
Giant Sheffield
Mark Casey
Danny Kelly
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Mal LancasterWakefield Triathlon Club27:45
Pete Macklam
Carl Gomersall
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
John TomlinsonBarnsley Road Club28:24
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers28:51
Jeanette Pitts
Sasha Hesling
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers

CycleSense Final Evening League results for 2018

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly
Email: eveningleague@seacroftwheelers.co.uk

Below are the final results for the CycleSense Evening League for 2018. The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense Website.

Congratulations go again to Pete Nixon who was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler. Well done Pete! Pete was closely followed by runner up Ian Brown and 3rd fastest was Madeline Moore.

The winner of the Seacroft handicap was Ian Brown. Well done Ian great work!

Congratulations also go to Madeline Moore who was not only the fastest Seacroft lady but the fastest lady in the full CycleSense league – well done Madeline great racing!

NameClubBest 7Ladies
Ed NicholsonCycleSense279
Ian MitchelsonAlba Rosa279
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club273
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers271
Anthony AshworthWetherby Wheelers267
Ian BrownSeacroft Wheelers249
Chris JohnsonValley Striders237
Mike DillowCycleSense236
Steve MooringYorkshire Road Club226
Greg HiltonAlba Rosa 223
Madeline MooreSeacroft Wheelers2221st lady
Nigel RaperWetherby Wheelers197
Jim McQuaidWetherby Wheelers196
Gary SimpsonYorkshire Road Club194
Chris McKennaCycleSense185
Elaine KellySeacroft Wheelers167 2nd lady
Nicola ForwoodAlba Rosa1583rd lady
Mark LansdownAlba Rosa158
Sam StrawAlba Rosa152
Joe SimonsAlba Rosa146
Mike CrossYorkshire Road Club145
Alan ChalmersValley Striders143
David RowleyWetherby Wheelers139
Tina WorbeyCycleSense134
Chris BeethamSeacroft Wheelers132
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers130
Ian LangleyWetherby Wheelers125
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers124
Liz BallValley Striders110
Phillip WorbeyCycleSense110
Mike FurbyValley Striders109
Sophie EarlValley Striders102
Lorna PotterSeacroft Wheelers102
James TeagleYorkshire Road Club101
Sam AllenCycleSense100
David YoungAlba Rosa92
Saul ClaytonAlba Rosa92
Gill EdmondsonCycleSense78
John KeighleyAlba Rosa75
Richard WhitfieldCycleSense73
Mark HaynesCycleSense66
Alasdair BruceYorkshire Road Club66
James MilnerWetherby Wheelers65
Glen JohnsonCycleSense62
Paul KirkSeacroft Wheelers57
David ParkinsonCycleSense56
Bob WyattSeacroft Wheelers52
Richard StroudSeacroft Wheelers51
Hannah ReichertAlba Rosa49
Eleanor StaffordValley Striders 43
Andrew BoltonAlba Rosa40
Andy JacksonCycleSense39
Tom LoukesSeacroft Wheelers38
Debbie DetmourValley Striders38
Tom Van RossamYorkshire Road Club37
Rich Knell-MooreValley Striders36
J BlomeleyYorkshire Road Club36
Will HollowayAlba Rosa36
Ady StottYorkshire Road Club35
Archie CrossYorkshire Road Club35
Duncan ThorpeAlba Rosa34
Jason ProctorValley Striders34
Ted CrossYorkshire Road Club33
Dave MorleyValley Striders32
Mark CookeYorkshire Road Club32
Wayne AylesburyYorkshire Road Club31
Sam GreenAlba Rosa30
Gavin TraceyAlba Rosa30
Fred LynSeacroft Wheelers30
Simon WrightCycleSense28
Richard WallieSeacroft Wheelers 27
Melissa GreavesValley Striders26
Brendan SpencerWetherby Wheelers25
Nicola BradfordAlba Rosa25
John HallasValley Striders25
Peter CartledgeWetherby Wheelers23
Jonathan PrideauxAlba Rosa22
David LoukesCycleSense21
Bob TateWestfield21
Romeo RossettiAlba Rosa20
Andy TurnerValley Striders19
Ged CollValley Striders18
Tony MawsonAlba Rosa15
Jamie JohnsonYorkshire Road Club15
Aiush GrahamAlba Rosa14
Stuart PicklesSeacroft Wheelers13
Pete MacklamYorkshire Road Club9

