Club Competitions, Awards, Results & Records


Club Competitions

The club runs an annual series of competitions for members with awards in all categories, and with handicap sections riders of all abilities can be among the winners. An impressive collection of prestigious trophies and medals are presented at the Prize Presentation Dinner in January.

  • Strava competition, women’s and men’s medals for most miles, longest ride and highest distance climbed categories, throughout the membership year
  • Most Improved Rider, men’s and women’s, over the previous 12 months, nominated and voted on by the membership
  • Club Cup competition 1st, 2nd and 3rd, points based, scored on participation in club rides/races detailed here.
  • David Jakeman Merit Award, based on one exceptional cycling performance, nominated and voted on by the membership
  • Club Person of the Year, based on year long efforts helping the club, nominated and voted on by the membership
  • Men’s Best All Rounder based on average speed over 10, 25, 50 and 100 miles
  • Women’s Best All Rounder based on average speed over 10, 25, 50 and 100 miles
  • Junior Best All Rounder based on average speed over two 10s and two 25s
  • Veteran’s Best All Rounder based on vets standards over 10, 25, 50 and 100 miles
  • Seacroft Reliable 5 award Complete five early season Reliability Rides
  • Road Race Champion based on all road races finished (category biased)
  • Three Peaks Champion highest placed finisher in 3 Peaks cyclo cross, men’s and women’s awards
  • Cyclo Cross Club Champion highest number of points overall Mens, Womens
  • Cyclo Cross Championship highest placed in each category of YCCA points competition
  • Grass Track Championship highest placed in each category of West Riding Track League
  • Juvenile Circuit Champion points biased system on three best circuit races
  • 12 hour Champion highest mileage in any 12 hour race, men’s, women’s and veteran’s award
  • Fastest 25 awards for fastest man, woman, junior and veteran in any 25 mile TT
  • Jonathan Noble Memorial Hill Climb awards for fastest man, woman, junior, veteran (one prize per rider)
  • Evening Time Trial Competition awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd men’s and women’s, 1st junior and 1st veteran plus 1st, 2nd & 3rd handicap for positions in Thursday league events (one prize per rider)
  • Club 10 awards for 1st, 2nd & 3rd men’s and women’s, 1st junior and 1st veteran plus 1st, 2nd & 3rd handicap (one prize per rider)
  • Club 15 awards for 1st, 2nd & 3rd men’s and women’s, 1st junior and 1st veteran plus 1st, 2nd & 3rd handicap (one prize per rider)
  • Club 25 awards for 1st, 2nd & 3rd men’s and women’s, 1st junior and 1st veteran plus 1st, 2nd & 3rd handicap (one prize per rider)

Awards may be subject to the number of entries. If you think you qualify for any of these awards and want to claim, or for further information and advice on qualifying for competitions please contact

Lifetime Membership

Awarded for outstanding service and dedication to the club over many years, receiving complimentary club membership for life by way of thanks and gratitude. (a maximum of five of these can be awarded at any one time as per the Constitution).

Michael Farthing 2022
Richard Goddard 2023
Ian Hirst 2024


Evening Time Trial League 2024 final results table

Seacroft Wheelers were well represented, of the 59 riders APPROX (some riders took part in 2 categories of machine and others were non-league counting guests) we managed to field 30 competitors. Add this to those riders who took part in the club 2-ups the 4-up and hill climb and we had more riders than we have had for a very long time. Perhaps next year some of those new riders will move up to completing 7 counting events.

We also attracted a number of guests from other clubs whose scores are not eligible to count towards the league but now they have taken part perhaps they will commit to next year.

Overall PlacingNamePoints from best 7 eventsClubM/FMachine type Road/Time trial
1Sam Straw350AddformMTT
2Pete Nixon339Seacroft WhsMTT2nd overall and 1st Seacroft Wheeler M
3Craig Beasley336Seacroft WhsMTTjoint 3rd overall and 2nd Seacroft Wheeler M
3Mike Furby336Valley Striders CCMTT
4Dale Antcliffe333Seacroft WhsMTT3rd Seacroft Wheeler M
5Dave Johnson314Wetherby WhsMTT
6Danny Kelly305Seacroft WhsMTT
7Stuart Coupe304Valley StridersMR1st Road bike M
8Mark Casey301Seacroft WhsMTT 4th Seacroft Wheeler M TT
9Elaine Kelly276Seacroft WhsFTT 1st F TT overall and 1st Seacroft Wheeler F TT bike
10Dave Meakin269Seacroft WhsMR 2nd Road bike overall M 1st Seacroft Wheeler road bike
11Abi Thornley261Bramley WhsFR2nd F overall 1st F road bike overall
12Eleanor Stafford237Valley Striders CCFR3rd F overall 2nd F Road bike overall
13Helen Fenton236Seacroft WhsFR 4th F overall 2nd F Seacroft Whs Road Bike
14Christine Clubs225Seacroft WhsFR2nd F overall 2nd Seacroft Whs road bike
15Scott Kelly224Seacroft WhsMTT
16Dave Hall220Seacroft WhsMR3rd M Road bike overall 2nd M road bike Seacroft Whs
17Keith Storey215Seacroft WhsMR 4th M road bike overall 3rd M Road bike Seacroft Whs
18Kat Handy208Valley Striders CCFTT2nd F TT overall
19Steve Freshney204Seacroft WhsMR
20Saul Clayton196Alba Rosa CCMTT
21Beverly Firth178Seacroft WhsFR3rd Seacroft Whs F road bike
21Jason Proctor178Valley Striders CCMTT
23Aiden Adams150Yorks RCMTT
24Mick Flaherty146Seacroft WhsMTT
25Mike Vaiksaar140Valley Striders CCMTT
26Jane Ougton130Bramley WhsFR
27Angela Hannon-Flaherty128Seacroft WhsFTT 3rd F TT overall 2nd F TT Seacroft Whs
28Keith Storey128Seacroft WhsMTT also rode in road bike category
29Nick Hanson118Seacroft WhsMR
30Mark Lansdown117Alba RosaMTT
31Chris Antcliff112Seacroft WhsMR
32Martin Clough99Seacroft WhsMR
33Flora Johnson91Alba RosaFTT
34Rebecca Bland83Seacroft WhsFR
35Christine Clubbs76Seacroft WhsFTT Also rode in TT bike category
35Jane Oughton76Bramley WhsFTTalso rode in road bike category
37Pete Macklam72Yorks Road ClubMTT
38Nick Johnson67Wetherby VeloM R
39Laurie Corbel47Seacroft WhsMR
40Stu Sklinar46Alba RosaMTTMany thanks for running the league Stu.
41Paul Grave45Valley Striders CCMR
41Jim McQuaid45Wetherby VeloMR
43Nathen Green44Valley Striders CCMR
44Gwilym Lockwood41Bramley WhsMR
45Kat Denholm40Seacroft WhsFTT
46Gemma Traviss-Turner39Valley Striders CCFTT
47Matt Johnson38Seacroft WhsMR
47Andy Cartwright38Seacroft WhsMR
48Andy Hill36Valley Striders CCMR
48Lisa Belford-McDowell36Seacroft WhsFR
48Andrea Jutrzenka36Seacroft WhsFR
51Anthony Armitage33Seacroft WhsMTT
51Colin Freeburn33Seacroft WhsMR
52Chris Ashe32Seacroft WhsMR
53Louise Watson31Bramley WhsFR
54Tara Oetgen29Bramley WhsFR
54Andrew Vigrass29Seacroft WhsMR

Seacroft Wheelers Hill climb Thursday 29th August 2024

This years event took place as usual on Weardley Bank with a visit afterwards to the New Inn to discuss and socialise.  Congratulations to Craig Beasley who again improved his previous years ride to be fastest senior rider for a new club record and especially to Elliot Fraser who was fastest rider overall and also improved his previous best, also mention must be made to those who made this their first foray to club events such as Andrew Vigrass, Lisa Belford-McDowell, Matt Johnson, Charlie Hind and anyone who I may have missed, we had better attendance this year, due in no small part to Craig Lyons ensuring that it was promoted more widely.

Lisa Belford-McDowellSeacroft Whs9:02
Joe HouseVenture Racing5:505
Ben WebsterVenture Racing5:536
James AllenOtley CC5:423
Matt JohnsonSeacroft Whs6:5513
Charlie HindSeacroft Whs6:4111
Danny CryerSeacroft Whs8:0015
Tom HartwellGritty CC5:587
Andy CartwrightSeacroft Whs6:158
Keith StoreySeacroft Whs6:5012
Elliot Fraser360 Cycling5:041
Craig BeasleySeacroft Whs5:454*club record
Mark CaseySeacroft Whs7:4214
Andrew VigrassSeacroft Whs9:3418
Kat HandyValley Striders CC6:3710
Nikolas HansonValley Striders CC5:332
Christine ClubbsSeacroft Whs8:3916
Sam StrawAddform VLU6:36 9

Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 4 up time trial Thursday 22nd August 2024

This years Team Time Trial was changed to allow teams of 4 to compete, enabling the 2up teams from last week to pair up without having to split up to make teams of 3. The time was taken on the 3rd rider to cross the line to allow for tactics and mechanicals (1 puncture) and teams of 3 were also permitted. We had 7 teams take part made up of 26 riders. It was  a very sociable event, everyone seemed to enjoy the experience, with lots of thanks to our supporters who volunteered to run it, including timekeepers, starters and marshalls.

Rider NameTeamTime (taken on 3rd rider)
Duncan Thorpe
William Holloway
Saul Clayton
Alba Rosa CC21:47
Mike Vaiksaar
Mike Furby
Jason Proctor
Valley Striders CC22:51
Charlie Hind
Mat Johnson
Keith Storey
Matt Eldon
Seacroft Wheelers25:27
Danny Kelly
Richard Firth
David Taylor
Mark Casey
Seacroft Wheelers25:44
Kevin Macklam
Peter Macklam
Greg Macklam
Steve Smith
Yorks Road Club27:25
Astrid Pot
Craig Lyons
Mick Flaherty
Angie Flaherty
Seacroft Wheelers27:38
Helen Fenton
Margit Rezacova
Sally Backhouse
Melanie Makin
Seacroft Wheelers34:05

Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 2 up time trial Thursday 15th August 2024

Despite the weather threatening wind and rain all day, conditions were warm, and settled. We had an execllent turnout, with 17 Seacroft Wheelers  competing – well done to all the riders, well done to the Marshalls and helpers and all those who promoted this event and made it a success, and the party continued in the post event briefing at The Chequers. Some very good results and a few personal bests. Looking forward to next week with our new event, a 4up team time trial on the same course at the same time.

Riders Names ClubsTime (taken on 2nd rider)
Lisa Belford-McDowell
Helen Fenton
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Jo Jarvis
Anita Marner
Emsall RC
Emsall RC
Pete Macklam
Kev Macklam
Yorks Road Club
Yorks Road Club
Melanie Makin
Marie-Clare Trevett
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Danny Kelly
Mark Casey
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Mike Furby
Kat Handy
Valley Striders CC
Valley Striders CC
Sam Shaw
Saul Clayton
Addform VLV
Alba Rosa
Steve Butler
John Cairns
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Astrid Pot
Craig Lyons
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Emma Scott
Rachael Green
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
John Bradley
Matt Eldon
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Chris Antcliff
Dale Antcliff
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Richard Firth(solo)Seacroft Wheelers

Seacroft Wheelers club championship 10 mile time trial held 25th July 2024

The club championship events are held within the Thursday League, and since there were 7 previous 10 milers run as part of the league, it meant that riders had lots of chances to build up their fitness for the day of the event. A total of 14 riders took part  – meaning that competition for placings was  greater.

Rider NameTimePlacingH/cap time & H/cap placing
M Flaherty0:22:461st Male
D Antcliffe0:23:022nd Male
C Beasley0:23:553rd Male
D Meakin0:24:250:20:22
A Flaherty0:24:471st Female
D Kelly0:24:470:20:25
K Storey0:25:320:19:08 3rd h/cap
M Casey0:26:150:19:37
M Johnson0:26:550:16:32 1st h/cap
C Antcliffe0:26:590:18:51 2nd h/cap
C Clubbs0:27:132nd Female
E Kelly27:473rd Female
S Freshney0:31:510:19:52
A Vigrass0:33:38020:00

Seacroft Wheelers club championship 15 mile time trial held 27th June 2024

The club championship events are held within the Thursday League, and since this year the Thursday League held two 15 milers, one of which was our turn to organise and marshall we only had one shot, this was it every rider only gets one opportunity to show what they can do, no matter what the weather is doing on the day of the event. A total 9 riders took part  –  and with placings for both scratch and handicap it means there was something for everyone.

Rider NameTimePlacingH/cap time & H/cap placing
P Nixon0:34:591st Male
M Flaherty0:35:232nd Male
C Beasley0:36:043rd Male
D Meakin0:37:510:31:47 1st h/cap
D Kelly0:38:220:31:49 2nd h/cap
A Flaherty0:39:191st Female
D Antcliffe0:42:120:36:05
C Antcliffe0:42:120:34:04 3rd h/cap
H Fenton0:49:192nd Female

Seacroft Wheelers club championship 25 mile time trial held 6th June 2024

The club championship events are held within the Thursday League, and since this year the Thursday League held just the one 25 miler, this was it, perhaps a little bit early in the season for some and every rider only gets one opportunity to show what they can do, no matter what the weather is doing on the day of the event. A total 8 riders took part  –  and with placings for both scratch and handicap it means there was something for everyone.

Rider Name TimePlacingH/cap time & h/cap placing
M Flaherty58:531st Male
C Beasley1:02:132nd Male
D Antcliffe1:02:543rd Male
A Flaherty1:04:581st Female
D Kelly1:06:2555:30 2nd H/cap
M Casey1:08:3052:02 1st H/cap
E Kelly1:10:582nd Female
C Clubbs1:14:413rd Female

Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 2 up time trial Thursday 25th April 2024

This years early season event took place on a very cold and somewhat windy day. Despite the weather we had a brilliant turnout, with 26 Seacroft Wheelers  competing – our highest total yet- well done to all the riders, well done to the Marshalls and helpers and all those who promoted this event and made it a success, and the party continued in the post event briefing at The Chequers. Some very good results affected by the conditions and all very worthy times.

We can look forward to a good season, and especially to the four-up team time trial later on when lots of records will be up for grabs due to this being a new event for us.

Rider NamesClubTime
Pete Nixon
Aiden Adams
Seacroft Whs
Yorks RC
Angela Flaherty
Mick Flaherty
Seacroft Whs
Seacroft Whs
Mike Furby
Nikolas Hanson
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Danny Kelly
Mark Casey
Seacroft Whs
Seacroft Whs
Craig Beasley
Josh Kirkaldy
Seacroft Whs
Seacroft Whs
Nick Hanson
Keith Storey
Seacroft Whs
Seacroft Whs
Elaine Kelly
Christine Clubbs
Seacroft Whs
Seacroft Whs
Danny Cryer
Mat Johnson
Seacroft Whs
Seacroft Whs
Astrid Pot
Craig Lyons
Seacroft Whs
Seacroft Whs
Chris Ashe
Matt Porter
Seacroft Whs
Seacroft Whs
Ellie Harrison - soloSeacroft Whs29:59
Susan Smith
Beverley Firth
Seacroft Whs
Seacroft Whs
Helen Fenton
Lisa Belford-McDowell
Seacroft Whs
Seacroft Whs
Steve Butler
Joe Ibrahim
Seacroft Whs
Seacroft Whs

Marie-Clare Trevett
Melanie Makin
Seacroft Whs
Seacroft Whs


Club Awards for 2023

Results for the season are displayed here, please keep your eyes in this page for further events being reported – you might be a winner!

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearCraig LyonsThere are many people in the club that deserve special recognition and thanks but for me Craig stands out the most. His irrepressible enthusiasm for making the club inclusive and accessible and in particular his mission to buck the national trend and increase the percentage of women in cycling clubs. He is responsible for the club kit, the website and manages the club's social media accounts all of which Craig carries out with commitment, care and professionalism. On top of this he is the main D'Huez ride leader in charge of the safety and enjoyment for members who are mainly new to cycling or the club and is expert at making them feel comfortable and welcome.
Lifetime Member AwardIan HirstFor decades of contributions to the club which still continues with his role as club secretary, ensuring records are correctly maintained and meetings held in accordance with the club constitution, along with myriad other duties.
Dave Jakeman award for the most meritorious single achievementElaine Kelly/ Christine Clubbs/ Craig LyonsFor their record-breaking ride in the club 3 up Team time trial last year setting a club record of 27:10.
Most improved rider FemaleMelanie MakinMel has shown tremendous determination, strength and resilience towards her cycling with the club this year. She's not called "The Machine" for nothing. Sunday rides, Tuesday coaching, Off-Road, 2-Up TT and Women's Rides - Mel is there.
Most improved rider MaleAlex BurdonHe has come on leaps and bounds. When he first came to the club Alex really struggled, stopping after every 5 miles to catch his breath. It would have been so easy for him to give up. He really gets stuck in and now completes 35-45 miles and still wants to keep going.
New Club Cup competition
(partial year starting 15th April)
Craig Lyons
Melanie Makin
Lisa Belford McDowell
161 points
150 points
111 points
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hillclimb - Fastest Male1stCraig Beasley5:54 *New Record
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hillclimb - Fastest Vet1stKeith Storey6:42
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hillclimb - Fastest Female1stChristine Clubbs8:08
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hillclimb Fastest Junior - male1stElliott Fraser5:14
Evening Time Trial Competition Male1st
Pete Nixon
Danny Kelly
Craig Beasley
341 points
313 points
302 points
Evening Time Trial Competition Female1st
Elaine Kelly
Helen Fenton
Christine Clubbs
249 points
228 points
104 points
Evening Time Trial Competition VetGold MedalKeith Storey293 points
Evening Time Trial Competition - Handicap1st
2nd Joint Second
2nd Joint Second
Dave Hall
Helen Fenton
Mark Casey
Club 10 Male1st
2nd Joint Second
2nd Joint Second
Danny Kelly
Keith Storey
Mark Casey
Club 10 Female1stLisa Belford-McDowell33:15
Club 10 Vet1stChris Ashe29:44
Club 10 Handicap1st
Dave Hall
Steve Freshney
Club 15 Male1st
Pete Nixon
Craig Beasley
Danny Kelly
Club 15 Female1st
Elaine Kelly
Helen Fenton
Club 15 Vet1stKeith Storey39:22
Club 15 Handicap1st
Dave Hall
Adrian Evans
Mark Casey
Club 25 Male1st
Pete Nixon
Craig Beasley
Mark Casey
Club 25 Female1st
Elaine Kelly
Helen Fenton
Club 25 Vet1stRichard Saunders1.09:41
Club 25 Handicap1st
Dave Hall
Chris Ashe
Fastest 25m TT in any competition Female1stAngie Hannon-Flaherty1:00:04
Fastest 25m TT in any competition Men1stMick Flaherty56:47
Best All Rounder ave 25/50/100m TT Men1stDanny Kelly24.57mph
Club 2 up 10mTTT late season MGold medalDanny Kelly/Mark Casey24:51
Club 2 up 10mTTT late season FGold medalElaine Kelly/ Christine Clubbs 26:57
Club 2 up 10mTTT late season MixedGold medalAstrid Pot/Craig Lyons 29:02
Club 3 up 10m TTT FGold medalL B-McDowell/H Fenton/ MC Trevett30:58
Club 3 up 10m TTT MixedGold medalE Kelly/C Clubbs/C Lyons 27:10
Strava Competition Highest Total Distance1stM A Evans
1stF H Fenton
2ndM K Storey
2ndF M Makin
3rdM N Hanson
3rdF A H-Flaherty
Strava Competition Longest Ride1stF H Fenton
1stM P Shields
2ndF M Makin
3rdF L B-McDowell
Strava Competition Highest Total Climbed1stF M Makin
1stM P Shields
2ndF H Fenton
2ndM A Evans
3rdF L B-McDowell
3rdM C Beasley
Seacroft Reliable 5 awardOpen to all riders who complete at least 5 of the early season Reliability ridesDave Thorpe
Road/track championship S cat2/3 pointsPete Anderson 2069 points
Road/track championship S cat4 pointsAdrian Evans 68 points
Cyclo-Cross Champion MalePete Anderson464 points
Cyclo-Cross Champion FemaleAstrid Pot454 points
Cyclo-Cross Champion Female V40Astrid Pot
Cyclo-Cross Champion Junior U16BJames Harrison257 points
Cyclo-Cross Champion Male V60Pete Anderson
3 Peaks Champion MStuart Blackburn

Evening Time Trial League 2023 final results table

Seacroft Wheelers were well represented, of the 74 riders in total we managed to field 19 competitors. Add this to those riders who took part in the club 2-ups and 3-ups and we had more riders than we have had for a very long time. Perhaps next year some of those new riders will move up and try the league itself.

