Hi Wheelers, we are off to follow the red kite trail as it is a fantastic local route. The plan is to ride up from the Barnbow towards Thorner via the road and then pick up the trail at Hetchell wood, towards Bramham and onwards to Wetherby. Then back via Potterton and Barwick.

10am -meet at the Barnbow Pub
Distance -36 miles, climbing 2139 ft, saddle time approximately 3.5 hours.
Terrain- a mix of gravel, mud, wooded trails & a rocky section.
Bike suitability-local trails so most off road capable bikes should be fine, definitely off road tyres.
Snacks – no cafe stop planned so please bring snacks
Note- Can you do a pre-ride check of your bike for faulty/worn/loose components in time so any issues can be resolved please.
PS don’t forget your helmet!
Estimated finishing time – 4pm at the Barnbow.