Seacroft Wheelers Hilly 11 Thursday 30th August 2018

Perfect conditions for the 26 riders with hardly any wind, making for some good racing and fast times. A really great turn out and nice to see some new faces joining us. Well done all and congratulations to Eugene Cross for first place with a 25.50 sec time, 15 seconds off the course record ! A great event and big thanks to all the members helping out to make it a smooth, drama/mechanical free evening. See you all next year 🙂

NameClubLap 1Total
Eugene CrossTeam B38/underpin13:0925:50
Archie CrossTeam B38/underpin13:1126:16
Patrick ClarkTeam B38/underpin13:1426:20
Nick BoydellValley Striders C.C13:2627:11
Julian PearceAlba Rosa C.C13:3227:23
Mike CrossYorkshire Road Club14:0327:55
Andy JohnstonAiredale Olympic C.C 13:4227:22
Simon WestCycleSense C.C14:0528:20
James EatonCycleSense C.C14:1228:51
Mike DillowCycleSense C.C14:5329:17
Richard BanksAlba Rosa C.C14:2729:21
Richard HaighCycleSense C.C14:4529:49
Mark LunhamCycleSense C.C14:4229:51
Chris McKennaCycleSense C.C15:0230:13
Adam ConnellAlba Rosa C.C14:4830:39
Oliver BevisAlba Rosa C.C15:1130:45
Jim McQuaidWetherby Wheelers C.C15:2531:23
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers C.C15:3831:42
Adrian WareWetherby Wheelers C.C16:0132:23
Philip WorbeyCycleSense C.C16:3333:24
Jihanna AllardValley Striders C.C16:3833:38
Rebecca DawesClifton C.C17:0134:09
Stu SklinarAlba Rosa C.C17:3134:19
Ross HamiltonAlba Rosa C.C17:3835:35
Howard JeffreyValley Striders C.C17:4936:11
Chris BeethamSeacroft Wheelers C.C20:2842:41

Seacroft Wheelers 3-up Thursday 23rd August 2018

The miserable weather certainly didn’t put people off tonight!  We had a full house of 39 riders and unfortunately had to turn some riders away.  Sorry to those that did not have the opportunity to race.  Well done to all riders especially those who had ridden for the first time.  Congratulations go to Pete Nixon, Russell Brown and Ed Nicholson who won the event with a fantastic time of 21.09.

NameClubLap 1Total
Peter Nixon
Russell Brown
Ed Nicholson
Seacroft Wheelers
Yorkshire Road Club
CycleSense Cycling Club
Archie Cross
Eugene Cross
Mike Cross
Team B38
Team B38
Yorkshire Road Club
Ian MitchelsonAlba Rosa9.3721.48
Greg Kershaw
Tom Parzte
Drighlington Bicycle Club
Drighlington Bicycle Club
Steve Hancock
Phil Longstaff
Calder Clarion
Calder Clarion
David Morley
Matt Wilson
Jackpot Racing
Jackpot Racing
Steve Mooring
Mike Dillow
Mick Boden
Yorkshire Road Club
Valley Striders
Richard Haigh
Mark Lunham
James Howcroft
Mark Mills
Joe Howard
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Phil TyasBarnsley Road Club10.5324.47
Gary WrightLincoln Wheelers11.1425.22
Simon Bullock
Kevin East
Paul Mooring
Yorkshire Road Club
Danny Kelly
Mal Lancaster
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Sarah Lewthwaite
Matthew Asquith
Karen Taylor
EB Cycling
Lucy Burn
Zoe Smith
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Sophie Maynard
Melissa Kelly
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Howard JeffreyValley Striders CC13.1530.31
Elaine Kelly
Lorna Potter
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers

Seacroft Wheelers 2-up Thursday 16th August 2018

It was another good turnout for the Seacroft Wheelers 2-up.  The weather was a bit cooler after the lovely long hot summer.  Well done to all riders and congratulations to Simon Beldon and Glen Turnbull on winning the event with a fantastic time of 20.52.