We also attracted a number of guests from other clubs whose scores are not eligible to count towards the league but now they have taken part perhaps they will commit to next year.

OverallClubPoints (from 7 Best Events)M/FMachineCommentry
1Ed NicholsonAlbaRosa CC349MT
2Duncan ThorpeAlbaRosa CC346MT
3Pete NixonSeacroft341MT3rd Man Overal and 1st Seacroft Wheeler
4Mike FurbyValley Striders CC337MT
5Sam StrawAlbaRosa CC333MT
6Dave JohnsonWetherby Velo321MT
7Alasdair BruceYorkshire Road Club313MT
8Danny KellySeacroft313MT2nd Seacroft Wh Men
9Craig BeasleySeacroft302MT3rd Seacroft Wh Men
10Stuart CoupeValley Striders CC295MR
11Keith StoreySeacroft293MR2nd Road Bike Men and 4th Seacroft Wh
12Mark CaseySeacroft291MT5th Seacroft Wh Men
13Steve WardWetherby Wheelers288MT
14Kat HandyValley Striders CC283FT1st Female overall
15Stu SklinarAlbaRosa CC263MT
16Eleanor StaffordValley Striders CC255FR2nd Female overall
17Chris AsheSeacroft251MR3rd Road bike Overall Men and 6th Seacroft Wh
18Elaine KellySeacroft249FT3rd Female overall and 1st Seacroft Wh Female
19Dave HallSeacroft241MR4th Road bike Overall Men and 7th Seacroft Wh Men
20Helen FentonSeacroft228FR4th Female overall and 2nd Seacroft Wh female
21Nik HansonValley Striders CC134MR
22Steve FreshneySeacroft116MR8th Seacroft Wh Men
23Rich SaundersSeacroft114MT9th Seacroft Wh Men
24Nigel RaperWetherby Velo113MT
25Christine ClubbsSeacroft104FR5th Female Overall and 3rd Seacroft Wh Female
26Steven ScottWetherby Velo96MT
27James Andrew WardAlbaRosa CC96MR
28Mick FlahertySeacroft95MT9th Seacroft Wh Men
29Stuart LittleAlbaRosa CC95MT
30Paul GraveValley Striders CC91MR
31Jason ProctorValley Striders CC89MT
32Adrian KeelerValley Striders CC89MR
33Angela FlahertySeacroft81FT6th Female Overall and 4th Seacroft Female
34Flora JohnsonAlbaRosa CC76FT
35Doug JoplingBramley Wheelers73MT
36Jonny AdamsonValley Striders CC68MR
37Mat LeachWetherby Velo61MR
38Pete MacklamYorkshire Road Club60MTT
39Nathan GreenValley Striders CC47MR
40Will HollowayAlbaRosa CC46MT
42James TeagleYorkshire Road Club45MR
41Rob WhiteWetherby Velo45MT
43Gareth ShephardBramley Wheelers45MT
44Rich WhitefieldSeacroft44MT10th Seacroft Wh Men
45Dale AntcliffSeacroft44MT11th Seacroft Wh Men
46Gary SimpsonValley Striders CC42MR
47Liz BallValley Striders CC42FT
48Tim LeachValley Striders CC41MR
49Lee BarkerSeacroft41MT12th Seacroft Wh Men
50Adrian EvansSeacroft40MR13th Seacroft Wh Men
53Alastair WilcoxWetherby Velo39MR
51Olly BowlesValley Striders CC39MR
52Paul RymanBramley Wheelers39MT
54Dave MorleyValley Striders CC37MT
55Bruce SwanWetherby Velo36MR
56Nic Drever-SmithWetherby Velo35MR
57David JamesWetherby Velo34MR
58Henry DixonValley Striders CC32MR
59Brendan SpencerWetherby Velo31MR
60Lisa Belford-McDowellSeacroft31FR9th Female Overall and 5th Seacroft Wh Female
62Andy KeayWetherby Velo30MR
61Michael BrawleyValley Striders CC30MR
63Jake NaishValley Striders CC28MR

Seacroft Wheelers Hillclimb Thursday 31st August 2023

This years event took place as usual on Weardley Bank with the Pie & Pea supper immediately following to fill the appetite that the ride generated.  Congratulations to Craig Beasley who improved his previous years ride to be fastest senior rider and especially to Elliot Fraser who was fastest rider overall, also mention must be made to Ian Crombie for his very first hill climb event- well done to all who took part.

Elliott FraserSeacroft Wheelers5:14
Craig Beasley
Seacroft Wheelers5:54 *New Record
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers6:42
Mick FlahertySeacroft Wheelers6:44
Ethan LancasterSeacroft Wheelers7:31
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers7:38
John CairnsSeacroft Wheelers7:45
Christine ClubbsSeacroft Wheelers8:08
Ian CrombieSeacroft Wheelers9:18

Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 3 up time trial Thursday 24th August 2023

The turnout for this event saw 34 riders with 12 of them being Seacroft Wheelers – mention has to be made of Bramley Wheelers who managed to  field 4 teams of new riders who turned out some good times for thier TT novices.The evening was warm and the wind was very light which was conducive to club records being challenged. Thanks to marshalls and helpers.

Danny Kelly came out to try his drone and got some good images. Copy and paste this into your browser.

There is only one more club event to go, the hillclimb along with the pie and pea supper – see you there.

Rider NamesClubTime
Rich Whitfield Seacroft Wheelers22:12
Kat Handy
Mike Furby
Valley Striders CC
Valley Striders CC
Doug Joplin
Robin Seaton-Jones
Gwilym Lockwood
Bramley Wheelers
Bramley Wheelers
Bramley Wheelers
Karl Stewart
Jordan Ion
Dan Bentley
Bramley Wheelers
Bramley Wheelers
Bramley Wheelers
Nathan Smith
Chris Diaz-Scott
City Cycle Coureurs
City Cycle Coureurs
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers25:30
Anita Marner
Jo Jarvis
Nina Williams
Elmsall Road Club
Elmsall Road Club
Elmsall Road Club
Mark Casey
Chris Ashe
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Adam Tomlinson
Darren Walsh
Luke Kirkhan
Bramley Wheelers
Bramley Wheelers
Bramley Wheelers
Yassir. Al. Assir
Gareth Shepherd
Lewis Allsopp
Bramley Wheelers
Bramley Wheelers
Bramley Wheelers
Bev Firth
Jo Derry
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Elaine Kelly
Christine Clubbs
Craig Lyons
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
27:10 *New record set 24/08/23
Pete Macklam
Kev Macklam
Greg Macklam
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Lisa Belford-McDowell
Marie-Clare Trevett
Helen Fenton
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers

Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 2 up time trial Thursday 17th August 2023

With only two more club events to go, our season is drawing towards its conclusion. The turnout for this event saw 34 riders with 22 of them being Seacroft Wheelers  – with some fresh faces among them.The evening was warm and the wind was very light which was conducive to club records being challenged. These will need to be confirmed so expect a change to this report in due course. It is easy to trot out the usual thanks to marshalls and helpers, but really this event only came together through sterling work by many people and special mention must go to Mark Williams for undertaking the starters role at such short notice, and which he carried out flawlessly.

Rider NamesClubTime
Jack Davie
Ben Webster
Kyle Bibby
Adam Kharchi
Paul Grave
Stuart Good
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Mike Furby
Kat Handy
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Danny Kelly
Mark Casey
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Jo Jarvis
Anita Marner
Elmsall Road Club
Elmsall Road Club
Elaine Kelly
Christine Clubbs
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
26:57 new club record set 18/08/2023
Bev Firth
Jo Derry
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Pete Macklam
K Macklam
Yorks Road Club
Yorks Road Club
Josh Kirkcaldy
Chris Ashe
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Astrid Pot
Craig Lyons
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Rich Corser
John Cairns
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Steve Freshney (solo)Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Helen Fenton
Lisa Belford-McDowell
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Ian Crombie
Wayne Kirkland
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Melanie Makin
Marie-Clare Trevett
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
John Horbury
Joe Ibrahim
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Morag Robertson (solo)Seacroft Wheelers34:54

Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 2 up time trial Thursday 27th April 2023

This years early season event took place on a windy day with rain joining the party. Despite the weather we had a brilliant turnout, with 23 Seacroft Wheelers along with 11 others swelling the numbers – well done to all the riders, well done to the Marshalls and helpers and all those who promoted this event and made it a success, and the party continued in the post event briefing at The Chequers. Some very close results and all very worthy times. A new club Women’s 2up record set by Helen and Lisa beating their own 2022 record by 39 seconds, congratulations 🙂

Rider NamesClubTime
Pete Nixon
Ed Nicholson
Seacroft Wheelers
Danny Kelly
Mick Flaherty
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Duncan Thorpe
Sam Straw
Adam Karchi
Kyle Bibby

Jack Davey
Ben Webster
Criag Beasley
Adrian Evans
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers26:08 solo
Mark CaseySeacroft Wheelers26:24 solo
Anita MarnerEmsall RC27:38 solo
Christine Clubbs
Craig Lyons
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Kev Macklam
Peter Macklam
Yorks RC29:27
James HarrisonSeacroft Wheelers30:28
Gary WrightCalder Clarion30:37 solo Trike
Matt Porter
Steve Freshney
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Chris AsheSeacroft Wheelers 30:50 solo
Ethan LancasterSeacroft Wheelers31:15 solo
John Horbury
Rich Corser
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Helen Fenton
Lisa Belford-McDowell
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
33:14 New Club record
Jill HarrisonSeacroft Wheelers33:28 solo
Lisa Ackroyd
Marie Clare
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Melanie Makin
Salina Wells
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers


Club Awards for 2022

pictures of the awards evening can be found here.

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearCraig Lyons"for unstinting service bringing on new riders - the lifeblood and future of the club -, for being patient and helpful in his guidance and assistance, for the task of designing and arranging the supply of the new Seacroft Wheelers clothing, doing all the work associated with keeping the Seacroft Wheeler webpage working."
Dave Jakeman award for the most meritorious single achievementElliot Fraser"for his record breaking ride on the club Hillclimb taking 1 minute 30 seconds from the previous best which is astonishing since
he is a junior and has beaten the best ride by any rider and by such a huge margin."
Most improved riderHelen Fenton"Over the past year Helen has very quickly gone from the short social group up to the zoncolan group and regularly take a turn on the front. She has also taken part in the two and three up time trials having improved both times from her previous best"
Clubrun Cup Runs Competition1Craig Lyons 88pts
2Wyn Evans76pts
3Mike Taylor 70pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hillclimb
Fastest Male
Craig Beasley5.59.8
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hillclimb
Fastest Vet
Keith Storey6.32.2
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hillclimb
Fastest Female
Angie Hannon-Flaherty 7.42.0
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hillclimb
Fastest juvenile
Elliot Fraser 5.19.2 CLUB RECORD
Evening Time Trial Competition Male1Pete Nixon
2Mick Flaherty
3Danny Kelly
Evening Time Trial Competition Female1Angie Hannon-Flaherty
2Elaine Kelly
Evening Time Trial Competition -
1Craig Beasley
2*(Angie Hannon-Flaherty)
3*(Mick Flaherty)
Club 10 Male1Pete Nixon22.18
2Mick Flaherty23.48
3Danny Kelly24.28
Club 10 Female1Angie Hannon-Flaherty25.27
2Elaine Kelly28.02
Club 10 - Handicap1Richard Barker
2*(Elaine Kelly)
3*(Angie Hannon-Flaherty)
Club 15 Male1Pete Nixon34.15
2Mick Flaherty36.15
3Danny Kelly36.42
Club 15 Female1Angie Hannon-Flaherty38.48
2No Claimant
Club 15 - Handicap1*(Mick Flaherty)
2*(Danny Kelly)
3Craig Beasley
Fastest 25m TT in any competitionDanny KellyV150 1:00:22s
Strava Competition Highest Total DistanceNo Claimant
Strava Competition Longest RideNo Claimant
Strava Competition Highest Total ClimbedNo Claimant
Cyclo-Cross Champion MaleChris Beetham
Cyclo-Cross Champion FemaleAstrid Pot
Cyclo-Cross Champion Male V40 Billy Goddard381 points
Cyclo-Cross Champion Female V40Astrid Point466 points
Cyclo-Cross Champion Junior U16BJames Harrison314 points
Cyclo-Cross Champion Male V50No Claimant
Cyclo-Cross Champion Female V50No Claimant
Cyclo-Cross Champion Male V60Chris Beetham421 points
3 Peaks Champion MStuart Blackburn

* denotes this rider has placed in the scratch event so does not receive the handicap award, 1 rider 1 prize.

CycleSense Evening League full results 2022

What a season 2022 was!   Seacroft Wheelers members came out in force again for this season with 9 riders who rode consistently over the season.  Unfortunately, like 2021 season, more events than usual were cancelled which meant riders only had to ride 5 events in the season to qualify for any places.  It was great to see that we had quite a few new riders this year and I hope this continues into the 2023 season.

Below are the final results for the CycleSense Evening League for 2022. The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense Website.

Congratulations go again to Pete Nixon who was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler. Well done Pete!  2nd fastest Seacroft Rider was Mick Flaherty closely followed by Danny Kelly.  Exactly the same positions as 2022 so well done for keeping at the top 3.

The fastest Seacroft lady and overall fastest lady in the league was Angela Flaherty.  This was, yet again another fantastic result for Angela – well done!

Craig Beasley came 2nd road bike overall after an absolutely fantastic first season – great work Craig!

Well done everyone – great racing.


Hope you all enjoyed it and that you will be back again in 2023.

For any queries with the results please contact Dave Hall

NameClubTime Trial/Road BikeRoad bike/Seacroft Position
Ed NicholsonCycleSenseTime Trial
Anthony AshworthWetherby WheelersTime Trial
Pete NixonSeacroft WheelersTime TrialOverall 3rd and Fastest Seacroft Wheeler rider
Sam StrawCycleSenseTime Trial
Duncan ThorpeAlba RosaTime Trial
Mike FurbyValley StridersTime Trial
Mick FlahertySeacroft WheelersTime Trial2nd fastest Seacroft Wheeler
Mike DillowCycleSenseTime Trial
Danny KellySeacroft WhelersTime Trial3rd fastest Seacroft Wheeler
Adrian KeelerValley StridersRoad Bike1st Road Bike overall
Alasdair BruceYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial
Dave JohnsonCycleSenseTime Trial
Angela Hannon-FlahertySeacroft WheelersTime Trial1st lady overall and 1st Seacroft Wheelers lady (4th Seacroft Wheeler overall)
Craig BeasleySeacroft WheelersRoad Bike2nd Road Bike overall and fastest Seacroft Wheeler Road Bike. 5th fastest Seacroft Wheeler
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers Time Trial6th fastest Seacroft Wheeler
Mark CaseySeacroft WheelersTime Trial7th Seacroft Wheeler
Liz BallValley StridersTime Trial2nd lady overall
Eleanor StaffordValley StridersRoad Bike1st lady overall road bike
Saul ClaytonAlba RosaTime Trial
Elaine KellySeacroft WheelersTime Trial4th lady overall and 2nd lady Seacroft Wheeler
Gary SimpsonYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial
Kat HandyValley StridersTime Trial5th lady overall
Steven ScottAlba RosaTime Trial
Gill EdmondsonCycleSenseRoad Bike2nd lady road bike/6th lady overall
Richard BarkerSeacroft WheelerTime Trial9th Seacroft Wheeler
Paul GraveNot known
Pete MacklamYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial
Grant YoungValley StridersTime Trial

Seacroft Wheelers Hill Climb Thursday 1st September 2022

It was a pleasant evening weather wise for the hill climb though the road was a bit bumpy!

Massive congratulations go to Elliot Fraser who not only won the race with a time of 5:19 making him the fastest Seacroft Wheeler and a new juvenile record.  Very impressive Elliot well done! Runner up was James Green from Valley Striders with a fabulous time of 5: 32 closely followed by Craig Beasley with 5:59.

Fastest lady of the night was Kat Handy from Valley striders with an impressive time of 6:51  and the fastest lady for Seacroft Wheelers was Angela Flaherty with a great time of 7:42.

Keith Storeys training has paid off this year being the fastest vet beating fellow Seacroft member Mick Flaherty by 2 seconds.  Well done!

It was fantastic to see so many Seacroft Wheelers riding the hill climb tonight and was lovely to see some new faces. Well done everyone great climbing.

Elliot FraserSeacroft Wheelers5:19:2
James GreenValley Striders5:32:0
Craig BeasleySeacroft Wheelers5:59:8
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers6:32:2
Mick FlahertySeacroft Wheelers6:34:6
Kat HandyValley Striders6:51:0
Mark CaseySeacroft Wheelers7:00:4
Dominic BarronValley Striders7:01:0
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers7:10:0
Danny KellySeacroft Wheelers7:10:1
Kye ForresterSeacroft Wheelers7:27:1
Angie FlahertySeacroft Wheelers7:42:0
Steve FreshneySeacroft Wheelers7:53:0
John CairnsSeacroft Wheelers8:07:8
Ethan LancasterSeacroft Wheelers8:18:6
Astrid PottSeacroft Wheelers8:24:7
Joseph IbrahimSeacroft Wheelers9:08:0

Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 3 up time trial Thursday 25h August 2022

It was a sunny warm pleasant evening tonight for the 2 up 10 mile time trial.

Congratulations go to Nick Boydell and Mike Dillow who won with a fantastic time of 23:14 beating Nikolas Hanson and Pete Nixon to the top spot by just 10 seconds! The fastest team of 3 were Ben Webster, Jack Davey, and Oliver Barker from PMRR with a fabulous time of 23:42. The fastest mixed team were Valley Striders Mike Furby and and Kat Handy with an brilliant time of 24:19 just missing out on 4th place overall by 5 seconds!  The fastest female team were Bev Firth, Jo Derry and Christine Clubbs who finished with a great time of 28:19 meaning that both Bev and Jo knocked nearly a full a minute off their time from last week – well done girls!

Nick Boydell
Mike Dillow
Nikolas Hanson
Pete Nixon
Valley Striders
Seacroft Wheelers
Ben Webster
Jack Davey
Oliver Barker
James Teagle
Gary Simpson
YRC/Jackpot Racing
YRC/Jackpot Racing
Kat Handy
Mike Furby
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Mark CaseySeacroft Wheelers26:25
Liz Ball
Alan Chalmers
Dominic Barron
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Pete Macklam
Carl Gomersall
Steve Smith
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Dave Johnson
Jim McQuaid
Beverley Firth
Christine Clubbs
Jo Derry
Seacroft Wheelers

Helen Fenton
Astrid Pot
Craig Lyons
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers

Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 2 up time trial Thursday 18th August 2022

It was a blustery evening for the 2 up 10 mile time trial tonight.

Congratulations go to Matt Chipping solo with a fantastic time of 21:55.  The fastest pair were Nick Boydell and Mike Dillow with a fabulous time of 23:30 which is excellent.  The fastest female team were Jo Derry and Bev Firth with a great time of 29:13 so well done girls!

It’s lovely to see some new faces tonight and some returning who haven’t raced for a while.  Well done everyone great riding.

Matt ChippingValley Striders21:55
Nick BoydellCycleSense 23:30
Mike DillowCycleSense
Andy ColbeckSelby CC23:58
Ian RichardsonSelby CC
Gary SimpsonYorkshire Road Club24:26
James TeagleYorkshire Road Club
Kat HandyValley Striders25:01
Mike FurbyValley Striders
Dominic BarronValley Striders26:09
Mark CaseySeacroft Wheelers26:26
Pete MacklamYorkshire Road Club28:26
Carl GomersallYorkshire Road Club
Joanne DerryCycleSense29:13
Bev FirthSeacroft Wheelers
Craig LyonsSeacroft Wheelers29:55
Astrid PottSeacroft Wheelers
Lisa Belford McDowellSeacroft Wheelers33:53
Helen FentonSeacroft Wheelers

Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 2 up time trial Thursday 28th April 2022

A cold evening it was! This didn’t deter newcomers Lisa Belford-McDowell and Helen Fenton who did a great first ride and got a time of 36:32. Very well done ladies!  Unfortunately the early start caught out a few riders who unfortunately turned up too late.  However, it was fantastic to have 3 Seacroft women on the start line so early on in the season.

The winners were Mike Dillow and Nick Boydell with a fantastic time of 23:41 and they were closely followed by Alan Chalmers and Mike Furby coming a close second.

Craig Beasley also new to the evening events rode solo but was the fastest Seacroft rider with a brilliant time of 27:11. Well done Craig!

A very well done to all riders – great racing.

For any queries with the results please contact Andy Mobbs

Mike Dillow
Nick Boydell
Tadcaster Cycling Club
Tadcaster Cycling Club
Alan Chalmers
Mike Furby
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Craig BeasleySeacroft Wheelers27:11
Liz Ball
Dominic Barron
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Danny KellySeacroft Wheelers27:57
Peter Callaghan
Richard Bewell
Helen LewisSeacroft Wheelers32:38
Lisa Belford-McDowell
Helen Fenton
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers


Club Awards for 2021

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearCraig LyonsCraig is truly loyal to the Wheelers and plays a large part in attracting and motivating members to and within the club. Clubs often run on the voluntary efforts of a few people,and Craig is very much one of these heroes
Dave Jakeman Merit awardPete AndersonFor 3rd place in the British Masters National track championships vets 60 scratch race
Most improved riderLisa Belford-McDowellLisa started on Zero to Hero and has progressed to the Elementary where she is a regular rider now
Clubrun Cup Runs Competition1Craig Lyons 74pts
2Wyn Evans70pts
3Mike Taylor 66pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hillclimb
Fastest Male
Craig Beasley6.03.7
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hillclimb
Fastest Vet
Mick Flaherty6.28.5
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hillclimb
Fastest Female
Angie Hannon-Flaherty 7.22.3
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hillclimb
Fastest Junior
Alex Fraser 7.30.1
Evening Time Trial Competition Male1Pete Nixon
2Mick Flaherty
3Danny Kelly
Evening Time Trial Competition Female1Angie Hannon-Flaherty
2Elaine Kelly
Evening Time Trial Competition -
1Danny Kelly
2Chris Ashe
3Mark Casey
Club 10 Male1Mick Flaherty23.47
2Danny Kelly24.29
3Keith Storey29.57
Club 10 Female1Angie Hannon-Flaherty25.44
2Elaine Kelly27.47
Club 10 - Handicap1Chris Ashe
2Danny Kelly
3Mark Casey
Club 15 Male1Mick Flaherty35.21
2Ian Brown36.18
3Danny Kelly36.20
Club 15 Female1Angie Hannon-Flaherty37.58
2Elaine Kelly42.17
Club 15 - Handicap1Danny Kelly
2Richard Barker
3Mick Flaherty
Strava Competition Highest Total DistanceRobert Carter
Strava Competition Longest RideDavid Bacon
Strava Competition Highest Total ClimbedRobert Carter
Cyclo-Cross Champion MaleChris Beetham436 pts
Cyclo-Cross Champion FemaleAstrid Pot662 pts
Cyclo-Cross Champion Male V40 Billy Goddard298 pts
Cyclo-Cross Champion Female V50Angie Hannon-Flaherty196 pts
Cyclo-Cross Champion Male V50Mick Flaherty121 pts

CycleSense Evening League Results 2021

What a season 2021 was!  After a year of no league in 2020 due to Covid-19 Seacroft Wheelers members came out in force for the 2021 season.  Unfortunately, due to roadworks and weather more events than usual were cancelled which meant riders only had to ride 5 events in the season to qualify for any places.  It was great to see that we had quite a few new riders this year and I hope this continues into the 2022 season.

Below are the final results for the CycleSense Evening League for 2021. The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense Website.

Congratulations go again to Pete Nixon who was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler. Well done Pete!  2nd fastest Seacroft Rider was Mick Flaherty closely followed by Danny Kelly.

The fastest Seacroft lady and overall fastest lady in the league was Angela Flaherty.  This was a fantastic result for Angela’s first season with us.

Danny Kelly has made vast improvements to his time and this showed as he won 1st handicap prize.  Great work Danny and congratulations.

Chris Ashe was a newcomer to the league this year and showed great improvements throughout the season earning him 2nd place in the handicap, followed by Mark Casey in 3rd place.

Well done everyone – great racing.

Hope you all enjoyed it and that you will be back again in 2020.

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly

NameClubTime Trial/Road BikeLadies
Matt ChippingValley StridersTime Trial
Ed NicholsonCycleSenseTime Trial
Pete NixonSeacroft WheelersTime Trial
Duncan ThorpeAlba RosaTime Trial
William HollowayAlba RosaTime Trial
Mike FurbyValley StridersTime Trial
Rich Knell-MooreValley StridersTime Trial
Ian PrestonCycleSenseTime Trial
Sam StrawAlba RosaTime Trial
Mick FlahertySeacroft WheelersTime Trial
Mike DillowCycleSenseTime Trial
Danny KellySeacroft WheelersTime Trial
John Blomeley Yorkshire Road ClubRoad Bike (1)
Ian BrownSeacroft WheelersTime Trial
Rob WhiteWetherby WheelersTime Trial
Dominic BarronValley StridersTime Trial
Joe SimonsAlba RosaTime Trial
Richard BarkerSeacroft WheelersTime Trial
Keith StoreySeacroft WheelersTime Trial
Angela Hannon-FlahertySeacroft WheelersTime Trial1st lady
Dave JohnsonCycleSenseTime Trial
Mark CaseySeacroft WheelersTime Trial
Alasdair BruceYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial
Gill EdmondsonCycleSenseRoad Bike lst lady road bike
Scott KellySeacroft WheelersTime Trial
Nigel RaperWetherby WheelersTime Trial
Mark LunhamCycleSenseTime Trial
Tessa KnowlesAlba RosaTime Trial
Grant YoungValley StridersTime Trial
Elaine KellySeacroft WheelersTime Trial 2nd Seacroft lady
Steve Freshney Seacroft WheelersRoad Bike (3)
Chris AsheSeacroft Wheelers Road Bike (4)
Liz BallValley StridersRoad Bike (5)
Mark LansdownAlba RosaTime Trial

Seacroft Wheelers Hill Climb (Weardley Bank) Thursday 2nd September 2021.

There was a great turn out of Seacroft Wheelers riders tonight, 10 Seacroft riders out of 21 in total which was fabulous.  Many Seacroft Course records have been smashed tonight and the details are below.  Congratulations go to Andy Cunningham (Wheelbase) who won the event with a brilliant time of 04:56:4. Thomas Hutchinson (University of Nottingham SCC) was 2nd place with a great time of 05:30:5 followed by Ben Hall (Valley Striders) with a time of 5:45:8.

Craig Beasley was the fastest Seacroft rider with a fabulous time of 06:03:7 and also now sets the mens Seacroft Wheeler course record.

Elliott Fraser was very close behind as the second fastest Seacroft rider with a great time of 06:07:3 and takes the Juvenile course record.

Third fastest Seacroft Wheeler of the night goes to Mick Flaherty with a very good time of 06:28:5 and takes the Seacroft veterans mens record.

Fastest lady was Angie Flaherty with a fantastic time of 07:22:3 and Angie takes the Seacroft ladies record and the Seacroft ladies veteran record.

Alexander Fraser also takes the junior record with a fabulous time of 7:30.1

Good to see the records getting smashed and all riders did brilliant so well done!  Its been a good year this year as we have seen new faces on the race scene and we look forward to seeing you all for a full season in 2022.

Andy CunninghamWheelbase4:56:4
Thomas HutchinsonUniversity of Nottingham SRC5:30:5
Ben HallValley Striders5:45:8
Finn CollValley Striders5:49:3
Russell BrownValley Striders5:49:5
Craig BeasleySeacroft Wheelers06:03:7
Elliot FraserSeacroft Wheelers06:07:3
John BlomeleyYorkshire Road Club06:08:2
Mike RobertsAlba Rosa 06:11:4
Mick FlahertySeacroft Wheelers06:28:5
Dave JohnsonCycleSense06:29:2
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers06:39:3
Mark CaseySeacroft Wheelers06:55:6
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers07:05:4
Dominic BarronValley Striders07:19:2
Angie FlahertySeacroft Wheelers07:22:3
Alexander FraserSeacroft Wheelers07:30:1
Ged CollValley Striders07:30:8
Danny KellySeacroft Wheelers07:32:7
Mark LansdownAlba Rosa07:32:8
Ethan LancasterSeacroft Wheelers09:30:3

Seacroft Wheelers 10 Mile 3-up time trial Thursday 26th August 2021.

What an eventful night it was tonight at the 3-up.  Nick Boydell, Mike Dillow and Mark Cunham had a mechanical which cost them at least 2nd place.  Unfortunately they weren’t the only ones who suffered a mechanical Ethan Lancaster also had trouble when his chain came off!  It was fantastic to see 3 junior Seacroft Wheeler riders.  A massive well done to Elliott Fraser, Ellie Harrison and Ethan Lancaster who all rode extremely well and we look forward to welcoming you to the full league next year.

It was a very breezy tonight but this didn’t stop speedy cyclists Tony Stubbs (Alba Rosa), John Blomeley (Yorkshire Road Club) and Russell Brown (Valley Striders) from winning the event with a fantastic time of 23:13.  Second place were the Seacroft Wheelers team of Mick Flaherty, Danny Kelly and Mark Casey followed by Dave Morley and Mike Furby from Valley Striders. Great riding and very well done..

Tony Stubbs
John Blomeley
Russell Brown
Alba Rosa
Yorkshire Road Club
Valley Striders
Mark Casey
Mick Flaherty
Danny Kelly
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Dave Morley
Mike Furby
Richard Knell-Moore
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Nick Boydell
Mike Dillow
Mark Cunham
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers25:28
Gemma Travis-Turner
Kat O'Mahoney
Kat Hardy
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Ellie Harrison
Elliott Fraser
Chris Ashe
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Dawn Morley
Liz Ball
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Stu SklinarAlba Rosa28:12
Jim McquaidWetherby Wheelers28:37
Dalia Hawley
Mark Bryant
Wakefield Triathlon
Calder Clarion
Claire LancasterSeacroft Wheelers36:07
Ethan LancasterSeacroft Wheelers37:08

Seacroft Wheelers 10 Mile 2-up time trial Thursday 19th August 2021

It was a good turnout for the Seacroft Wheelers 10 mile 2 up time trial tonight and we had some fantastic times.  Congratulations go to both Mike Furby and Rich Knell-Moore who were the fastest pair with a fabulous time of 23:02.

It was lovely to see a good turn out from Seacroft Wheelers riders and both Mick and Angela Flaherty were the fastest Seacroft riders closely followed by Danny Kelly and Mark Casey. Congratulations also go to both Claire and Ethan Lancaster for entering and completing their very first time trial with a great first time of 35:07.  Well done! We hope to see you again next week.

Ed NicholsonCycleSense21:44
Mike Furby
Rich Knell-Moore
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Tony Stubbs
John Blomeley
Alba Rosa
Yorkshire Road Club
Dave Bramley
Kirsty Bramley
Clifton Cycling Club
Clifton Cycling Club
Mick Flaherty
Angela Flaherty
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Danny Kelly
Mark Casey
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Dave Johnson
Jim McQuaid
Wetherby Wheelers
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers26:02
Tim MilnerValley Striders26:49
Peter Macklam
Carl Gomersall
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Elliott Fraser
Chris Ashe
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Emma Barnett
Kat Handy
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Danny Sampson
Ste Porritt
York Triathlon
York Triathlon
Claire Lancaster
Ethan Lancaster
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers

Seacroft Wheelers 10 Mile time trial Thursday 29th April 2021

Please note the results have now been updated at 16:00 on 30th April 2021 following an error.  Apologies for this.

A good start to the season after Covid with 33 entries.   Congratulations go to Richard Sharp from Chapeau Viva Le Velo winning the event with a fantastic time of 20:58 and also beating the course record.  Matthew Chipping took 2nd place and Ed Nicholson  3rd.   Congratulations also go to Rebecca Bland from York Cycleworks who was the fastest lady.

It was great to see a fabulous turnout from Seacroft Wheelers,  Pete Nixon being the fastest Seacroft Wheeler.  Danny Kelly was 2nd Seacroft Wheeler and has made yet another big improvement this year – well done Danny!

A big well done to all riders out there tonight and thank you for sticking to the rules and keeping the event as Covid safe as possible.

The full results are below and if anyone has any queries about the results please contact Elaine Kelly via Email:

Richard SharpChapeau Viva Le Velo20:58
Matthew ChippingValley Striders22:24
Ed NicholsonCycleSense23:15
Franco PardiniChapeau Vive Le Velo23:25
Ewan DowesCalder Clarion23:58
Ian PrestonCyclesense24:05
Pete Nixon Seacroft Wheelers24:10
Mike FurbyValley Striders24:22
Joe SearleAlba Rosa25:18
Mark LunhamCycleSense25:29
Danny KellySeacroft Wheelers26:05
Andrew RobinsonWakefield Triathlon Club26:18
Dave JohnsonCycleSense26:23
Alasdair BruceYorkshire Road Club26:29
Robert WhiteWetherby Wheelers26:32
Nicholas Drever-SmithWetherby Wheelers26:34
Richard BarkerSeacroft Wheelers26:49
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers27.11
Dan StoneWakefield Triathlon Club27:18
Jim McQuaidWetherby Wheelers27:47
Mark CaseySeacroft Wheelers27:50
Nigel RaperWetherby Wheelers28:23
Rebecca BlandYork Cycleworks28:41
Doug JoplingBramley Wheelers29:19
Jake BirkbySeacroft Wheelers29:30
Scott FisherSeacroft Wheelers29:52
Evelyn OldaleRFDA30:12
Grant YoungValley Striders30:17
Rebecca DawesRFDADNF
Danny MalaBramley WheelersDNF
Sophie EarlCrimson PerformanceDNS
Neil RobinsonWakefield Triathlon ClubDNS
Robert WyattSeacroft WheelersDNS


No awards this year due to Covid-19.


Club Awards for 2019

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearMike FarthingIf we're talking about selflessly turning out for the benefit of others then Mick is without doubt an inspiration to us all. No matter what the weather he turns out for the club members. Mick welcomes new talent with gusto. Thanks to Mick many club members have increased their cycling skill set
Dave Jakeman Merit awardNick HansonFor breaking the club 100 mile record with a time of 3-56-23
Most improved riderAstrid PotFor progressing from the Zero to Hero to competitive Cyclo-Cross
Clubrun Cup Runs Competition1Craig Lyons 80pts
2Mike Taylor 72pts
3Clive Grace and
Graham Johnson
Seacroft Reliability SeriesFred Lyn
Jonathan Noble Memorial HillclimbKeith Storey7.01.6
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hillclimb
Fastest Vet
Scott Kelly 7.51.6
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hillclimb
Fastest Woman
Lynn Hanson 8.28.4
Men’s Best All RounderNick Hanson26.074 mph
Women’s Best All RounderNo Claimant
Veteran’s Best All RounderNick Hanson+5.073
Fastest 25 Men’sNick Hanson54.50
Fastest 25 Women’sLynn Hanson 1.05.50
Evening Time Trial Competition1Pete Nixon
2Keith Storey
3Elaine Kelly
Evening Time Trial Competition -
1Keith Storey
Club 101Pete Nixon21.27
2Keith Storey26.03
3Sacha Hesling29.07
1st WomanJeanette Pitts29.31
Club 10 - Handicap1Sacha Hesling
2Keith Storey
Club 151Keith Storey40.55
2Sacha Hesling46.01
3Chris Beetham48.22
1st WomanElaine Kelly 42.33
Club 15 - Handicap1Keith Storey
2Sacha Hesling
3Chris Beetham
Club 251Pete Nixon55.43
2Danny Kelly1.08.56
3Sacha Hesling1.18.56
1st WomanElaine Kelly1.12.29
Club 25 - Handicap1Danny Kelly
2Sacha Hesling
Strava Competition Highest Total DistanceDean Thornton
Strava Competition Longest RideRichard Goddard
Strava Competition Highest Total ClimbedKeith Storey
The Matt Vickers Memorial 3 Peaks ChampionStuart Blackburn
Cyclo-Cross Champion OverallAndy Bramham
Cyclo-Cross Champion Male U14Sam Ritchie
Cyclo-Cross Champion Female V40 Astrid Pot
Cyclo-Cross Champion Male V40Billy Goddard
Cyclo-Cross Champion Male V50Chris Beetham

Seacroft Wheelers Hill Climb (Weardley Bank) Thursday 29th August 2019

Not a bad turnout tonight for the Seacroft Wheelers Hill Climb. A very well done to all riders who worked hard up that hill!  Congratulations to Anthony Ashworth from Wetherby Wheelers winning the event in a cracking time of 06:08:3.  Keith Storey was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler rider with a great time of 07:01:6

NameClubLap 1Total
Anthony AshworthWetherby Wheelers06:08:3
Ryan ThomasEast Bradford06:13:3
Rebecca SheridanAlba Rosa06:26:6
Hannah TweddellAlba Rosa06:27:5
Finn CollValley Striders06:31:1
Chris JohnsonValley Striders06:38:2
Michael BrawleyWetherby Wheelers06:49:0
Jim McQuaidWetherby Wheelers06:50:5
Keith Storey Seacroft Wheelers07:01:6
Dave JohnsonWetherby Wheelers07:14:7
Lydia HunterUniversity of Leeds Cycling Club07:30:0
Nigel RaperWetherby Wheelers07:32:8
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers07:51:6
Lynn HansonSeacroft Wheelers08:28:4
Mike FarthingSeacroft Wheelers08:39:1
Dalia HawleyAlba Rosa08:56:2
Martin CloughSeacroft Wheelers10:54:2

Seacroft Wheelers 3-up Thursday 22nd August 2019

Another good turnout for the Seacroft Wheelers 3-up and for the 2nd week running windy conditions.  A very well done to all riders and congratulations to Ed Nicholson winning the event riding solo with a fabulous time of 21:42.