Apologies to Ian Garbett and Liam Davison who took a wrong turn. Your time has been amended to take this into account.

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly
Email: eveningleague@seacroftwheelers.co.uk

NameClubLap 1Total
Simon Beldon
Glen Turnbull
Team Bottrill
Russell Brown
Yorkshire Road Club9.3221.47
Mike Cross
Archie Cross
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Ian Garbett
Liam Davison
Holmfirth CC
Team JRC
Alan DaviesBorn to Bike10.0122.53
Matt Richardson
Ian Richardson
Selby CC
Selby CC
Greg Kershaw
Tom Parzyk
Drighlington BC
Drighlington BC
Alasdair Bruce
Steve Smith
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Mike DillowCycleSense10.2823.50
Pete Nixon
Maddie Moore
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Steve Yates
Chris McKenna
Garforth Velo
Jenni Muston
Claire Pickersgill
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Jack Sommerville
Richard Sommerville
Huddersfield Star Whs
Huddersfield Star Whs
Gary WrightLincoln Wheelers11.3426.48
Elaine KellySeacroft Wheelers12.0427.41
Ryan Tallent
Keith Waters
Garforth Velo
Garforth Velo
Sacha Hesling
Jeanette Pitts
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Steve MooringYorkshire Road Club

CycleSense Evening League Results for 2018

The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense website.

Hilly 11 Thursday 26th April 2018

A cold and windy night for the Hilly 11. Congratulations to Pete Nixon on winning the event. Well done to all riders, it was a tough night.

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly
Email: eveningleague@seacroftwheelers.co.uk

NameClubLap 1Total
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers13:2226:38
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club13:3226:55
Mike CrossYorkshire Road Club14:0728:31
Nick BoydellValley Striders14:1528:38
Andrew JohnstonAiredale Olympic14:2328:56
Simon WestCycleSense14:1529:13
Chris JohnsonValley Striders15:0130:10
Mike DillowCycleSense15:0930:33
Andrew PlumridgeOtley CC15:0630:54
Steve MooringYorkshire Road Club15:2231:23
Tom LoukesSeacroft Wheelers15:5131:57
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers15:5532:26
James HowcroftCycleSense16:0932:33
Madeline MooreTorq16:2232:48
Jim McQuaidWetherby Wheelers15:2233:12
Fred LynSeacroft Wheelers17:1034:16
Adrian WareWetherby Wheelers17:3435:17
Paul KirkSeacroft WheelersDNF
Richard HighSSLLDNF

CycleSense Final Evening League Results for 2017

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly
Email: eveningleague@seacroftwheelers.co.uk

Below are the final results for the CycleSense Evening League for 2017.  The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense Website.

Congratulations to Pete Nixon who was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler closely followed by runner up Matt Hallam and 3rd Seacroft Wheeler Ian Brown.  The winner of the Seacroft handicap was Scott Kelly and fastest Seacroft lady was Elaine Kelly.  Great racing well done!