NameClubLap 1Total
Ed NicholsonCycleSense21:42
Nick Boydell
Kieran Savage
Cycling Sheffield GS
Russell Brown
Jason Proctor
Matt Hallam
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Andy Colbeck
Ian Richardson
Mark Rowland
Selby CC
Selby CC
Selby CC
Nick JohnsonCycleSense24:54
Steve SmithYorkshire Road Club25:30
Jim McQuaidWetherby Wheelers Cycling Club26:18
Mark Lunham
Laurence Loxham
James Howcroft
Andy Bramham Seacroft Wheelers26:25
MIke FurbyValley Striders26:45
Liz Ball
Tom Perry
Finn Coll
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Pete Macklam
Carl Gomersall
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Danny KellySeacroft Wheelers28:31
John TomlinsonBarnsley Road Club28:47
Mike Farthing
Jeanette Pitts
Sacha Hesling
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers

Seacroft Wheelers 2-up Thursday 15th August 2019

It was a good turnout for the Seacroft Wheelers 2-up despite the windy conditions and it was great to see fellow Seacroft members riding tonight. A very well done to all riders and congratulations to Pete Nixon and Ed Nicholson winning the event with a fantastic time of 21:28.

NameClubLap 1Total
Ed Nicholson
Pete Nixon
Seacroft Wheelers
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club22:09
Nick Bodell
Stu Wood
Yorkshire Road Club
Andrew Coulbeck
Ian Richardson
Selby CC
Selby CC
Nick JohnsonCycleSense24:51
Mark Lunham
James Howcroft
Peter McGowen
Steven Smith
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Dave Johnson
Jim McQuaid
Wetherby Wheelers CC
Wetherby Wheelers CC
Scott Caul
James Sheldon
York Triathlon Club
York Triathlon Club
Liz Ball
Finn Coll
Valley Striders
Valley Striders
Rebecca Bland
Kieran Savage
York Cycleworks
Giant Sheffield
Mark Casey
Danny Kelly
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Mal LancasterWakefield Triathlon Club27:45
Pete Macklam
Carl Gomersall
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
John TomlinsonBarnsley Road Club28:24
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers28:51
Jeanette Pitts
Sasha Hesling
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers

CycleSense Final Evening League results for 2019

Below are the final results for the CycleSense Evening League for 2019. The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense Website.

Congratulations go again to Pete Nixon who was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler. Well done Pete!

As Madeline Moore was not racing this year this gave Elaine Kelly a chance to claim the fastest Seacroft lady this year, closely followed by Jeanette Pitts.

This year saw the introduction of the road bike competition.  Congratulations go to Keith Storey who was the fast Seacroft Wheeler on a road bike. Great work Keith!

Congratulations also go to Jeanette Pitts who were the fastest Seacroft Wheeler lady on a road bike.  Well done Jeanette a fantastic first season!

2019 was a good turnout and it was fabulous to see many different riders having a go this year for the first time.  Hope you all enjoyed it and that you will be back again in 2020.

NameClubTime Trial Bike/Road BikeLadies
Ed NicholsonCycleSenseTime Trial Bike
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers Time Trial Bike
Joe SimonsAlba RosaTime Trial Bike
Will FosterCycleSenseRoad Bike (1)
Stu WoodYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Duncan ThorpeAlba RosaTime Trial Bike
Nick BoydellValley StridersTime Trial Bike
Sam StrawAlba RosaTime Trial Bike
Chris JohnsonValley StridersTime Trial Bike
Sam AllenCycleSenseTime Trial Bike
Nic Drever-SmithTime Trial Bike
Nick JohnsonCycleSenseRoad Bike (2)
Jim McQuaidWetherby WheelersTime Trial Bike
Nigel RaperWetherby WheelersTime Trial Bike
Steve MooringYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Mark LunhamCycleSenseRoad Bike (3)
Mike DillowCycleSenseTime Trial Bike
Dave JohnsonWetherby WheelersTime Trial Bike
Keith Storey Seacroft WheelersRoad Bike (4)
NIcola ForwoodAlba RosaTime Trial Bike1st Lady
Gill EdmondsonCycleSenseRoad Bike (5)1st lady Road Bike/2nd overall
Eleanor StaffordValley StridersRoad Bike (6)2nd Lady Road Bike/3rd overall
James HowcroftCycleSenseRoad Bike (7)
Phillip WorbeyCycleSenseTime Trial Bike
Mike FurbyValley StridersTime Trial Bike
Ian LangleyWetherby WheelersTime Trial Bike
Elaine Kelly Seacroft WheelersTime Trial Bike4th Lady
Russell BrownYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Anthony AshworthWetherby WheelersTime Trial Bike
Jeanette PittsSeacroft WheelersRoad Bike (8)3rd lady road bike/5th overall
Tina WorbeyCycleSenseRoad Bike (9)4th lady road bike/6th lady overall
Peter HookTime Trial Bike
Liz BallValley stridersTime Trial Bike
Sacha Hesling Seacroft WheelersRoad Bike (10)
Matthew KirkbrightTime Trial Bike
James TeagleYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Simon WestCycleSenseTime Trial Bike
Steven ScottTime Trial Bike
Wayne AylesburyYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Glen JohnsonCycleSenseTime Trial Bike
Ian BrownSeacroft Wheelers Time Trial Bike
Stu SklinarAlba RosaTime Trial Bike
Pete MacklamYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Richard SaundersTime Trial Bike
Danny Kelly Seacroft WheelersTime Trial Bike
Jason ProcterValley StridersTime Trial Bike
Dalia HawleyAlba RosaRoad Bike (11)5th lady road bike
Kevin EastCycleSenseRoad Bike (12)
Poppy CookeTime Trial Bike
Mick YoungstonTime Trial Bike
David RowleyWetherby WheelersTime Trial Bike
Mark CaseySeacroft WheelersTime Trial Bike
David ParkinsonCycleSenseRoad Bike (13)
Jim GlassRoad Bike (14)
Rich Knell-MooreValley StridersTime Trial Bike
Chris BeethamSeacroft WheelersTime Trial Bike
Damian EvingtonTime Trial Bike
Mike CrossYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Richard McKellarRoad Bike (15)
Alasdair BruceYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Steven SmithYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
M GreenTime Trial Bike
Dave MorleyValley StridersTime Trial Bike
Jonathan O'RorkeRoad Bike (16)
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers Time Trial Bike
Alex ScottTime Trial Bike
Graham Johnson Seacroft Wheelers Road Bike (17)
Drew TaylorTime Trial Bike
Tom PerryValley StridersRoad Bike (18)
Gary SimpsonYorkshire Road ClubTime Trial Bike
Martin Clough Seacroft WheelersRoad Bike (18)
Bob TateWestfieldRoad Bike (19)
Sarah BurnRoad Bike (20)7th lady road bike
Mark HaynesCycleSenseRoad Bike (21)
Melissa KellySeacroft Wheelers Road Bike (22)8th lady road bike
Stuart PicklesSeacroft WheelersTime Trial Bike
Matthew HallamValley StridersTime Trial Bike

Club Awards for 2018

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearCraig Lyonsfor his continued effort to do everything he can to improve the club and for the work he puts into club kit and the club website
Dave Jakeman Merit awardIan Brown for achieving first place in the 24 Hour World Time Trial Championship 2-man team 50-59 age group, with 451.2 miles, which took place in Borrego Springs, California
Most improved riderClaire Lancaster for the club run rider who showed most improvement throughout the year
Clubrun Cup Runs Competition1Craig Lyons 72pts
2Mike Taylor 70pts
3Clive Grace 66pts
Seacroft Reliability SeriesRichard Goddard
Martin Scholfield
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 111Keith Storey31.42
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11
Fastest Vet
1Chris Beetham42.41
Men’s Best All RounderNo Claimant
Women’s Best All RounderNo Claimant
Veteran’s Best All RounderNo Claimant
Fastest 25 Men’sPete Nixon 54.38
Fastest 25 Women’sL Hanson 1.01.31
Evening Time Trial Competition1Pete Nixon
2Ian Brown
3Madeline Moore
Evening Time Trial Competition -
1Ian Brown
2Madeline Moore
3Keith Storey
Club 101Pete Nixon21.19
2Ian Brown23.39
3Keith Storey25.24
1st WomanDoris Smith30.02
Club 10 - Handicap1Keith Storey
2Ian Brown
3Stuart Pickles
Club 151Pete Nixon33.27
2Madeline Moore37.47
3Ian Brown37.56
1st WomanMadeline Moore37.47
Club 15 - Handicap1Elaine Kelly
2Madeline Moore
3Scott Kelly
Club 251Pete Nixon54.38
2Ian Brown1.00.59
3Elaine Kelly1.12.49
1st WomanElaine Kelly1.12.49
Club 25 - Handicap1Ian Brown
2Elaine Kelly
3Non eligible

CycleSense Final Evening League results for 2018

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly

Below are the final results for the CycleSense Evening League for 2018. The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense Website

Congratulations go again to Pete Nixon who was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler. Well done Pete!  Pete was closely followed by runner up Ian Brown, and 3rd fastest was Madeline Moore. The winner of the Seacroft handicap was Ian Brown.  Well done Ian great work!Congratulations also go to Madeline Moore who was not only the fastest Seacroft lady but the fastest lady in the full CycleSense league – well done Madeline great racing!

NameClubBest 7Ladies
Ed NicholsonCycleSense279
Ian MitchelsonAlba Rosa279
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club273
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers271
Anthony AshworthWetherby Wheelers267
Ian BrownSeacroft Wheelers249
Chris JohnsonValley Striders237
Mike DillowCycleSense236
Steve MooringYorkshire Road Club226
Greg HiltonAlba Rosa 223
Madeline MooreSeacroft Wheelers2221st lady
Nigel RaperWetherby Wheelers197
Jim McQuaidWetherby Wheelers196
Gary SimpsonYorkshire Road Club194
Chris McKennaCycleSense185
Elaine KellySeacroft Wheelers167 2nd lady
Nicola ForwoodAlba Rosa1583rd lady
Mark LansdownAlba Rosa158
Sam StrawAlba Rosa152
Joe SimonsAlba Rosa146
Mike CrossYorkshire Road Club145
Alan ChalmersValley Striders143
David RowleyWetherby Wheelers139
Tina WorbeyCycleSense134
Chris BeethamSeacroft Wheelers132
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers130
Ian LangleyWetherby Wheelers125
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers124
Liz BallValley Striders110
Phillip WorbeyCycleSense110
Mike FurbyValley Striders109
Sophie EarlValley Striders102
Lorna PotterSeacroft Wheelers102
James TeagleYorkshire Road Club101
Sam AllenCycleSense100
David YoungAlba Rosa92
Saul ClaytonAlba Rosa92
Gill EdmondsonCycleSense78
John KeighleyAlba Rosa75
Richard WhitfieldCycleSense73
Mark HaynesCycleSense66
Alasdair BruceYorkshire Road Club66
James MilnerWetherby Wheelers65
Glen JohnsonCycleSense62
Paul KirkSeacroft Wheelers57
David ParkinsonCycleSense56
Bob WyattSeacroft Wheelers52
Richard StroudSeacroft Wheelers51
Hannah ReichertAlba Rosa49
Eleanor StaffordValley Striders 43
Andrew BoltonAlba Rosa40
Andy JacksonCycleSense39
Tom LoukesSeacroft Wheelers38
Debbie DetmourValley Striders38
Tom Van RossamYorkshire Road Club37
Rich Knell-MooreValley Striders36
J BlomeleyYorkshire Road Club36
Will HollowayAlba Rosa36
Ady StottYorkshire Road Club35
Archie CrossYorkshire Road Club35
Duncan ThorpeAlba Rosa34
Jason ProctorValley Striders34
Ted CrossYorkshire Road Club33
Dave MorleyValley Striders32
Mark CookeYorkshire Road Club32
Wayne AylesburyYorkshire Road Club31
Sam GreenAlba Rosa30
Gavin TraceyAlba Rosa30
Fred LynSeacroft Wheelers30
Simon WrightCycleSense28
Richard WallieSeacroft Wheelers 27
Melissa GreavesValley Striders26
Brendan SpencerWetherby Wheelers25
Nicola BradfordAlba Rosa25
John HallasValley Striders25
Peter CartledgeWetherby Wheelers23
Jonathan PrideauxAlba Rosa22
David LoukesCycleSense21
Bob TateWestfield21
Romeo RossettiAlba Rosa20
Andy TurnerValley Striders19
Ged CollValley Striders18
Tony MawsonAlba Rosa15
Jamie JohnsonYorkshire Road Club15
Aiush GrahamAlba Rosa14
Stuart PicklesSeacroft Wheelers13
Pete MacklamYorkshire Road Club9

Hilly 11 Thursday 30th August 2018

NameClubLap 1Total
Eugene CrossTeam B38/underpin13:0925:50
Archie CrossTeam B38/underpin13:1126:16
Patrick ClarkTeam B38/underpin13:1426:20
Nick BoydellValley Striders C.C13:2627:11
Julian PearceAlba Rosa C.C13:3227:23
Mike CrossYorkshire Road Club14:0327:55
Andy JohnstonAiredale Olympic C.C 13:4227:22
Simon WestCycleSense C.C14:0528:20
James EatonCycleSense C.C14:1228:51
Mike DillowCycleSense C.C14:5329:17
Richard BanksAlba Rosa C.C14:2729:21
Richard HaighCycleSense C.C14:4529:49
Mark LunhamCycleSense C.C14:4229:51
Chris McKennaCycleSense C.C15:0230:13
Adam ConnellAlba Rosa C.C14:4830:39
Oliver BevisAlba Rosa C.C15:1130:45
Jim McQuaidWetherby Wheelers C.C15:2531:23
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers C.C15:3831:42
Adrian WareWetherby Wheelers C.C16:0132:23
Philip WorbeyCycleSense C.C16:3333:24
Jihanna AllardValley Striders C.C16:3833:38
Rebecca DawesClifton C.C17:0134:09
Stu SklinarAlba Rosa C.C17:3134:19
Ross HamiltonAlba Rosa C.C17:3835:35
Howard JeffreyValley Striders C.C17:4936:11
Chris BeethamSeacroft Wheelers C.C20:2842:41

Seacroft Wheelers 3-up Thursday 23rd August 2018

NameClubLap 1Total
Peter Nixon
Russell Brown
Ed Nicholson
Seacroft Wheelers
Yorkshire Road Club
CycleSense Cycling Club
Archie Cross
Eugene Cross
Mike Cross
Team B38
Team B38
Yorkshire Road Club
Ian MitchelsonAlba Rosa9.3721.48
Greg Kershaw
Tom Parzte
Drighlington Bicycle Club
Drighlington Bicycle Club
Steve Hancock
Phil Longstaff
Calder Clarion
Calder Clarion
David Morley
Matt Wilson
Jackpot Racing
Jackpot Racing
Steve Mooring
Mike Dillow
Mick Boden
Yorkshire Road Club
Valley Striders
Richard Haigh
Mark Lunham
James Howcroft
Mark Mills
Joe Howard
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Phil TyasBarnsley Road Club10.5324.47
Gary WrightLincoln Wheelers11.1425.22
Simon Bullock
Kevin East
Paul Mooring
Yorkshire Road Club
Danny Kelly
Mal Lancaster
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Sarah Lewthwaite
Matthew Asquith
Karen Taylor
EB Cycling
Lucy Burn
Zoe Smith
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Sophie Maynard
Melissa Kelly
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Howard JeffreyValley Striders CC13.1530.31
Elaine Kelly
Lorna Potter
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers

Seacroft Wheelers 2-up Thursday 16th August 2018

NameClubLap 1Total
Simon Beldon
Glen Turnbull
Team Bottrill
Russell Brown
Yorkshire Road Club9.3221.47
Mike Cross
Archie Cross
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Ian Garbett
Liam Davison
Holmfirth CC
Team JRC
Alan DaviesBorn to Bike10.0122.53
Matt Richardson
Ian Richardson
Selby CC
Selby CC
Greg Kershaw
Tom Parzyk
Drighlington BC
Drighlington BC
Alasdair Bruce
Steve Smith
Yorkshire Road Club
Yorkshire Road Club
Mike DillowCycleSense10.2823.50
Pete Nixon
Maddie Moore
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Steve Yates
Chris McKenna
Garforth Velo
Jenni Muston
Claire Pickersgill
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Wakefield Triathlon Club
Jack Sommerville
Richard Sommerville
Huddersfield Star Whs
Huddersfield Star Whs
Gary WrightLincoln Wheelers11.3426.48
Elaine KellySeacroft Wheelers12.0427.41
Ryan Tallent
Keith Waters
Garforth Velo
Garforth Velo
Sacha Hesling
Jeanette Pitts
Seacroft Wheelers
Seacroft Wheelers
Steve MooringYorkshire Road Club

Hilly 11 Thursday 26th April 2018

NameClubLap 1Total
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers13:2226:38
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club13:3226:55
Mike CrossYorkshire Road Club14:0728:31
Nick BoydellValley Striders14:1528:38
Andrew JohnstonAiredale Olympic14:2328:56
Simon WestCycleSense14:1529:13
Chris JohnsonValley Striders15:0130:10
Mike DillowCycleSense15:0930:33
Andrew PlumridgeOtley CC15:0630:54
Steve MooringYorkshire Road Club15:2231:23
Tom LoukesSeacroft Wheelers15:5131:57
Keith StoreySeacroft Wheelers15:5532:26
James HowcroftCycleSense16:0932:33
Madeline MooreTorq16:2232:48
Jim McQuaidWetherby Wheelers15:2233:12
Fred LynSeacroft Wheelers17:1034:16
Adrian WareWetherby Wheelers17:3435:17
Paul KirkSeacroft WheelersDNF
Richard HighSSLLDNF

Club Awards for 2017

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearAntony Brumby for organising a number of events throughout 2017
Dave Jakeman Merit awardBilly Goddard for completing a triple Stelvio - all 3 sides in one day
Most improved riderMichael Crookefor the club run rider who showed most improvement throughout the year
Clubrun Cup Runs Competition1Craig Lyons 85pts
2Clive Grace 78pts
3Mike Taylor 75pts
Seacroft Reliability SeriesNo Claimant
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 111Doris Smith41.35
Men’s Best All RounderNo Claimant
Women’s Best All RounderLynn Hanson 24.252 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderNick Hanson+5.073
Fastest 25 Men’sPete Nixon 51.13
Fastest 25 Women’sL Hanson 1.00.18
Evening Time Trial Competition1Pete Nixon
2No Claimant
3Scott Kelly
Evening Time Trial Competition -
1Scott Kelly
2No Claimant
3Elaine Kelly
Club 101Pete Nixon21.51
2No Claimant
3Scott Kelly26.20
1st WomanElaine Kelly28.37
Club 10 - Handicap1Scott Kelly
2No Claimant
3Elaine Kelly
Club 151Pete Nixon32.37
2No Claimant
3Scott Kelly39.24
1st WomanElaine Kelly42.10
Club 15 - Handicap1Scott Kelly
2No Claimant
3Elaine Kelly
Club 251Pete Nixon55.28
1st WomanElaine Kelly1.10.30
Club 25 - Handicap1Scott Kelly
2No Claimant
3Elaine Kelly

CycleSense Final Evening League Results for 2017

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly

Below are the final results for the CycleSense Evening League for 2017.  The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense Website.

Congratulations to Pete Nixon who was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler closely followed by runner up Matt Hallam and 3rd Seacroft Wheeler Ian Brown.  The winner of the Seacroft handicap was Scott Kelly and fastest Seacroft lady was Elaine Kelly.  Great racing well done!

NameClubBest 7Ladies
Ed NicholsonCycleSense280
Ian MitchelsonAlba Rosa276
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers273
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club270
Matt HallamSeacroft Wheelers259
Saul ClaytonAlba Rosa250
Paul FelceWetherby Wheelers249
Mike DillowCycleSense237
NIck BoydellCycleSense230
Ian BrownSeacroft Wheelers229
Anthony AshworthWetherby Wheelers225
James BullivantAlba Rosa224
Steve MooringYorkshire Road Club216
Chris JohnsonSeacroft Wheelers206
David LacyYorkshire Road Club181
Alisdair BruceYorkshire Road Club181
Stu SklinarAlba Rosa172
Vicky JowettAlba Rosa1721
Scott KellySeacroft Wheelers170
Gavin TraceyAlba Rosa165
Nigel RaperWetherby Wheelers165
John KeighleyAlba Rosa163
Andrew SmithSeacroft Wheelers153
Philip WorbeyCycleSense153
Steve WardWetherby Wheelers146
Elaine KellySeacroft Wheelers1442
Ian LangleyWetherby Wheelers129
Mark LandsdownAlba Rosa121
Tina WorbeyCycleSense1113
David RowleyWetherby Wheelers110
Stu WoodWetherby Wheelers109
Greg HiltonAlba Rosa106
Mark HaynesAlba Rosa101
Nicola BradfordAlba Rosa954
Glen JohnsonCycleSense93
Sam AllenCycleSense92
Gordon AylesburyYorkshire Road Club90
Kevin EastCycleSense90
Jim McQuaidWetherby Wheelers83
Jonathan PrideauxAlba Rosa78
Peter WordsworthCycleSense73
John RowlandCycleSense70
Duncan ThorpeAlba Rosa69
Lorna PotterSeacroft Wheelers635
Jason DrakeCycleSense61
Chris McKennaCycleSense58
David YoungAlba Rosa54
Richard ArnoldCycleSense54
Alex ScottAlba Rosa46
Bob TateLeeds Westfield37
Joe SimonsAlba Rosa35
Antony BrumbySeacroft Wheelers34
Wayne AylesburyYorkshire Road Club34
Mike Askew34
Alex Johnston-ComerfordCycleSense33
James EatonCycleSense31
Stuart PicklesSeacroft Wheelers30
Chris WilsonWetherby Wheelers30
Madeline Moore296
Paul KirkSeacroft Wheelers27
R Walker27
Richard HaighCycleSense27
Gary SimpsonYorkshire Road Club25
Tony MawsonAlba Rosa24
Phil GouldAlba Rosa22
Sam StrawAlba Rosa22
Andy TurnerAlba Rosa21
Richard Thompson21
Colin StorrarCycleSense19
Alfie RitchieAlba Rosa19
Nigel BennettSeacroft Wheelers (2nd claim)18
Neville FellAlba Rosa16
Bob DuxburyCycleSense15
David CranswickAlba Rosa15
John HallasAlba Rosa13
Harry EastCycleSense13
Heidi TomlinsonAlba Rosa67

Hilly 11 Thursday 31st August 2017

NameClubLap 1Total
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club13:5827:33
Thomas HarmerValley Striders14:0228:22
Nick BodellCyclesense14:3429:01
Mike DillowCyclesense14:3729:17
Sam AllenCyclesense14:4329:36
Hylton ArmstrongValley Striders15:0030:08
Mike FurbyValley Striders15:3530:55
Greg HiltonAlba Rosa15:4131:31
Richard HaighCyclesense15:4131:36
Stuart SklinarAlba Rosa15:5631:46
Martin GilesValley Striders16:0032:16
Julia DaviesValley Striders16:0832:56
Gary WrightLincoln wheelers17:1034:20
Nigel BennettMeanwood Wheelers17:2134:44
Debbie DettmarValley Striders18:0936:28
Lorna PotterSeacroft Wheelers20:3741:35

Seacroft Wheelers 3-up Thursday 24th August 2017

NameClubLap 1Total
Adrian StottJackpot
Richard HowarthJackpot
Carl SaintYorkshire Road Club9:5122:14
Steve MooringYorkshire Road Club
NIck BoydellCycleSense
Mike DillonCycleSense9:5322:43
Hylton ArmstrongValley Striders
Thomas HarmerValley Striders
Ben WebsterValley Striders10:0623:20
David JewisonGarforth Velo
Adam WrightFeatherstone
James HinckleyGarforth Velo10:0223:24
Ian BrownSeacroft Wheelers10:0323:38
Madeline MooreTorq10:3023:50
Jenni MustonWakefield Triathlon Club
Gary SimpsonYorkshire Road Club
Dave BarnettJackpot10:3123:50
Greg KershawDrighlington 10:1824:00
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club
Mike FurbeyValley Striders10:0724:52
J BallanceGarforth Velo
P ThompsonGarforth Velo
M CarterGarforth Velo10:5425:03
David JacquesGarforth Velo
John ClarkGarforth Velo
Steve PreeceGarforth Velo11:3626:22
Debbie DetmarValley Striders
Julia DaviesValley Striders
Rachael SpraggsValley Striders11:3326:50
Gary WrightLincoln Wheelers11:5027:16

Seacroft Wheelers 2-up Thursday 17th August 2017

NameClubLap 1Total
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers
Ed NicholsonCycleSense9:1120:58
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club
Ian MitchelsonAlba Rosa9:3421:38
Adrian StottJackpot
Matthew WilsonJackpot9:4922:39
Nick BoydellValley Striders
Mike DillowCycleSense10:1223:26
Greg KershawDrighlington
Tomasc ParzykDrighlington9:5923:27
Steve HancockCalder Clarion
Nigel FirthCalder Clarion10:3123:44
Ro RosettiJackpot
D BarnettJackpot10:2123:44
Jo BednarekJackpot
Hylton ArmstrongValley Striders
Thomas HarmerValley Striders10:4324:17
Madeline MooreTorq10:5124:24
Chris McKennaCycleSense
Jim BallanceGarforth Velo10:5625:19
Phil RamsdenDrighlington11:2726:11
Pete MacklamYorkshire Road Club
PeteMcGowenLeeds St Christopher's11:3226:16
Eleanor StaffordValley Striders
Liz BallValley Striders12:2827:53
Tina WorbeyCycleSense
Philip WorbeyCycleSense12:2828:25
Lorna PotterSeacroft Wheelers
Stuart PicklesSeacroft Wheelers12:35 29:35

Seacroft Wheelers Hilly 11 Thursday 27th April 2017

NameClubLap 1Total
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers13:5227:25
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club14:1628:32
Richard WalkerSowerby Brothers14:4729:22
Andrew SmithSeacroft Wheelers15:4331:23
Emma ColdwellVertex15:5432:05
Martin AssameAlba Rosa18:0036:53
Antony BrumbySeacroft Wheelers19:5441:20
Lorna PotterSeacroft Wheelers21:1442:41

Club Awards for 2016

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearRichard Goddard planning, coordinating and leading the club Sunday run activities
Dave Jakeman Merit awardLynn Hanson getting under the hour for a 25m TT after many years of being close
Most improved riderMark Thorne for the club run rider who showed most improvement throughout the year
Clubrun Cup Runs Competition1Craig Lyons 81pts
2Phil Beever 80pts
3 equalJonathan Tomlinson 78pts
3 equalMike Cartwright 78pts
Seacroft Reliability SeriesNo Claimant
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11No qualifiersevent cancelled due to adverse weather conditions
Men’s Best All RounderNo Claimant
Women’s Best All RounderLynn Hanson 24.932 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderLynn Hanson+4.630
Fastest 25 Men’sPete Nixon 52.20
Fastest 25 Women’sL Hanson 58.55
Evening Time Trial Competition1Pete Nixon
Club 101Pete Nixon21.40
Club 151Pete Nixon33.25
Club 251Pete Nixon55.41

CycleSense Final Evening League Results for 2016

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly

Below are the final results for the CycleSense Evening League for 2016.  The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense Website.

Congratulations to Pete Nixon who was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler closely followed by runner up Matt Hallam and 3rd Seacroft Wheeler Chris Johnson.  The winner of the Seacroft handicap was Ian Brown and fastest Seacroft lady was Evgenia Illyinskaya.  Great racing well done!

NameClubBest 7Ladies
Ed NicholsonCycleSense280
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers276
Ian MitchelsonAlba Rosa274
Anthony AshworthWetherby Wheelers272
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club261
Paul StainthorpeCycleSense258
Stu WoodWetherby Wheelers251
Alex KidnorAlba Rosa245
Matt HallamSeacroft Wheelers243
Chris JohnsonSeacroft Wheelers229
Ian BrownSeacroft Wheelers228
Mike DillowCycleSense224
Mark HaynesAlba Rosa193
Andrew SmithSeacroft Wheelers177
Wayne AylesburyYorkshire Road Club168
Colin StorrarCycleSense166
Stu SklinarAlba Rosa165
Jason DrakeCycleSense164
Mike CrossYorkshire Road Club145
John & Julie SmithiesCycleSense135
John RowlandCycleSense133
Steven SmithYorkshire Road Club127
Gordon AylesburyYorkshire Road Club123
Steve WardWetherby Wheelers122
David LacyYorkshire Road Club119
Chris BeethamSeacroft Wheelers117
David RowleyWetherby Wheelers117
Reece Hackney-WareWetherby Wheelers111
Greg HiltonAlba Rosa107
Vicky JowettAlba Rosa1071
Peter WallsYorkshire Road Club89
Alistair BruceYorkshire Road Club85
Andrew LeeWetherby Wheelers74
Evgenia IlyinskayaSeacroft Wheelers672
Ian LangleyWetherby Wheelers67
Adrian HeatonAlba Rosa63
Glen ArmstrongCycleSense62
Chris McKennaCycleSense62
Paul KirkSeacroft Wheelers61
Jonathan PrideauxAlba Rosa61
Sam AllenCycleSense56
Pete MacklamYorkshire Road Club52
Jo DerryCycleSense513
Sam StrawAlba Rosa51
Nigel RaperWetherby Wheelers49
Steve WoodrupYorkshire Road Club41
A BurbridgeCycleSense41
Pete BarusevicusAlba Rosa40
John HallasAlba Rosa39
Lorna PotterAlba Rosa394
Eugene CrossYorkshire Road Club38
J Taylor?36
Duncan ThorpeAlba Rosa34
Glen JohnsonCycleSense33
Bob TateLeeds Westfield33
Mark LanssdownAlba Rosa32
Gavin TraceyAlba Rosa32
Nicola BradfordAlba Rosa315
A Perry?26
Tony MawsonAlba Rosa25
Billy GoddardSeacroft Wheelers24
John WoodsAlba Rosa23
Nigel BennettSeacroft Wheelers23
Nick BoydellCycleSense22
Ian CanbleyWetherby Wheelers21
Tony JacksonWetherby Wheelers21
Andrew WaiteSeacroft Wheelers20
Emma PulsfordAlba Rosa206
Stuart PicklesAlba Rosa20
Richard HaighCycleSense19

Seacroft Wheelers Hilly 11 Thursday 1st September 2016

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly

NameClubLap 1Total
Kieran SavageB38/underpin Racing12:3925:28
Jude TaylorB38/underpin Racing13:1326:19
Archie CrossB38/underpin Racing13:1726:40
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club13:3727:09
Julian PearceAlba Rosa14:0227:47
Mark DillowCycleSense14:5329:39
Richard StroudSeacroft Wheelers15:2531:05
Stella CrossYorkshire Road Club17:2535:02

Seacroft Wheelers 3-up Time Trial Thursday 25th August 2016

This race did not go ahead due to excessive water on road making it too dangerous for riders to race.

Seacroft Wheelers 2 up Time Trial Thursday 18th August 2016

We had a fantastic turn out with 38 riders.

NameClubLap 1Total
Pete NixonSeacroft Wheelers
Russell BrownYorkshire Road Club9:2021:11
David McNeillAll Terrain
Robert CummingAlba Rosa9:5322:36
Gavin TraceyAlba Rosa
Alex KidnerAlba Rosa9:4922:41
James SutherlandAlba Rosa
Chris McKennaCycleSense9:5922:46
Matt HallamSeacroft Wheelers10:0722:55
Mike DillowCycleSense
Sam AllenCycleSense10:0323:12
Paul StokesAlba Rosa
Duncan ThorpeAlba Rosa10:1623:23
Peter WallsYorkshire Road Club
Steve SmithYorkshire Road Club10:0923:29
Tom ParzykDrighlington
David BarnettDrighlington10:3023:59
Mike FurbyValley Striders
David MorleyValley Striders10:4324:19
Duncan GellDrighlington
Mark WallisDrighlington10:2924:20
Greg KershawDrighlington
Ian MortimerDrighlington10:5525:02
Dan GatsbyLeicester Forest
Stuart SklinarAlba Rosa10:5425:28
Carl NielsenDrighlington
David ArmitageDrighlington11:0125:35
Sam JacksonDrighlington
Carl SaintDrighlington11:1325:54
Pete MacklamYorkshire Road Club
Carl GomersallYorkshire Road Club11:2625:59
Gordon AylesburyYorkshire Road Club11:4727:12
Andy WatkinsHCTB
Ryan MallinsonHCTB13:0327:15
Alison GateAlba Rosa
Hayley LawrenceAlba Rosa11:5227:30
Dawn MorleyValley Striders12:2828:28
Bob TateLeeds Westfield12:5329:22

Seacroft Wheelers Hilly 11 28th April 2016

This race did not go ahead due to adverse weather conditions making it too dangerous for riders to race.

Club Awards for 2015

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearMike Cartwright
Dave Jakeman Merit awardNick Hanson
Clubrun Cup Runs Competition1Philip Beever
Seacroft Reliability SeriesRichard Goddard
Martin Scholefield
Fred Lyn
Mark Rugman
Chris Beetham
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 111Chris Johnson30.59
2Andrew Smith34.15
Men's Best All RounderNick Hanson25.858 mph
Women's Best All RounderLynn Hanson 24.890 mph
Veteran's Best All RounderNick Hansonplus 5.03
Fastest 25 Men'sPete Nixon 53.37
Fastest 25 Women'sL Hanson 1.01.27
Evening Time Trial Competition1Pete Nixon
2Chris Johnson
3Ian Brown
Evening Time Trial Competition - handicap1Chris Johnson
2Ian Brown
3Andrew Smith
Club 101Pete Nixon22.11
2Chris Johnson24.32
3Ian Brown24.35
Club 10 - handicap1Chris Johnson
2Ian Brown
3Billy Goddard
Club 10 - Women'sElaine Kelly29.39
Club 151Pete Nixon33.59
2Chris Johnson37.30
3Andrew Smith39.03
Club 15 - handicap1Chris Johnson
2Ian Brown
3Scott Kelly
Club 15 - Women'sElaine Kelly44.12
Club 251Pete Nixon57.23
2Chris Johnson1.03.53
3Billy Goddard1.06.10
Club 25 - handicap1Chris Johnson
2Billy Goddard
Club 25 - Women'sElaine Kelly1.15.48

CycleSense Final Evening League Results for 2015

For any queries with the results please contact Elaine Kelly

Below are the final results for the CycleSense Evening League for 2017.  The individual weekly results are on the CycleSense Website.

Congratulations to Pete Nixon who was the fastest Seacroft Wheeler closely followed by runner up Matt Hallam and 3rd Seacroft Wheeler Chris Johnson.  The winner of the Seacroft handicap was Chris Johnson and fastest Seacroft lady was Elaine Kelly.  Great racing well done!

NameClubBest 7Ladies
Mac Wontorwski
Alba Rosa
Ed Nicholson
Kieran Savage
Yorkshire Road Club274
Pete Nixon
Seacroft Wheelers269
Anthony Ashworth
Yorkshire Road Club267
Oliver Leonard
Russell Brown
Yorkshire Road Club
Gavin McIntosh
Alba Rosa
Stu Wood
Wetherby Wheelers
Matt Hallam
Seacroft Wheelers
Paul Stainthorpe
Wayne Aylesbury
Yorkshire Road Club
Steve Mooring
Yorkshire Road Club
Reece Hackney
Wetherby Wheelers
Chris Johnson
Seacroft Wheelers
Ian Brown
Seacroft Wheelers
Mark Haynes
Alba Rosa
Roman Tuma
Alba Rosa
Andrew Smith
Seacroft Wheelers
Julie & John Smithies
Jeremy Scott
Wetherby Wheelers
Greg Hilton
Alba Rosa
Mike Shacklock
Yorkshire Road Club
Mark Lansdown
Alba Rosa
Daniel Gadsby
Alba Rosa
Alison Gate
Alba Rosa
Richard Stroud
Seacroft Wheelers
Billy Goddard
Seacroft Wheelers
Andy Lee
Wetherby Wheelers
Gordon Aylesbury
Yorkshire Road Club
Sam Allen
Scott Kelly
Seacroft Wheelers
Richard Barker
Seacroft Wheelers
Bob Tate
Leeds Westfield
John Woods
Leeds Westfield
John Hallas
Alba Rosa
Alasdair Bruce
Yorkshire Road Club
Paul Kirk
Alba Rosa
Chris Beetham
Seacroft Wheelers
Mike & Stella Cross
York Road Club
Jo Derry
Steve Ward
Wetherby Wheelers
Simon Skelton
Alba Rosa
David Thomas
Elaine Kelly
Seacroft Wheelers
Pete Walls
Yorkshire Road Club
John Rowland
Ed Waite
David Rowley
Wetherby Wheelers
Stu Sklinar
Alba Rosa
A. Stott
York Road Club
Alex Kidner
Alba Rosa
Seonaid Thompson
Alba Rosa
Adrian Ware
Wetherby Wheelers
Andy Briggs
Yorkshire Road Club
Adrian Heaton
Alba Rosa
Vicky Jowett
Alba Rosa
Janet Tate
Leeds Westfield
Ian Langley
Wetherby Wheelers
Tom Wall
Alba Rose
Sally Hurst
Seacroft Wheelers
Chris McKenna
Archie Cross
York Road Club
Graham Rhodes
Seacroft Wheelers
Howard Blakeley
Wetherby Wheelers
Helen Lewis
Seacroft Wheelers
Hannah Kilvington
Wetherby Wheelers
Glen Johnson
John Blomely
Yorkshire Road Club
Hannah Reichart
Alba Rosa
Ian Savage
York Road Club
Jamie Tweddell
Alba Rosa
Scott Elwick
York Road Club
Andy Stoneman
Alba Rosa
John Smithies
Matt Haigh
Leeds Westfield
Mick Youngson
Yorkshire Road Club
Suzie Richards
Alba Rosa
Adam Humphreys
Alba Rosa
Martin Cloudsdale
Alba Rosa
Steve Woodrup
York Road Club
Peter Macklam
York Road Club
Jamie Wood
Wetherby Wheelers
Tony Jackson
Leeds Westfield
Geoff Waters
Tony Stanbridge
Mike Cartwright
Seacroft Wheelers
Karen Landalls
Seacroft Wheelers
Natalia Hudson
Alba Rosa

Hilly 11 Results Thursday 3rd September 2015

NameClubLap 1Total
Kieran Savage13:2026:50
Eugene CrossYorkshire Road Club14:1328:27
Sean Newbould14:3529:03
Matt HallamSeacroft Wheelers14:3929:20
Gavin Taylor15:2030:41
Chris JohnsonSeacroft Wheelers 15:19 30:59
Jon Pownall15:3031:14
Dave Meakin15:4931:52
Mark Lansdown15:5932:01
Jon Hicken16:0332:09
Nigel BennettMeanwood17:0534:15
Andrew SmithSeacroft Wheelers15:4534:15
Alec Pearson17:0934:26
Connor Shepherd17:5136:00