NameClubBest 7Ladies
Ed NicholsonCycleSense280
Ian MitchelsonAlba Rosa276
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers273
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club270
Matt HallamSeacroft Wheelers259
Saul ClaytonAlba Rosa250
Paul FelceWetherby Wheelers249
Mike DillowCycleSense237
NIck BoydellCycleSense230
Ian BrownSeacroft Wheelers229
Anthony AshworthWetherby Wheelers225
James BullivantAlba Rosa224
Steve MooringYorkshire Road Club216
Chris JohnsonSeacroft Wheelers206
David LacyYorkshire Road Club181
Alisdair BruceYorkshire Road Club181
Stu SklinarAlba Rosa172
Vicky JowettAlba Rosa1721
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers170
Gavin TraceyAlba Rosa165
Nigel RaperWetherby Wheelers165
John KeighleyAlba Rosa163
Andrew SmithSeacroft Wheelers153
Philip WorbeyCycleSense153
Steve WardWetherby Wheelers146
Elaine KellySeacroft Wheelers1442
Ian LangleyWetherby Wheelers129
Mark LandsdownAlba Rosa121
Tina WorbeyCycleSense1113
David RowleyWetherby Wheelers110
Stu WoodWetherby Wheelers109
Greg HiltonAlba Rosa106
Mark HaynesAlba Rosa101
Nicola BradfordAlba Rosa954
Glen JohnsonCycleSense93
Sam AllenCycleSense92
Gordon AylesburyYorkshire Road Club90
Kevin EastCycleSense90
Jim McQuaidWetherby Wheelers83
Jonathan PrideauxAlba Rosa78
Peter WordsworthCycleSense73
John RowlandCycleSense70
Duncan ThorpeAlba Rosa69
Lorna PotterSeacroft Wheelers635
Jason DrakeCycleSense61
Chris McKennaCycleSense58
David YoungAlba Rosa54
Richard ArnoldCycleSense54
Alex ScottAlba Rosa46
Bob TateLeeds Westfield37
Joe SimonsAlba Rosa35
Antony BrumbySeacroft Wheelers34
Wayne AylesburyYorkshire Road Club34
Mike Askew34
Alex Johnston-ComerfordCycleSense33
James EatonCycleSense31
Stuart PicklesSeacroft Wheelers30
Chris WilsonWetherby Wheelers30
Madeline Moore296
Paul KirkSeacroft Wheelers27
R Walker27
Richard HaighCycleSense27
Gary SimpsonYorkshire Road Club25
Tony MawsonAlba Rosa24
Phil GouldAlba Rosa22
Sam StrawAlba Rosa22
Andy TurnerAlba Rosa21
Richard Thompson21
Colin StorrarCycleSense19
Alfie RitchieAlba Rosa19
Nigel BennettSeacroft Wheelers (2nd claim)18
Neville FellAlba Rosa16
Bob DuxburyCycleSense15
David CranswickAlba Rosa15
John HallasAlba Rosa13
Harry EastCycleSense13
Heidi TomlinsonAlba Rosa67

Hilly 11 Thursday 31 August 2017

NameClubLap 1Total
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club13:5827:33
Thomas HarmerValley Striders14:0228:22
Nick BodellCyclesense14:3429:01
Mike DillowCyclesense14:3729:17
Sam AllenCyclesense14:4329:36
Hylton ArmstrongValley Striders15:0030:08
Mike FurbyValley Striders15:3530:55
Greg HiltonAlba Rosa15:4131:31
Richard HaighCyclesense15:4131:36
Stuart SklinarAlba Rosa15:5631:46
Martin GilesValley Striders16:0032:16
Julia DaviesValley Striders16:0832:56
Gary WrightLincoln wheelers17:1034:20
Nigel BennettMeanwood Wheelers17:2134:44
Debbie DettmarValley Striders18:0936:28
Lorna PotterSeacroft Wheelers20:3741:35

Seacroft Wheelers 3-up Thursday 24th August 2017

NameClubLap 1Total
Adrian StottJackpot
Richard HowarthJackpot
Carl SaintYorkshire Road Club9:5122:14
Steve MooringYorkshire Road Club
NIck BoydellCycleSense
Mike DillonCycleSense9:5322:43
Hylton ArmstrongValley Striders
Thomas HarmerValley Striders
Ben WebsterValley Striders10:0623:20
David JewisonGarforth Velo
Adam WrightFeatherstone
James HinckleyGarforth Velo10:0223:24
Ian BrownSeacroft Wheelers10:0323:38
Madeline MooreTorq10:3023:50
Jenni MustonWakefield Triathlon Club
Gary SimpsonYorkshire Road Club
Dave BarnettJackpot10:3123:50
Greg KershawDrighlington 10:1824:00
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club
Mike FurbeyValley Striders10:0724:52
J BallanceGarforth Velo
P ThompsonGarforth Velo
M CarterGarforth Velo10:5425:03
David JacquesGarforth Velo
John ClarkGarforth Velo
Steve PreeceGarforth Velo11:3626:22
Debbie DetmarValley Striders
Julia DaviesValley Striders
Rachael SpraggsValley Striders11:3326:50
Gary WrightLincoln Wheelers11:5027:16