Club Awards for 2014

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearGraham Rhodes
Dave Jakeman Merit awardSally Hurst
Clubrun Cup Runs Competition1 =Phil Beever 54pts
1=Jonathan Tomlinson 54pts
3Richard Barker??pts
Seacroft Reliability SeriesVince Wilson
Richard Goddard
Martin Scholefield
Men’s Best All RounderNick Hanson24.943mph
Women’s Best All RounderEmma Coldwell 26.334mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderNick Hanson+4.099
Fastest 25 Men’sPete Nixon 55.26
Fastest 25 Women’sEmma Coldwell 57.46
Evening Time Trial Competition1Pete Nixon
2Matt Hallam
3Andrew Smith
Evening Time Trial Competition -
1Scott Kelly
2Chris Beetham
3Richard Stroud
Club 101Pete Nixon22.26
2Matt Hallam23.05
3Emma Coldwell24.32
1st WomanEmma Coldwell24.32
Club 151Pete Nixon34.23
2Matt Hallam35.50
3Andrew Smith39.16
1st WomanEmma Coldwell42.09
Club 251Pete Nixon57.35
2Matt Hallam1.00.11
3Emma Coldwell1.06.08
1st WomanEmma Coldwell1.06.08

Club Awards for 2013

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearRichard Barker
Dave Jakeman Merit awardKaren Landells
Clubrun Cup Runs Competition1Craig Lyons70pts
1Mike Cartwright 70pts
3James Willson62pts
Seacroft Reliability SeriesMark Haynes
Fred Lyn
S Waite
Grasstrack Championship1st YthJosh Bennett
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 111st YthKieran Savage
1st VetJohn Smithies
Men’s Best All RounderNick Hanson24.970mph
Women’s Best All RounderLynn Hanson24.390mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderNick Hanson+4.310
Fastest 25 Men’sNick Hanson56.28
Fastest 25 Women’sLynn Hanson1.00.49
Evening Time Trial Competition1Pete Nixon
2John Smithies
3Kieran Savage
Evening Time Trial Competition -
1Pete Nixon
2John Smithies
3Ian Brown
Club 101Matt Hallam22.50
2Darren Bendelow22.55
3John Smithies23.38
Club 10 - Handicap1Darren Bendelow
2Matt Hallam
3John Smithies
Club 151Pete Nixon35.26
2Ian Brown41.33
3Mark Haynes43.27
Club 15 - Handicap1Chris Beetham
2Pete Nixon
3Ian Brown
Club 251Pete Nixon1.00.28
2Kieran Savage1.04.06
3John Smithies1.04.25
Club 25 - Handicap1Mark Haynes
2Pete Nixon
3Richard Barker

Jonathan Noble Hilly 11m TT, 29th Aug 2013

Seacroft 3up 10m TT results, 22nd Aug 2013

Seacroft 2up 10m TT results, 15th Aug 2013

Thursday Evening Club Events, Hilly 11, 25th April 2013

Name Lap 1 Lap 2 Total
Elaine Kelly* 18,31 18.43 37.14
Scott Kelly* 17.46 17.58 35.44
Ben Hanson* 17.12 DNF DNF
Keith Storey* 16.00 16.11 32.11
Dan Ladle 14.47 14.55 29.42
Steve Mooring 15.26 15.36 31.02
Stewart Hinde 16.36 17.37 34.13
Pete Nixon* 14.18 14.21 28.39
John Rowland 14.09 14.03 28.12
Andrew Smith 16.16 16.31 32.47
Nick Griffiths 14.42 14.56 29.38
Ross Burton 15.05 18.39 33.44
Mac Wontorowski 13.42 13.56 27.38
Chris Barnes 16.04 15.17 31.21
Neil Moore* 16.54 16.55 33.49
Ian Davidson* 16.54 17.08 34.02
Paul Stainthorpe 14.01 14.15 28.16
Paul Kirk 14.53 15.05 29.58
Paul Briggs 14.57 15.54 33.51
Antony Brumby* 18.57 19.49 38.57

Course V162/11 Thorner Circuit. Lap split times in brackets.
* indicates Seacroft Wheelers first claim riders.


Club Awards for 2012

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearJ Smithies
Dave Jakeman Merit awardM Davidson
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionP Beever
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11P Nixon29.06
Veteran’s Best All RounderNick Hanson+4.537
Fastest 25 Men’sNick Hanson55.27
Fastest 25 Women’sLynn Hanson1.00.10
Evening Time Trial CompetitionPete Nixon

Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11, 30th August 2012.

1. Mac Wontorowski (13.46, 13.56) 27.42
2. Simon West (14.13, 14.39) 28.52
3. Pete Nixon (14.30, 14.36) 29.06
4. Mike Cross (14.33, 14.43) 29.16
5. John Smithies (14.56, 14.55) 29.51
6. Paul Stainthorpe (14.52, 15.13) 30.05
7. Nick Barnes (15.13, 15.35) 30.48
8. Kieran Savage (15.25, 15.33) 30.58
9. John Woods (15.30, 15.31) 31.01
10. Matt Downes (15.25, 15.46) 31.11
11. Nigel Bennett (15.37, 16.00) 31.37
12. Chris Barnes (15.59, 15.58) 31.57
13. Kieth Storey (15.59, 16.08) 32.07
14. Archie Cross (15.53, 16.36) 32.29
15. Ted Cross (16.25, 16.16) 32.41
16. Andrew Smith (16.30, 16.45) 33.15
17. Eugene Cross (16.53, 16.49 33.42
18. Rob Crolla (16.50, 17.10) 34.00
19. Richard Barker (16.53, 17.12) 34.05
20. Adrian Ware (16.58, 17.23) 34.21
21. Chris Beetham (17.58, 17.30) 35.28

Course V162/11 Thorner Circuit. Lap split times in brackets.
Seacroft Wheelers first claim riders in bold.

Thursday Evening Club Events, 3 up 10, 23rd August 2012.
1 -Andy Jackson / Simon Beldon / Alan Dawson 20.43
2 – Steve Smith / Peter McGowan / Pete Nixon 22.01
3 – Simon West / Paul Stainthorpe / Mac Wontorowski 22.12
4 – Nick Hanson / Stuart Wood / Ian Lazenby 22.39
5 – Steve Hodgson / Mike Cross / Ian Chapman 23.02
6 – Matt Downes / Kieth Storey / John Smithies 23.29
7 – Tim Eastwood / Jimmy Harris 24.12
8 – Bob Tate / Peter Macklam 26.03

Course V910 Fairburn

Thursday Evening Club Events, 2 up 10, 16th August 2012.
1 – Peter McGowen / Steve Smith 23.24
2 – Paul Stainthorpe / Simon West 23.28
3 – Ian Lazenby / Stuart Wood 23.43
4 – Saun Tierney / Andrew Metcalfe 25.32
=5 – Peter Macklam / Peter Walls 25.34
=5 – Richard Barker / David Virden 25.34
7 – Robert Tate / Howard Blakeley 26.48
8 – John Smithies / Philip Walker 26.54
9 – Garry Marsh / Seb Marsh 27.22
10 – Jonathan Hindle (solo) 29.24

Course V910 Fairburn

Club Awards for 2011

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearMalcolm Davidson
Dave Jakeman Merit awardIan Lazenby
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionJohn Smithies
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Paul Kirk28.32
Veteran’s Best All RounderNick Hanson+3.965
Fastest 25 Men’sPaul Kirk55.48
Evening Time Trial CompetitionStu Wood
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapPaul Stainthorpe
Juvenile Circuit ChampionChris Barnes
Three Peaks ChampionStuart Blackburn

Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11, 1st September 2011.
1- Ashley Walls (Yorkshire RC) (13.35, 13.35) 27.10
2 – Steve Smith (Yorkshire RC) (13.47, 14.06) 27.53
3 – Paul Kirk (Seacroft Whs) (14.13, 14.19) 28.32
4 – Mike Cross (Moonglu RT) (14.23, 14.24) 28.47
5 – Peter McGowen (Leeds St Chris) (14.27, 14.23) 28.50
6 – Pete Nixon (Clifton CC) (14.26, 14.25) 28.51
7 – Stu Wood (Seacroft Whs) (14.34, 14.59) 29.33
8 – Paul Stainthorpe (Seacroft Whs) (14.41, 15.02) 29.43
9 – Keith Storey (Seacroft Whs) (15.05, 15.11) 30.16
10 – Ian Lazenby (Seacroft Whs) (15.03, 15.17) 30.20
11 – Nigel “Bunny” Bennett (Meanwood Whs) (15.15, 15.30) 30.45
12 – John Woods (Yorkshire Velo) (15.21, 15.33) 30.54
13 – Steve Ward (Wetherby Whs) (15.31, 15.40) 31.11
14 – Matthew Downes (Seacroft Whs) (15.52, 15.36) 31.28
15 – John Smithies (Seacroft Whs) (15.42, 16.21)32.03
16 – Richard Barker (Seacroft Whs) (16.20, 16.36) 32.56
17 – Adrian Ware (Wetherby Whs) (16.18, 16.45) 33.03
18 – Chris Barnes (Seacroft Whs) (16.38, 16.42) 33.20
19 – Howard Blakeley (Wetherby Whs) (16.43, 16.53) 33.36
20 – Chris Beetham (Seacroft Whs) (18.01, 18.07) 36.08
21 – Callum Watkins (Seacroft Whs) (17.49, 18.48) 36.37
22 – Garry Marsh (Seacroft Whs) (18.17, 18.55) 37.12
23 – Phil Walker (Wetherby Whs) (18.33, 18.47) 37.20

Course V162/11 Thorner Circuit. Seacroft members in bold, including 2nd claim. Lap split times in brackets.

Thursday Evening Club Events, 3 up 10, 25th August 2011.
1 – Nigel Goscinski / Richard Hamilton (both Yorkshire Velo) 21.32
2 – Steve Smith / Ashley Walls (both Yorkshire RC) 22.17
3 – Paul Kirk / Keith Storey (both Seacroft Whs) / Alan Dawson (Drighlington BC) 22.51
4 – Nick Hanson / Ian Lazenby / Stu Wood (all Seacroft Whs) 22.59
5 – Pete McGowen / Peter Macklam (both Leeds St Chris) / Seb Marsh (Paul Milnes RT) 23.23
6 – Mike Shacklock (Yorkshire RC) 24.10
7 – Glenn Armstrong (Leeds/Bradford Tri?) 24.52
8 – Matthew Downes (Seacroft Whs) / Kirstie Hamilton (Yorkshire Velo) 26.32
9 – Howard Blakeley / Adrian Metcalfe / Shaun Tierney (all Wetherby Whs) 27.04
10 – Callum Watkins / Kieran Savage (both Seacroft Whs) 29.35

Course V910A Fairburn. Seacroft 1st & 2nd claim members in bold.

Thursday Evening Club Events, 2 up 10, 18th August 2011.
1 – Pete McGowen (Lds St Chris) / Steve Smith (Yorks RC) 22.53
2 – Mike Shacklock (Yorks RC) 23.42 (solo)
3 – Paul Stainthorpe (Seacroft Whs) / Steve Ward (Wetherby Whs) 24.30
4 – Stu Wood (Seacroft Whs) / Walt Wilkinson (Harrogate Nova) 24.41
5 – Keith Storey / John Smithies (both Seacroft Whs) 25.02
6 – Matthew Downes (Seacroft Whs) / Dave Virden (Yorkshire Velo) 25.47
7 – Shaun Tierney / Andrew Metcalfe (both Wetherby Whs) 26.02
8 – Howard Blakeley / Andrew Ware (both Wetherby Whs) 26.20
9 – Robert Tate (Leeds Westfield) 26.52 (solo)
10 – Garry Marsh (Seacroft Whs) / Seb Marsh (Paul Milnes RT) 27.22
11 – Chris Beetham (Seacroft Whs) / Paul Fleetwood (Harrogate Nova) 28.51
12 – Janet Tate (Leeds Westfield) 31.03 (solo)

Course V910A Fairburn. Seacroft 1st & 2nd claim members in bold.

Thursday Evening Club Events, Hilly 11, 28th April 2011.
1 – Matt Lunn (Team Swift) – 28.17 (14.05, 14.12)
2 – Paul Kirk (Seacroft Wheelers) – 28.42 (14.18, 14.24)
3 – Giles Dumont (Moonglu RT) – 28.50 (14.25, 14.25)
4 – Edwyn Oliver-Evans (East Bradford CC) – 29.08 (14.21, 14.47)
5 – Pete Nixon (Clifton CC) – 29.11 (14.31, 14.40)
6 – Pete McGowen (Leeds St.Christophers) – 29.36 (14.48, 14.48)
7 – Seb Marsh (Paul Milnes RT) – 29.50 (14.32, 15.18)
8 – Stu Wood (Seacroft Wheelers) – 31.05 (15.17, 15.48)
9 – Nigel Bennett (Meanwood Wheelers) – 31.27 (15.37, 15.50)
10 – Keith Storey (Seacroft Wheelers) – 31.52 (15.39, 16.13)
11 – Antony Brumby (Seacroft Wheelers) – 32.10 (16.09, 16.01)
12 – Paul Stainthorpe (Seacroft Wheelers) – 32.37 (16.08, 16.29)
13 – Steve Ward (Wetherby Wheelers) – 32.44 (16.21, 16.23)
14 – Adrian Ware (Wetherby Wheelers) – 33.19 (16.32, 16.47)
15 – Tim Evans (East Bradford CC) – 33.22 (16.27, 16.55)
16 – Dave Virden (Yorkshire Velo) – 33.33 (16.55, 16.38)
17 – Trevor Wilson (Seacroft Wheelers) – 34.23 (17.04, 17.19)
18 – Fred Lyn (Seacroft Wheelers) – 34.35 (17.07, 17.28)
19 – Chris Barnes (Seacroft Wheelers) – 34.48 (17.09, 17.39)
20 – Matthew Downes (Seacroft Wheelers) – 34.49 (17.23, 17.26)
21 – Chris Parker (East Bradford CC) – 36.20 (17.59, 18.21)
22 – Martin Clough (Seacroft Wheelers) – 36.51 (18.12, 18.29)
23 – Joe Parker (East Bradford CC) – 42.19 (20.48, 21.31)

Times in brackets are lap split times.

This was an excellent turn out for the challenging Thorner circuit, with several riders making their time trialling debut; Matt Lunn was a convincing winner in his first race of the year. Special thanks to all the many members and friends who turned out to assist with the successful promotion, especially Mandys Barnes and Parker for their help with the timing, which was more difficult than normal due to the number of riders.



Club Awards for 2010

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearChris Barnes
Dave Jakeman Merit awardPete Dickinson
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Stu Wood30.14
Veteran’s Best All RounderNick Hanson+3.594
Fastest 25 Men’sRoy Cannon58.56
Evening Time Trial CompetitionKevin Warr
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapPete Dickinson
Juvenile Circuit ChampionNick Barnes
Three Peaks ChampionStuart Blackburn
12 Hour ChampionPete Dickinson209.010 miles
Road Race ChampionBrendan T Kennedy42pts

‘Jonathan Noble Memorial’ Hilly 11, 2nd September 2010.

1. Steve Smith, Yorkshire RC 27.56 (13.53, 14.03)
2. John Rowland, Team Swift 27.57 (13.39, 14.18)
3. Matt Lunn, Team Swift 28.09 (14.07, 14.02)
4. Pete McGowen, Leeds St Christophers 29.10 (14.33, 14.37)
5. Tristan Emptage, Team Chevin 29.16 (14.25, 14.51)
6. Edwyn Oliver-Evans, East Bradford CC 29.44 (14.40, 15.04)
7. Seb Marsh, Paul Milnes RT 29.58 (15.06, 14.52)
8. Stu Wood, Seacroft Whs 30.14 (14.53, 15.21)
9. Ian Lazenby, Seacroft Whs 30.30 (15.13, 15.17)
10. Nigel Bennett, Meanwood Whs 30.38 (15.05, 15.33)
11. Antony Brumby, Seacroft Whs 32.57 (16.14, 16.43)
12. John Wilkinson, Seacroft Whs 33.51 (16.46, 17.05)
13. Tim Evans, East Bradford CC 33.56 (16.51, 17.05)
14. Karen Hallas, Leeds & Bradford Tri 34.40 (17.02, 17.38)
15. Chris Parker, East Bradford CC 35.30 (17.19, 18.11)
16. Garry Marsh, Seacroft Whs 35.46 (17.29, 18.17)
17. Chris Barnes, Seacroft Whs 37.54 (18.50, 19.04)
Nick Barnes, Zepnat RT DNF – puncture (15.54)

Times in brackets are lap times.

Newcomer Stu Wood takes the Jonathan Noble Memorial trophy as fastest club member, with John Wilkinson taking the fastest veteran medal and Chris Barnes the youth medal. Under the one rider one prize rule the remaining riders qualify for the handicap competition; this was narrowly won by Ian Lazenby with a nett of 29.00. (Antony’s nett was 29.06 and Garry’s was 29.41.)

Three up 10, 26th August 2010.

1 – Nigel Goscinski/Richard Hamilton/John Woods – 22.11
2 – Matt Lunn/John Rowlands – 22.31 (2 up team)
3 – Mark Glynn/Jason Hemsworth/Hugh Smith – 23.17
4 – Stu Wood/Ian Lazenby/Seb Marsh – 24.18
5 – Steve Smith/Roy Cannon/Pete McGowen – 24.47 (S & C without 3rd rider in 23.08)
6 – Ian Chapman/Mike Cross/Chris Dransfield – 24.53
7 – Dave Virden/Daniel Shokeman/Nick Griffiths – 24.54
8 – P Harris/J Harris – 26.14 (2 up team)
9 – Robert Tate/Antony Brumby – 26.23 (2 up team)
10 – Billy Harding/Amy Mae Parkinson/Melissa Lowther – 28.50 (H & P without 3rd rider in 26.02)
11 – Albert Tether – 31.52 (solo rider)
12 – Chris & Joe Parker – 32.11 (2 up team)

Finishing order is based on the time of the third rider, where that rider finished alone.

Two up 10, 19th August 2010.

1. Paul Kirk / Matt Howitt 22.28
2. Andy Johnson / John Woods 22.44
3. Nigel Goscinski (solo) 22.48
4. Richard Hamilton / Richmond Denton 23.02
5. Roy Cannon / Kevin Warr 23.05
6. Steve Smith / Pete McGowen 23.07
7. Nigel Baldwin / Mike Dixon 23.40
8. Hugh Smith / Mark Glynn 24.07
9. Ian Lazenby / Pete Dickinson 24.35
10. Peter Walls / Antony Brumby 26.33
11. Garry & Seb Marsh 27.32
12. Chris & Joe Parker 32.14

Hilly 11, Thurs 29th April 2010.

1- Paul Kirk – 29.14 (14.32, 14.42)
2 – Steve Smith – 29.32 (14.39, 14.53)
3 – Lewis Barry – 29.43 (14.41, 15.02)
4 – Giles Dumont – 29.50 (14.52, 14.58)
5 – Sean Newbould – 32.06 (16.01, 16.05)
6 – Nick Barnes – 32.58 (16.07, 16.51)
7= – Nigel Bennett – 33.13 (16.34, 16.39)
7= – Jason Hemsworth – 33.13 (16.31, 16.42)
9 – Seb Marsh – 34.31 (17.12, 17.19)
10 – Keith Storey – 34.42 (17.08, 17.34)
11 – Garry Marsh – 37.44 (18.38, 19.06)
12 – Antony Brumby – 38.33 (18.56, 19.37)
13 – Chris Beetham – 38.59 (19.19, 19.40)
14 – Chris Barnes – 44.18 (22.15, 22.03)

Conditions cool, rain, light south westerly.