Seacroft Wheelers 2-up Thursday 17th August 2017

NameClubLap 1Total
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers
Ed NicholsonCycleSense9:1120:58
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club
Ian MitchelsonAlba Rosa9:3421:38
Adrian StottJackpot
Matthew WilsonJackpot9:4922:39
Nick BoydellValley Striders
Mike DillowCycleSense10:1223:26
Greg KershawDrighlington
Tomasc ParzykDrighlington9:5923:27
Steve HancockCalder Clarion
Nigel FirthCalder Clarion10:3123:44
Ro RosettiJackpot
D BarnettJackpot10:2123:44
Jo BednarekJackpot
Hylton ArmstrongValley Striders
Thomas HarmerValley Striders10:4324:17
Madeline MooreTorq10:5124:24
Chris McKennaCycleSense
Jim BallanceGarforth Velo10:5625:19
Phil RamsdenDrighlington11:2726:11
Pete MacklamYorkshire Road Club
PeteMcGowenLeeds St Christopher's11:3226:16
Eleanor StaffordValley Striders
Liz BallValley Striders12:2827:53
Tina WorbeyCycleSense
Philip WorbeyCycleSense12:2828:25
Lorna PotterSeacroft Wheelers
Stuart PicklesSeacroft Wheelers12:35 29:35

Seacroft Wheelers Hilly 11 Thursday 27th April 2017

NameClubLap 1Total
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers13:5227:25
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club14:1628:32
Richard WalkerSowerby Brothers14:4729:22
Andrew SmithSeacroft Wheelers15:4331:23
Emma ColdwellVertex15:5432:05
Martin AssameAlba Rosa18:0036:53
Antony BrumbySeacroft Wheelers19:5441:20
Lorna PotterSeacroft Wheelers21:1442:41

CycleSense Final Evening League Results for 2016

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly
Email: eveningleague@seacroftwheelers.co.uk

Below are the final results for the CycleSense Evening League for 2016.  The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense Website.

Congratulations to Pete Nixon who was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler closely followed by runner up Matt Hallam and 3rd Seacroft Wheeler Chris Johnson.  The winner of the Seacroft handicap was Ian Brown and fastest Seacroft lady was Evgenia Illyinskaya.  Great racing well done!

NameClubBest 7Ladies
Ed NicholsonCycleSense280
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers276
Ian MitchelsonAlba Rosa274
Anthony AshworthWetherby Wheelers272
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club261
Paul StainthorpeCycleSense258
Stu WoodWetherby Wheelers251
Alex KidnorAlba Rosa245
Matt HallamSeacroft Wheelers243
Chris JohnsonSeacroft Wheelers229
Ian BrownSeacroft Wheelers228
Mike DillowCycleSense224
Mark HaynesAlba Rosa193
Andrew SmithSeacroft Wheelers177
Wayne AylesburyYorkshire Road Club168
Colin StorrarCycleSense166
Stu SklinarAlba Rosa165
Jason DrakeCycleSense164
Mike CrossYorkshire Road Club145
John & Julie SmithiesCycleSense135
John RowlandCycleSense133
Steven SmithYorkshire Road Club127
Gordon AylesburyYorkshire Road Club123
Steve WardWetherby Wheelers122
David LacyYorkshire Road Club119
Chris BeethamSeacroft Wheelers117
David RowleyWetherby Wheelers117
Reece Hackney-WareWetherby Wheelers111
Greg HiltonAlba Rosa107
Vicky JowettAlba Rosa1071
Peter WallsYorkshire Road Club89
Alistair BruceYorkshire Road Club85
Andrew LeeWetherby Wheelers74
Evgenia IlyinskayaSeacroft Wheelers672
Ian LangleyWetherby Wheelers67
Adrian HeatonAlba Rosa63
Glen ArmstrongCycleSense62
Chris McKennaCycleSense62
Paul KirkSeacroft Wheelers61
Jonathan PrideauxAlba Rosa61
Sam AllenCycleSense56
Pete MacklamYorkshire Road Club52
Jo DerryCycleSense513
Sam StrawAlba Rosa51
Nigel RaperWetherby Wheelers49
Steve WoodrupYorkshire Road Club41
A BurbridgeCycleSense41
Pete BarusevicusAlba Rosa40
John HallasAlba Rosa39
Lorna PotterAlba Rosa394
Eugene CrossYorkshire Road Club38
J Taylor?36
Duncan ThorpeAlba Rosa34
Glen JohnsonCycleSense33
Bob TateLeeds Westfield33
Mark LanssdownAlba Rosa32
Gavin TraceyAlba Rosa32
Nicola BradfordAlba Rosa315
A Perry?26
Tony MawsonAlba Rosa25
Billy GoddardSeacroft Wheelers24
John WoodsAlba Rosa23
Nigel BennettSeacroft Wheelers23
Nick BoydellCycleSense22
Ian CanbleyWetherby Wheelers21
Tony JacksonWetherby Wheelers21
Andrew WaiteSeacroft Wheelers20
Emma PulsfordAlba Rosa206
Stuart PicklesAlba Rosa20
Richard HaighCycleSense19

Seacroft Wheelers Hilly 11 Thursday 1st September 2016

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly
Email: eveningleague@seacroftwheelers.co.uk

NameClubLap 1Total
Kieran SavageB38/underpin Racing12:3925:28
Jude TaylorB38/underpin Racing13:1326:19
Archie CrossB38/underpin Racing13:1726:40
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club13:3727:09
Julian PearceAlba Rosa14:0227:47
Mark DillowCycleSense14:5329:39
Richard StroudSeacroft Wheelers15:2531:05
Stella CrossYorkshire Road Club17:2535:02

Seacroft Wheelers 3-up Time Trial Thursday 25th August 2016

This race did not go ahead due to excessive water on road making it too dangerous for riders to race.

Seacroft Wheelers 2 up Time Trial Thursday 18th August 2016

We had a fantastic turn out with 38 riders.

NameClubLap 1Total
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club9:2021:11
David McNeillAll Terrain
Robert CummingAlba Rosa9:5322:36
Gavin TraceyAlba Rosa
Alex KidnerAlba Rosa9:4922:41
James SutherlandAlba Rosa
Chris McKennaCycleSense9:5922:46
Matt HallamSeacroft Wheelers10:0722:55
Mike DillowCycleSense
Sam AllenCycleSense10:0323:12
Paul StokesAlba Rosa
Duncan ThorpeAlba Rosa10:1623:23
Peter WallsYorkshire Road Club
Steve SmithYorkshire Road Club10:0923:29
Tom ParzykDrighlington
David BarnettDrighlington10:3023:59
Mike FurbyValley Striders
David MorleyValley Striders10:4324:19
Duncan GellDrighlington
Mark WallisDrighlington10:2924:20
Greg KershawDrighlington
Ian MortimerDrighlington10:5525:02
Dan GatsbyLeicester Forest
Stuart SklinarAlba Rosa10:5425:28
Carl NielsenDrighlington
David ArmitageDrighlington11:0125:35
Sam JacksonDrighlington
Carl SaintDrighlington11:1325:54
Pete MacklamYorkshire Road Club
Carl GomersallYorkshire Road Club11:2625:59
Gordon AylesburyYorkshire Road Club11:4727:12
Andy WatkinsHCTB
Ryan MallinsonHCTB13:0327:15
Alison GateAlba Rosa
Hayley LawrenceAlba Rosa11:5227:30
Dawn MorleyValley Striders12:2828:28
Bob TateLeeds Westfield12:5329:22

Seacroft Wheelers Hilly 11 28th April 2016

This race did not go ahead due to adverse weather conditions making it too dangerous for riders to race.

CycleSense Final Evening League Results for 2015

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly
Email: eveningleague@seacroftwheelers.co.uk

Below are the final results for the CycleSense Evening League for 2015.  The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense Website.

Congratulations to Pete Nixon who was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler closely followed by runner up Matt Hallam and 3rd Seacroft Wheeler Chris Johnson.  The winner of the Seacroft handicap was Chris Johnson and fastest Seacroft lady was Elaine Kelly.  Great racing well done!