Club Awards for 2009

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearAntony Brumby
Dave Jakeman Merit awardMike & Barbara Penrice
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Kevin Warr33.18
Veteran’s Best All RounderMike & Barbara Penrice+4.583
Fastest 25 Men’sRoy Cannon57.49
Evening Time Trial CompetitionRoy Cannon
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapSeb Marsh
Juvenile Circuit ChampionChris Barnes
Three Peaks ChampionStuart Blackburn
12 Hour ChampionMike & Barbara Penrice219.930 miles
Road Race ChampionBrendan T Kennedy

Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11, 3rd September 2009.

Thorner circuit

1 – Giles Dumont (Moonglu RT) – 29.51 (15.00, 14.51)
2 – Paul Kirk (Drighlington BC) – 29.58 (14.47, 15.11)
3 – Steve Smith (Yorkshire RC) – 30.51 (15.41, 15.10)
4 – John Woods (Yorkshire Velo) – 31.29 (15.47, 15.42)
5 – Nigel Bennett (Meanwood Whs) – 31.50 (15.56, 15.54)
6 – Peter McGowen (Leeds St Christophers) – 32.25 (16.09, 16.16)
7 – Edwin Oliver-Evans (East Bradford CC) – 32.26 (16.04, 16.22)
8 – Kevin Warr (Seacroft Whs) – 33.18 (16.40, 16.38) – 1st o/all club member
9 – Seb Marsh (Seacroft Whs) – 34.26 (17.11, 17.15) – 1st youth
10 – Tim Evans (East Bradford CC) – 34.33 (17.13, 17.20)
11 – Nick Barnes (Seacroft Whs) – 35.01 (17.20, 17.41) – 1st handicap
12 – Richard Barker (Seacroft Whs) – 35.32 (17.53, 17.39)
13 – Garry Marsh (Seacroft Whs) – 36.14 (18.04, 18.10) – 1st veteran
14 – Chris Parker (East Bradford CC) – 36.30 (17.53, 18.37)
15 – Ben Wood (Seacroft Whs) – 37.23 (18.31, 18.52)
16 – Ashley Walls (Seacroft Whs) – 37.27 (18.23, 19.04)
17 – Antony Brumby (Seacroft Whs) – 37.44 (18.34, 19.10)
18 – Simon Leroy (Meanwood Whs) – 37.53 (18.15, 19.38)
19 – Chris Beetham (Seacroft Whs) – 38.11 (18.54, 19.17)
20 – Chris Barnes (Seacroft Whs) – 42.03 (20.30, 21.33)

Lap times shown in brackets

First Claim Seacroft Wheelers riders eligible for club awards in bold.

One rider one prize rule applies to club awards

Three-up 10, 27th August 2009.


1. Doug Hart / John Woods / Andy Johnson (all Yorkshire Velo) – 22.31
2. Nigel Baldwin / Keith Storr / Mike Dixon (all Yorkshire RC) – 23.26
3. Steve Smith (Yorkshire RC) / Pete McGowen (Leeds St Chris) / Dave Meakin (Crosstrax) – 23.38
4. Kevin Warr / Roy Cannon (both Seacroft Whs) – 23.53
5. Mark Glynn / Hugh Smith / Nick Griffiths (all Yorkshire Velo) – 24.17
6. Nick Hanson / Ian Lazenby (both Seacroft Whs) – 26.15
7. Carol Barry / Lewis Barry / Bob Porter (all GS Surosa) – 26.20
8. Pete Dickinson / Seb Marsh (both Seacroft Whs) / Howard Blakeley (Wetherby Whs) – 26.44
9. Chris Beetham / Garry Marsh (both Seacroft Whs) / Chris Parker (East Bradford) – 29.15

Antony Brumby (Seacroft Whs) – 28.36 (started with K Warr & R Cannon)
Robert Tate (Leeds Westfield) – 28.27 9 (started with N Hanson & I Lazenby)

Two-up 10, 20th August 2009.


1. Alan Dawson / Paul Kirk (both Drighlington BC) – 23.15
2= Kevin Warr / Roy Cannon (both Seacroft Wheelers) – 23.37
2= Peter McGowan / Steve Smith (Leeds St Chris / Yorkshire RC) – 23.37
4. Hugh Smith / John Woods (both Yorkshire Velo) – 23.46
5. Mark Glynn / Nick Griffiths (both Yorkshire Velo) – 24.40
6. Ian Lazenby / Nigel Bennett (Seacroft Wheelers / Meanwood Whs) – 25.36
7. Tim Evans / Edwin Oliver-Evans (both East Bradford CC) – 26.00
8. Malcolm Davidson / Nick Hanson (both Seacroft Wheelers) – 27.04
9. Peter Dickinson / Antony Brumby (both Seacroft Wheelers) – 28.20
10. Stuart Whittle / Howard Blakeley (both Wetherby Wheelers) – 30.11
11. Garry Marsh / Chris Parker (Seacroft Whs / East Bradford CC) – 30.33

Nigel Baldwin (Yorkshire RC) finished solo in a remarkable 23.34 after his partner Dave Meakin (Crosstrax) retired. Richard Purchon (Seacroft Whs) rode solo in 31.05.

Hilly 11, Thorner circuit, 30th April 2009.

Lap 1 Lap 2 Final
1 Dave Meakin 13.59 14.14 28.13
2 Steve Smith 14.10 14.09 28.19
3 Giles Dumont 14.36 14.31 29.07
4 Pete McGowen 14.43 14.46 29.29
5 Kevin Warr 14.41 14.49 29.30
6 Keith Storr 14.50 15.22 30.12
7 John Woods 15.14 15.24 30.38
8 Jason Hemsworth 15.26 15.29 30.55
9 Sean Maccarthy 15.25 15.47 31.12
10 Hugh Smith 15.27 15.50 31.17
11 Edwin Oliver Evans 15.52 15.46 31.38
12 Nigel Bennet 15.44 16.07 31.51
13 Nick Barnes 15.54 16.27 32.21
14 Keith Storey 16.13 16.39 32.52
15 Carol Barry 16.27 16.41 33.08
16 Lewis Barry 16.24 16.53 33.17
17 Sebastian Marsh 17.15 17.48 35.03
18 Chris Parker 17.27 17.38 35.05
19 Tim Evans 17.13 18.04 35.17
20 Garry Marsh 17.34 18.05 35.39
21 Chris Barnes 18.40 19.17 37.57

(Seacroft members in bold)


Club Awards for 2008

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearKevin Warr
Dave Jakeman Merit awardBarbara Penrice
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Steve Barnes29.32
Junior Best All RounderNick Barnes21.861mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderMike & Barbara Penrice+4.040
Fastest 25 Men’sSteve Barnes59.18
Evening Time Trial CompetitionRichard Purchon
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapSteve Barnes
Juvenile Circuit ChampionNick & Chris Barnes
Three Peaks ChampionStuart Blackburn
Road Race ChampionBrendan T Kennedy

Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11, 28th August 2008.

Thorner Circuit.

lap1 lap2 Final

1. Steve Smith 14.25 14.41 29.06
2. Steve Barnes 14.35 14.57 29.32 1st Overall
3. Peter Mc Gowen 14.52 14.59 29.51
4. Kevin Warr 15.06 15.20 30.26 1st veteran**
5. Roy Cannon 15.14 15.16 30.30 1st handicap
6. Nigel Bennett 15.47 16.02 31.49
7. Simon Leroy 16.28 16.52 33.20
8. Richard Purchon 16.17 17.04 33.21
9. John Wilkinson 16.56 17.21 34.17 1st veteran on standard
10. Nick Barnes 17.14 17.23 34.37 1st youth
11. Karen Hallas 17.31 17.34 35.05
12. Howard Blakeley 18.06 18.41 36.47
13. Garry Marsh 18.21 19.11 37.32
14. Seb Marsh 19.28 20.24 39.52

Riders in bold are Seacroft Wheelers first claim members, eligible for awards.
** By one rider one prize rule.

Three-up 10, 21st August 2008.

Course V318.

1. Steve Smith / Peter McGowen / Russell Brown – 23.16
2. Nick Barnes / Nigel Bennett / Denise Shackleton – 26.56
3. Carol Barry / Lewis Barry / Bob Porter – 27.15
4. Mike & Barbara Penrice – 27.33 (tandem)
5. Stuart Whittle / Duncan McBride / Howard Blakeley – 29.42
6. Seb Marsh / Garry Marsh / Chris Parker – 30.22

Two-up 10, 14th August 2008.

Course V318.

1. Peter McGowen / Peter Macklam (Leeds St Christophers) 24.39
2. Roy Cannon / Nigel Bennett (Seacroft Wheelers / Meanwood Wheelers) 25.34
3. Mike & Barbara Penrice (Seacroft Wheelers) 27.10 (tandem)
4. Lewis Barry / Bob Porter (Sportcity Velo / ABC Centreville) 27.34
5. Bob Tate (Leeds Westfield) 29.12 (solo)
6. Stuart Whittle / Howard Blakeley (Wetherby Wheelers) 29.39
7. Carol Barry / Judith Porter (Sportcity Velo / ABC Centreville) 31.29

Hilly 11, 24th April 2008.

Thorner Circuit.

lap1 lap2 Final

1. D Meakin 14.07 14.14 28.21
2. D Hart 14.17 14.09 28.26
3. J Dewhirst 14.39 14.42 29.21
4. S Smith 14.49 15.21 30.10
5. P Kirk 15.07 15.07 30.14
6. S Barnes 14.59 15.24 30.23
7. K Warr 15.14 15.12 30.26
8. J Woods 15.37 15.20 30.57
9. K Storr 15.29 15.45 31.14
10. J Hemsworth 16.31 16.22 32.53
11. N Barnes 16.13 16.53 33.06
12. G Marsh 18.02 18.45 36.47
13. H Blakeley 18.06 18.43 36.49
14. T Evans 18.20 18.30 36.50
15. E Oliver-Evans 18.37 19.18 37.55
16. N Cheah 19.10 20.22 39.32
17= S Marsh 20.07 20.39 40.46
17= C Parker 19.43 21.03 40.46

Seacroft Wheelers Road Races, 30th March 2008.

Bishop Wood circuit, Wistow.

Regional B 62km, 3/4/J/V

1st Ian Furniss Doncaster Wheelers
2nd Colin Bell Ferryhill Wheelers
3rd Steve Wilson MTS Cyclesport
4th Graham Walker MTS Cyclesport
5th Paul Bridgen Private Member
6th Julian Judge Alford Wheelers
7th Blair Buss Pedal Sport CC
National B 106Km, E/1/2/3

1st Ryan Bonser Rapha Condor
2nd Adam Bonser Rapha Condor
3rd Phil Axe Sharrow CC
4th David Shakleton Cottingham Couriers
5th Matt Jennings Webster Cycles
6th Jamie Burgan Rutland CC
7th James Sharp York Cycleworks
8th Pete Hinchcliffe White Knight RT
9th Wayne Webster Sports Spex RT
10th Steve Gibson Peak Road Club

Club Awards for 2007

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearGarry Marsh
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Kevin Warr29.44
Fastest 25 Men’sBrendan T Kennedy1.02.28
Evening Time Trial CompetitionKevin Warr
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapPhil Deane
Juvenile Circuit ChampionChris Barnes
Road Race ChampionBrendan T Kennedy

YCF Combined Clubs Hillclimb, 4th November 2007.

East Chevin, Otley.

1. Carl Saint Yorkshire Road Club 4.58.4
2. Steve Smith Yorkshire Road Club 5.41.8
3. Ian Galbraith Drighlington BC 5.51.7
4. Kevin Warr Seacroft Wheelers 5.55.5
5. Nigel Bennett Meanwood Wheelers 6.01.3
6. Garry Marsh Seacroft Wheelers 9.02.5

‘Jonathan Noble Memorial’ Hilly 11, 30th August 2007.

Thorner Circuit.

A good entry on a warm but windy evening on the ever more technical Thorner circuit with Bob Jackson RT’s Nick Griffiths a clear event winner and Kevin Warr collecting the much prized ‘Jonathan Noble Memorial Trophy’. Excellent rides by three new members Giles Dumont, Roy Cannon and Richard Barker on a course where familiarity is a definate bonus, with Giles taking the handicap prize. Also racing the course for the first time Nick Barnes picks up the Juvenile award, whilst Richard Purchon ended his ‘season horribilis’ on a high with the Vet’s award.

1 – Nick Griffiths – (14.04 / 14.20) 28.24
2 – Steve Savage – (14.43 / 14.45) 29.28
3 – Kevin Warr – (14.55 / 14.54) 29.49
4 – Steve Smith – (14.47 – 15.16) 30.03
5 – Paul Kirk – (15.21 / 15.49) 31.10
6 – Peter McGowen – (15.36 / 15.49) 31.25
7 – Giles Dumont – (15.43 / 15.56) 31.39
8 – Nigel Bennett – (15.42 / 16.04) 31.46
9 – Roy Cannon – (17.02 / 17.50) 34.52
10 – Richard Barker – (17.43 / 17.53) 35.36
11 – Nick Barnes – (17.32 / 18.05) 35.37
12 – David Belcher – (17.44 / 18.24) 36.08
13 – Robert Tate – (18.32 / 18.21) 36.53
14 – Richard Purchon – (18.17 / 18.43) 37.00
15 – Garry Marsh – (18.35 / 19.12) 37.47
16 – John Lawton – (21.58 / —) DNF

Lap times shown in brackets.
Riders in bold are Seacroft Wheelers first claim members, eligible for awards.

Three-up 10, 23rd August 2007.

Course V318.

1. A Dawson / N Griffiths – 22.45
2. D Meakin / P Kirk / N Baldwin – 23.20
3. S Smith / P McGowen – 24.16
4. D Shackleton (L) / A Marshall / M Glynn – 25.53
5. R Tate – 27.19
6. H Blakeley / R Marshall / S Whittle – 29.18

Two-up 10, 16 August 2007. Course V318.

1. S Beldon / A Dawson – 22.40
2. J Colman / B Jennings – 22.44
3. N Griffiths / D Meakin – 23.32
4. R Brown / S Smith – 23.47
5. N Baldwin / P Kirk – 23.48
6. S Wood / M Butcher – 23.54
7. S Savage (solo) – 24.15
8. D Shackleton / N Bennett – 25.46
9. H Blakeley / R Marshall – 30.27

CycleSense Tadcaster League 2007 Results.

A full weekly result is posted on the CycleSense website. Please support the league sponsor.

Hilly 11, 26th April 2007.

Thorner Circuit.

1 – Nick Griffiths (Bob Jackson RT) – 27.44
2 – Dave Meakin (Bob Jackson RT) – 28.22
3 – Sean Maccarthy (Yorkshire Velo) – 28.29
4 – Paul Kirk (Bob Jackson RT) – 29.50
5 – Steve Smith (Yorkshire Road Club) – 29.59
6 – Kevin Warr (Seacroft Wheelers) – 30.04
7 – Hugh Smith (Yorkshire Velo) – 30.31
8 – John Woods (Yorkshire Velo) – 30.54
9 – Nigel Bennett (Meanwood Wheelers) – 31.23
10 – Steve Nunns (Bob Jackson RT s/c) – 33.08
11 – Phil Deane (Seacroft Wheelers) – 33.36
12 – Doug Hart (Yorkshire Velo) – 34.26 *
13 – Simon Brown (Yorkshire Velo) – 35.27
14 – Simon Hollick (Seacroft Wheelers) – 35.38
15 – Garry Marsh (Seacroft Wheelers) – 35.54
16 – Howard Blakeley (Wetherby Wheelers) – 36.02
* Doug Hart was concentrating so hard that he went off course and
ended up in Scarcroft. This gave him a first lap time of 19.55 and a more
respectable second lap of 14.31.

Club Awards for 2006

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearMike Penrice
Dave Jakeman Merit awardNick Barnes
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Tom Jackson32.53
Fastest 25 Men’sRichard Purchon1.01.18
Evening Time Trial CompetitionRichard Purchon
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapSimon Hollick
Juvenile Circuit ChampionNick Barnes
Three Peaks ChampionStuart Blackburn
Road Race ChampionBrendan T Kennedy101

YCF Combined Clubs Hillclimb, 5th November 2006.

A decent entry of 6 Wheelers scaled the unrelenting East Chevin in the YCF combined clubs hillclimb which marks the end of the local road season. A comfortable looking Nick Barnes took the hill in his stride on his way to the handicap prize whilst dad Steve did himself no favours riding on cyclo-cross tyres. Phil and Simon rode in full ‘winter’ mode while Garry Marsh had to stop for gear repairs half way up (well that’s his story!).

8th overall Kevin Warr 5.32.4
12th Steve Barnes 6.22.2
15th Phil Deane 6.52.8
16th Nick Barnes 6.59.0
19th Simon Hollick 7.37.2
20th Garry Marsh 11.18.3

11th Nigel Bennett (2nd claim) 5.36.0

Jonathan Noble Hilly 11, 31st August 2006.

13 riders braved wet, cold and misty conditions on the testing, muddy and gravel strewn Thorner circuit for the traditional close to the evening events season. Tom Jackson came in fastest of the ‘Seacroft’ riders to claim the Jonathan Noble memorial trophy with Phil Deane taking the Handicap award. The event was won by Alistair Kay (York Cycleworks) in 26.25, an impressive ride on a difficult night and not far off the course record held by our own Steve Barnes.

Club results;

1.Tom Jackson 32.33
2.Phil Deane 34.04
3.Simon Hollick 34.50
4.Richard Purchon 35.21

2nd Claim: Nigel Bennet 30.50, Richard Sewell 31.49, Callum Sewell 32.52, Ewan Sewell 34.15.