NameClubBest 7Ladies
Mac Wontorwski
Alba Rosa
Ed Nicholson
Kieran Savage
Yorkshire Road Club274
Pete Nixon
Seacroft Wheelers269
Anthony Ashworth
Yorkshire Road Club267
Oliver Leonard
Russell Brown
Yorkshire Road Club
Gavin McIntosh
Alba Rosa
Stu Wood
Wetherby Wheelers
Matt Hallam
Seacroft Wheelers
Paul Stainthorpe
Wayne Aylesbury
Yorkshire Road Club
Steve Mooring
Yorkshire Road Club
Reece Hackney
Wetherby Wheelers
Chris Johnson
Seacroft Wheelers
Ian Brown
Seacroft Wheelers
Mark Haynes
Alba Rosa
Roman Tuma
Alba Rosa
Andrew Smith
Seacroft Wheelers
Julie & John Smithies
Jeremy Scott
Wetherby Wheelers
Greg Hilton
Alba Rosa
Mike Shacklock
Yorkshire Road Club
Mark Lansdown
Alba Rosa
Daniel Gadsby
Alba Rosa
Alison Gate
Alba Rosa
Richard Stroud
Seacroft Wheelers
Billy Goddard
Seacroft Wheelers
Andy Lee
Wetherby Wheelers
Gordon Aylesbury
Yorkshire Road Club
Sam Allen
Scott Kelly
Seacroft Wheelers
Richard Barker
Seacroft Wheelers
Bob Tate
Leeds Westfield
John Woods
Leeds Westfield
John Hallas
Alba Rosa
Alasdair Bruce
Yorkshire Road Club
Paul Kirk
Alba Rosa
Chris Beetham
Seacroft Wheelers
Mike & Stella Cross
York Road Club
Jo Derry
Steve Ward
Wetherby Wheelers
Simon Skelton
Alba Rosa
David Thomas
Elaine Kelly
Seacroft Wheelers
Pete Walls
Yorkshire Road Club
John Rowland
Ed Waite
David Rowley
Wetherby Wheelers
Stu Sklinar
Alba Rosa
A. Stott
York Road Club
Alex Kidner
Alba Rosa
Seonaid Thompson
Alba Rosa
Adrian Ware
Wetherby Wheelers
Andy Briggs
Yorkshire Road Club
Adrian Heaton
Alba Rosa
Vicky Jowett
Alba Rosa
Janet Tate
Leeds Westfield
Ian Langley
Wetherby Wheelers
Tom Wall
Alba Rose
Sally Hurst
Seacroft Wheelers
Chris McKenna
Archie Cross
York Road Club
Graham Rhodes
Seacroft Wheelers
Howard Blakeley
Wetherby Wheelers
Helen Lewis
Seacroft Wheelers
Hannah Kilvington
Wetherby Wheelers
Glen Johnson
John Blomely
Yorkshire Road Club
Hannah Reichart
Alba Rosa
Ian Savage
York Road Club
Jamie Tweddell
Alba Rosa
Scott Elwick
York Road Club
Andy Stoneman
Alba Rosa
John Smithies
Matt Haigh
Leeds Westfield
Mick Youngson
Yorkshire Road Club
Suzie Richards
Alba Rosa
Adam Humphreys
Alba Rosa
Martin Cloudsdale
Alba Rosa
Steve Woodrup
York Road Club
Peter Macklam
York Road Club
Jamie Wood
Wetherby Wheelers
Tony Jackson
Leeds Westfield
Geoff Waters
Tony Stanbridge
Mike Cartwright
Seacroft Wheelers
Karen Landalls
Seacroft Wheelers
Natalia Hudson
Alba Rosa

Hilly 11 Results Thursday 3rd September 2015

NameClubLap 1Total
Kieran Savage13:2026:50
Eugene CrossYorkshire Road Club14:1328:27
Sean Newbould14:3529:03
Matt HallamSeacroft Wheelers14:3929:20
Gavin Taylor15:2030:41
Chris JohnsonSeacroft Wheelers 15:19 30:59
Jon Pownall15:3031:14
Dave Meakin15:4931:52
Mark Lansdown15:5932:01
Jon Hicken16:0332:09
Nigel BennettMeanwood17:0534:15
Andrew SmithSeacroft Wheelers15:4534:15
Alec Pearson17:0934:26
Connor Shepherd17:5136:00






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