Club Awards for 2005

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Dave Jakeman Merit awardChantelle Downing
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Phil Bramham31.40
Fastest 25 Men’sRichard Purchon1.04.24
Evening Time Trial CompetitionRichard Purchon
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapTom Jackson
Juvenile Circuit ChampionJ Birkby

Club Awards for 2004

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Phil Bramham31.47
Junior Best All RounderTom Jackson21.809
Fastest 25 Men’sTom Jackson1.10.27
Evening Time Trial CompetitionRichard Purchon18
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapTom Jackson
Juvenile Circuit ChampionJ Birkby
Three Peaks ChampionAndrew Bramham

Club Awards for 2003

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearAndrew Bramham
Dave Jakeman Merit awardBarbara Penrice
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11John Wilkinson34.18
Men’s Best All RounderRichard Purchon21.601
Veteran’s Best All RounderMike & Barbara Penrice+3.626
Fastest 25 Men’sRichard Purchon1.07.15
Evening Time Trial CompetitionRichard Purchon40
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapRichard Purchon
Juvenile Circuit ChampionJ Birkby
Three Peaks ChampionAndrew Bramham
12 Hour ChampionMike & Barbara Penrice225.340 miles

Club Awards for 2002

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearTom Jackson
Dave Jakeman Merit awardH Clark
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Andrew Bramham30.33
Fastest 25 Men’sRichard Purchon1.10.06
Evening Time Trial CompetitionRichard Purchon34
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapRichard Purchon
Juvenile Circuit ChampionAndrew Bramham
Three Peaks ChampionMark Townend

Club Awards for 2001

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearKevin Warr
Dave Jakeman Merit awardJohn & Peter Dracup
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionJohn Dracup55
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Kevin Warr27.44
Women’s Best All RounderS Phelan21.664
Veteran’s Best All RounderMike & Barbara Penrice+3.273
Fastest 25 Men’sKevin Warr57.32
Fastest 25 Women’sS Phelan1.11.40
Evening Time Trial CompetitionKevin Warr36
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapKevin Warr
Juvenile Circuit ChampionAndrew Bramham
12 Hour ChampionMike & Barbara Penrice220.830 miles

Club Awards for 2000

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearS Phelan
Dave Jakeman Merit awardAndrew Bramham
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionS Phelan75
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Phil Hays28.01
Women’s Best All RounderS Phelan21.859
Fastest 25 Men’sSean Macarthy55.59
Fastest 25 Women’sS Phelan1.10.39
Evening Time Trial CompetitionSean Macarthy39
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapKeith Storey
Juvenile Circuit ChampionAndrew Bramham16
Three Peaks ChampionLee Hazlewood


Club Awards for 1999

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearAndrew Bramham
Dave Jakeman Merit awardDave Parker
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionM & B Penrice140
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Sean Macarthy27.44
Fastest 25 Men’sSean Macarthy54.59
Evening Time Trial CompetitionSean Macarthy36
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapSean Macarthy
Juvenile Circuit ChampionMark Townend
Three Peaks ChampionDave Parker
12 Hour ChampionM & B Penrice229.551
Road Race ChampionMaher Al-Ausi10.5

Club Awards for 1998

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearYassir Al-Ausi
Dave Jakeman Merit awardDavid Bacon
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionM & B Penrice123
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Phil Hays27.20
Men’s Best All RounderPhil Hays25.313
Junior Best All RounderYassir Al-Ausi24.033
Veteran’s Best All RounderBernard Marsden+0.415
Fastest 25 Men’sPhil Hays56.27
Evening Time Trial CompetitionPhil Hays30
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapYassir Al-Ausi
Juvenile Circuit ChampionYassir Al-Ausi9
Three Peaks ChampionDave Parker
12 Hour ChampionM & B Penrice216.688

Club Awards for 1997

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearMatt Payne
Dave Jakeman Merit awardW Harrison
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionBarbara Penrice142
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Paul Kirk28.13
Men’s Best All RounderPaul Kirk23.722
Veteran’s Best All RounderKevin Warr+5.511
Fastest 25 Men’sKevin Warr54.54
Evening Time Trial CompetitionKevin Warr25.5
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapKeith Storey12.5
Juvenile Circuit ChampionYassir Al-Ausi3
Three Peaks ChampionStuart Blackburn

Club Awards for 1996

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearMartin Clough
Dave Jakeman Merit awardSteve Goodwin
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionMike & Barbara Penrice129 pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Steve Goodwin27.07
Men’s Best All RounderKevin Warr26.549 mph
Junior Best All RounderDanny Ladle27.601 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderKevin Warr+5.836
Fastest 25 Men’sKevin Warr52.46
Evening Time Trial CompetitionSteve Goodwin27.0 pts
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapMatt Payne14.5 pts
12 Hour ChampionSteve Goodwin253.111 miles
Road Race ChampionDanny Ladle22 pts

Club Awards for 1995

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearMike Penrice
Dave Jakeman Merit awardDanny Ladle
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionBarbara Penrice127 pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Kevin Warr27.02
Men’s Best All RounderKevin Warr25.847 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderKevin Warr+4.891
Fastest 25 Men’sKevin Warr55.59
Evening Time Trial CompetitionKevin Warr24.0 pts
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapMike & Barbara Penrice12.0 pts
12 Hour ChampionMartin Clough202.901 miles
Road Race ChampionDanny Ladle21 pts

Club Awards for 1994

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearMartin Clough
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionMike Penrice131 pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Kevin Warr28.05
Men’s Best All RounderKevin Warr25.825 mph
Women’s Best All RounderLynn Hanson24.257 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderKevin Warr+4.921
Fastest 25 Men’sKevin Warr54.59
Fastest 25 Women’sLynn Hanson1.03.07
Evening Time Trial CompetitionKevin Warr34.5 pts
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapTim Milner17.0 pts

Club Awards for 1993

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearBarbara Penrice
Dave Jakeman Merit awardJane Ramsdale
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionBarbara Penrice114 pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Kevin Warr28.31
Men’s Best All RounderKevin Warr25.021 mph
Women’s Best All RounderLynn Hanson23.823 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderKevin Warr+4.007
Fastest 25 Men’sKevin Warr56.46
Fastest 25 Women’sLynn Hanson1.03.08
Evening Time Trial CompetitionKevin Warr29.0 pts
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapKevin Warr20.5 pts
Road Race ChampionD Hill3 pts

Club Awards for 1992

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearIan Hirst
Dave Jakeman Merit awardFred Lyn
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionMike Penrice127 pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11I Garbett28.50
Men’s Best All RounderGary Marshall24.234 mph
Women’s Best All RounderLynn Hanson23.696 mph
Junior Best All RounderD Hill25.002 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderEric Downing+2.292
Fastest 25 Men’sAndrew Dacre59.14
Fastest 25 Women’sLynn Hanson1.03.57
Evening Time Trial CompetitionI Garbett39.0 pts
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapGerald Warr13.5 pts
Juvenile Circuit ChampionLynsey Farthing
12 Hour ChampionLynn Hanson218.549 miles

Club Awards for 1991

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearD Clark
Dave Jakeman Merit awardFred Benson
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionMike Penrice105 pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Sam Emsley27.43
Men’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson25.603 mph
Women’s Best All RounderJune Downing20.833 mph
Junior Best All RounderJ Bainbridge24.429 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson+6.044
Fastest 25 Men’sMalcolm Davidson54.56
Fastest 25 Women’sJ Scotchford1.08.47
Evening Time Trial CompetitionAndrew Dacre21.0 pts
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapD Hill14.0 pts
12 Hour ChampionMalcolm Davidson231.520 miles
Road Race ChampionJ Bainbridge31 pts

Club Awards for 1990

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearIan Hirst
Dave Jakeman Merit awardDuncan Humphreys
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionKevin Fensome108 pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Dave Timbers29.29
Men’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson25.532 mph
Women’s Best All RounderDianne Heeley22.088 mph
Junior Best All RounderGiles Crowley25.982 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson+5.405
Fastest 25 Men’sMalcolm Davidson54.50
Fastest 25 Women’sDianne Heeley1.08.09
Evening Time Trial CompetitionDave Timbers35.0 pts
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapMark Chapman10.0 pts
Juvenile Circuit ChampionLynsey Farthing12.0 pts
12 Hour ChampionFred Lyn231.245 miles
Road Race ChampionDave Timbers56 pts


Club Awards for 1989

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearD Hallard
Dave Jakeman Merit awardJ Bainbridge
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionD Hallard145 pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Sam Emsley28.07
Men’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson24.651 mph
Women’s Best All RounderDianne Heeley23.209 mph
Junior Best All RounderM Wormwell
25.620 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson+4.835
Fastest 25 Men’sMalcolm Davidson56.50
Fastest 25 Women’sDianne Heeley1.05.28
Evening Time Trial CompetitionMalcolm Davidson18.0 pts
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapJ Bainbridge9.0 pts
Juvenile Circuit ChampionJ Bainbridge10.0 pts
12 Hour ChampionFred Lyn218.252 miles
Road Race ChampionNick Cox97 pts

Club Awards for 1988

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearNick Cox
Dave Jakeman Merit awardK Rennison
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionKevin Fensome135 pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Andrew Dacre27.50
Men’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson24.107 mph
Women’s Best All RounderDianne Heeley22.468 mph
Junior Best All RounderM Wormwell
24.697 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson+4.398
Fastest 25 Men’sAndrew Dacre56.17
Fastest 25 Women’sDianne Heeley1.09.12
Evening Time Trial CompetitionAndrew Dacre22.5 pts
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapDave Timbers14.0 pts
Juvenile Circuit ChampionLee Hazelwood3.0 pts
12 Hour ChampionM Tosland??? miles
Road Race ChampionNick Cox45 pts

Club Awards for 1987

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearDave Hall
Dave Jakeman Merit awardMatt Vickers
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionKevin Fensome116 pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Kevin Warr27.49
Men’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson24.987 mph
Women’s Best All RounderDonna Saxton24.021 mph
Junior Best All RounderAndrew Dacre
25.926 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson+4.761
Fastest 25 Men’sMalcolm Davidson55.05
Fastest 25 Women’sDonna Saxton1.03.45
Evening Time Trial CompetitionMalcolm Davidson27.0 pts
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapSam Elmsley16.0 pts
12 Hour ChampionJ Bullough232.218 miles
Road Race ChampionNick Cox75 pts

Club Awards for 1986

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearStuart Blackburn
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionKevin Fensome148 pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Nick Cox28.46
Men’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson25.989 mph
Women’s Best All RounderDonna Saxton24.445 mph
Junior Best All RounderNick Cox
24.939 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson+5.403
Fastest 25 Men’sMalcolm Davidson54.42
Evening Time Trial CompetitionKevin Warr18.0 pts
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapG Kerins11.0 pts
Road Race ChampionNick Cox71 pts

Club Awards for 1985

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearKevin Fensome
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionKevin Fensome143 pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Kevin Warr28.27
Men’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson25.827 mph
Women’s Best All RounderLynn Varley23.782 mph
Junior Best All RounderGary Marshall
25.356 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson+4.694
Fastest 25 Men’sNick Hanson54.28
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapChris Inkpin? pts
Juvenile Circuit ChampionP L'Aime5.0 pts
Road Race ChampionNick Cox57 pts

Club Awards for 1984

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearMike Farthing
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionLynn Varley125 pts
Jonathan Noble Memorial Hilly 11Kevin Warr28.42
Men’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson25.247 mph
Women’s Best All RounderLynn Varley22.877 mph
Junior Best All RounderNick cox
25.217 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson+4.563
Fastest 25 Men’sNick Hanson54.12
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapP L’Aime? pts
Juvenile Circuit ChampionNick Cox18.0 pts
Road Race ChampionSteve Noble19 pts

Club Awards for 1983

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearD Mortimer
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionR Wood138 pts
Men’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson24.401 mph
Women’s Best All RounderE Hargrave22.870 mph
Junior Best All RounderJonathan Noble
26.575 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderMalcolm Davidson+3.493
Fastest 25 Men’sJonathan Noble56.09
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapNick Cox? pts
Juvenile Circuit ChampionA Barnes19.0 pts
Road Race ChampionSteve Barnes29 pts

Club Awards for 1982

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearJonathan & Steve Noble
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionE Hargrave129 pts
Men’s Best All RounderM Bullough25.549 mph
Women’s Best All RounderE Hargrave22.459 mph
Junior Best All RounderJonathan Noble
26.277 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderM Bullough+3.696
Fastest 25 Men’sM Bullough56.47
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapS Farrer? pts
Juvenile Circuit ChampionSteve Noble16.0 pts
Road Race ChampionSteve Barnes27 pts

Club Awards for 1981

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearE Hargrave
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionMike Penrice114 pts
Men’s Best All RounderM Thorp22.861 mph
Women’s Best All RounderJ Topham23.586 mph
Junior Best All RounderSteve Barnes
25.944 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderBarbara Penrice+.056
Fastest 25 Men’sM Bullough57.14
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapSteve Noble? pts
Juvenile Circuit ChampionA Barnes3.5 pts
12 Hour ChampionMike Penrice230.054 miles
Road Race ChampionSteve Barnes25 pts

Club Awards for 1980

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearSteve Barnes
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionBarbara Penrice127 pts
Men’s Best All RounderM Bullough24.471 mph
Women’s Best All RounderBarbara Penrice20.689 mph
Junior Best All RounderSteve Barnes
25.919 mph
Fastest 25 Men’sM Bullough56.42
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapPete McGowen? pts
Juvenile Circuit ChampionG Thorp16.0 pts
12 Hour ChampionMike Penrice225.475 miles
Road Race ChampionSteve Barnes24 pts


Club Awards for 1979

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearA Longfellow
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionMike Penrice129 pts
Men’s Best All RounderM Bullough24.335 mph
Women’s Best All RounderBarbara Penrice20.569 mph
Junior Best All RounderSteve Barnes
26.467 mph
Veteran’s Best All RounderBarbara Penrice-0.123
Fastest 25 Men’sSteve Barnes56.34
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapSteve Barnes? pts
Juvenile Circuit ChampionSteve Barnes16.0 pts
12 Hour ChampionM Bullough246.478 miles

Club Awards for 1978

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearA Barnes
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionMike Penrice132 pts
Men’s Best All RounderMike Farthing23.452 mph
Women’s Best All RounderBarbara Penrice20.220 mph
Junior Best All RounderSteve Barnes
23.740 mph
Fastest 25 Men’sMike Farthing1.03.34
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapSteve Barnes? pts
12 Hour ChampionMike Penrice222.861 miles

Club Awards for 1977

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearMike Penrice
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionMike & Barbara Penrice145 pts
Men’s Best All RounderMike Penrice22.961 mph
Women’s Best All RounderBarbara Penrice19.658 mph
Junior Best All RounderSteve Barnes
23.365 mph
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapPeter McGowen? pts
12 Hour ChampionB J Kennedy209.476 miles

Club Awards for 1976

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearH Siddle
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionSteve Barnes138 pts
Men’s Best All RounderC Crampton20.967 mph
Women’s Best All RounderBarbara Penrice20.235 mph
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapC Crampton? pts

Club Awards for 1975

Award PlacingNamePerformance
Club Person of the YearSteve Barnes
Clubrun Cup Runs CompetitionBarbara Goldsbro112 pts
Women’s Best All RounderBarbara Goldsbro21.026 mph
Evening Time Trial Competition HandicapI Green? pts

Club Records

Seacroft Wheelers club records.

Time Trials held under Cycling Time Trials regulations for Seacroft Wheelers members.

If you think you have beaten any of these records please contact the

4UP team time trials time is taken on 3rd rider to cross the line, in 2UP and 3UP all riders must finish.

Men 10 miles Peter Nixon 19.23 2016
10 Medium Gear Steve Barnes 24.32 1983
11 miles Hilly (Thorner Circuit) Steve Barnes 26.31 1983
Hill Climb Weardley Bank Craig Beasley 05.45 2024
15 miles Peter Nixon 31.41 2018
25 miles Peter Nixon 51.13 2017
30 miles Kevin Warr 1.06.12 1995
50 miles Kevin Warr 1.51.49 1997
100 miles Nick Hanson 3.56.23 2019
12 hours Steve Goodwin 253.111 miles 1996
24 hours Fred Lyn 404.550 miles 1992
Women 10 miles Emma Coldwell 22.14 2014
10 Medium Gear Diane Heeley 28.54 1989
11 miles Hilly (Thorner Circuit) Donna Saxton 31.07 1987
Hill Climb Weardley Bank Angie Flaherty 7.22.3 2021
15 miles Emma Coldwell 34.33 2014
25 miles Emma Coldwell 57.46 2014
30 miles Lynn Hanson 1.16.06 2012
50 miles Emma Coldwell 2.00.44 2014
100 miles Lynn Hanson 4.39.26 1994
12 hours Lynn Hanson 218.549 miles 1992
Juvenile Men 10 miles Steve Barnes 22.06 1979
10 Medium Gear Andy Barnes 27.23 1983
11 miles Hilly (Thorner Circuit) Steve Barnes 28.58 1979
Hill Climb Weardley Bank Elliot Fraser 5.19.2 2022
15 miles Steve Noble 35.00 1983
25 miles Steve Barnes 56.34 1979
30 miles Yassir Al-Ausi 1.15.80 1998
50 miles Yassir Al-Ausi 2.19.40 1998
Junior Men 10 miles Dan Ladle 20.32 1996
10 Medium Gear Dan Ladle 24.58 1996
11 miles Hilly (Thorner Circuit) Steve Barnes 26.44 1981
Hill Climb Weardley Bank Alexander Fraser 7.30.1 2021
15 miles Dan Ladle 34.01 1996
25 miles Dan Ladle 55.21 1996
50 miles Jonathan Noble 2.03.31 1983
100 miles Peter McGowen 4.34.40 1981
Veteran Men 10 miles Peter Nixon 19.23 2016
10 Medium Gear Kevin Warr 24.53 1995
11 miles Hilly (Thorner Circuit) Kevin Warr 27.02 1995
Hill Climb Weardley Bank Mick Flaherty 6.28.5 2019
15 miles Peter Nixon 31.41 2018
25 miles Peter Nixon 51.13 2017
30 miles Kevin Warr 1.06.12 1995
50 miles Kevin Warr 1.51.49 1997
100 miles Nick Hanson 3.56.23 2019
12 hours Malcolm Davidson 231.520 miles 1991
24 hours Fred Lyn 404.550 miles 1992
Veteran Women 10 miles Lynn Hanson 22.59 2016
10 Medium Gear
11 miles Hilly (Thorner Circuit) Helen Lewis 36.19 2015
Hill Climb Weardley Bank Angie Flaherty 7.22.3 2021
15 miles Lynn Hanson 36.12 2014
25 miles Lynn Hanson 58.55 2016
30 miles Lynn Hanson 1.16.06 2012
50 miles Lynn Hanson 2.00.54 2015
100 miles Angie Flaherty 4.47.18 2024
12 hours
Tandem Men 10 miles Mike Penrice / Malcolm Davidson 22.31 1983
15 miles David Jakeman / Mike Salkeld 34.36 1987
Tandem Mixed 10 miles Mike Penrice / Barbara Penrice 22.04 1998
11 miles Hilly (Thorner Circuit) Mike Penrice / Barbara Penrice 30.32 1987
15 miles Mike Penrice / Barbara Penrice 36.36 1997
25 miles Mike Penrice / Barbara Penrice 58.04 1998
30 miles Mike Penrice / Barbara Penrice 1.10.38 1996
50 miles Mike Penrice / Barbara Penrice 1.56.15 1999
100 miles Mike Penrice / Barbara Penrice 4.34.47 2001
12 hours Mike Penrice / Barbara Penrice 229.551 miles 1999
2-ups Men 10 miles Steve Goodwin / Kevin Warr 20.25 1996
25 miles Nick Hanson / Malcolm Davidson 56.45 1983
2-ups Mixed 10 miles Nick Hanson / Lynn Hanson 23.22 2012
25 miles Nick Hanson / Lynn Hanson 1.03.53 2013
2-ups Women 10 miles Elaine Kelly / Christine Clubbs 26:57 2023
25 miles
3-ups Men 10 miles Mark Casey / Mick Flaherty / Danny Kelly 24.29 2021
25 miles
3-ups Mixed 10 miles Elaine Kelly / Christine Clubbs / Craig Lyons 27.10 2023
25 miles
3-ups Women 10 miles Lynn Hanson / Elaine Kelly / Helen Lewis 28.01 2015
25 miles
4-ups Men 10 miles Keith Storey / Charlie Hind / Mat Johnson / Matt Eldon 25.27 2024
25 miles
4-ups Women 10 miles Helen Fenton / Mel Makin / Sally Backhouse / Margit Rezacova 34.05 2024
25 miles
4-ups Mixed 10 miles Mick Flaherty / Angie Flaherty / Astrid Pot / Craig Lyons 27.38 2024
25 miles

“Medium Gear” category refers to a restriction of up to a 72″ gear length.

*based on records from 2015 onwards

**based on records from 2024 onwards

NOTE- if there is a category or a distance missing that you have set a time for please let us know.

Mike and Barbara Penrice set VTTA national age related tandem records at 12 Hours and are twice winners of the VTTA tandem BAR competition.

Fred Lyn takes a feed on his way to 404.5 miles and club record in the 1992 RTTC 24 Hour Championship.

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