Road Race Report 2024


Thankfully the first half of that forecast was wrong and although dark skies threatened a deluge, it held off for the 50 racers (10 D.N.S.) assembled for the Open cat 2/3/4 the morning of the 7th July 2024. The racing that followed was lightning quick from the get go with the watts getting laid down.

Here’s the view of our man in the peloton Rich Moore 2023 Champ.

“The Wistow course typically sees a different race script play out; in March early season cross winds play a pivotal role & can favour early breaks  with a ‘race from the front’ mantra. However, the races in July see an altogether different race play out. With less wind & 60 riders at full race fitness on a largely flat course this usually means full gas, high speed racing, and breaks have only a slim chance of surviving.

Today was very much in the latter pattern, from the end of the neutral the pace was quick, often over 30mph for sustained periods. It felt like the last lap, every lap!

This meant any breakaway attempts only achieved small time gaps initially in the first few laps & were caught pretty quickly before a few more riders attempted to force an advantage.

The pattern that followed was the same as usual for this course, a threatening move stayed clear for a couple of laps, while many chased actively sensing this could be ‘the move’. It’s often the counter attack that makes it after this type of chase, pretty soon after this break was reeled in the counter move went towards the ‘col de railway bridge’!

The previous chase had eased & this group quickly achieved a gap of over 40 seconds, nervous times for those in the peloton. However with several laps still to be run (around 3), it was going to be hard for 4 riders (Eugene Cross, Tom Cullen, Carl Stubbs & Andy Stephenson) to maintain 27-28 mph in order to stay clear.

As this group were gradually brought back, the main threat was other riders bridging across the gap & hammering in the final nail. 2 riders did exactly that just after the finish straight, Tom Ramsay powering across & the gap widened once more.

With 2 to go there was a sustained chase & the acceleration over the bridges & though the woods resulted in everything coming back together approaching the bell.

There were a few last lap attacks, no doubt hoping for a moment of hesitation in the bunch, but as with the rest of the race, the speed remained high. So, it came down to a bunch sprint, Jack Rees getting the advantage over the rest. “

Fantastic to see so many local clubs and teams supporting the race with special mention to Alba Rosa C.C. with the biggest contingent with 4 riders (plus 1 DNS). Chapeaux to Josh from Seacroft Wheelers for lining up in his first ever race, it’s always great to see the club colours on show.

Happy to report ZERO incidents and injuries in what was a fast, frantic, exciting and safe race with prizes awarded as follows.

!st – Jack Rees Moonglu Race Team (£125 Pactimo Voucher & trophy)
2nd – Euan Cameron Shibden-A.Fawcett RT (£100 Pactimo Voucher)
3rd – George Safranauskas Hive Racing (£75 Pactimo Voucher)
4th – Sam Walsham Beeston Cycling Club (£50 Pactimo Voucher)
5th – Archie Fletcher 360cycling (£25 Pactimo Voucher)
Highest place cat 4 – Harry Howlett Tickhill Velo (£100 Pactimo Voucher & trophy)

Full results and points can be viewed here.

Sprint finish video can be viewed here.

Bernards flickr album can be viewed here. (Please tag him @bernardmarsden on your shares.)

Ryans racers eye view vid here with a broken/wobbly seat! 🙂


Dark skies billowed and it may even have rained on one corner of the course but the 30 heroes (6 D.N.S.) lined up for the Women’s cat 3/4 race were unperturbed and went about the business of racing bikes. Once again we continue to attract some first time and newish riders to road racing with around 10 racers joining us for the first (of many) races, which we just love to see!

Here’s the view from our woman in the peloton, Glenda the Good Witch of the North (a.k.a. anonymous racer 😉 ).

“We can’t believe the rain held off!
Another year, another amazing Seacroft Women’s road race.  Seacroft Wheelers waved their magic wand to ensure that the two huge storm clouds either side of the circuit never made it over to the circuit!
After a great briefing from Commissaire Graham, it was time to roll out from Wistow and get onto the circuit. The race this year started extremely timidly, some wondering whether the flag had even dropped!
Not long though, and attacks came from Ruby Carleton (Loughborough Students CC) and Immy Edwards (Liverpool University CC).  These attacks got the pace going for the race up and running.  Lap 2 saw a mighty attack from Jo Jarvis (Elmsall RC), however riders from the back of the bunch had clocked the move and jumped straight back on! A few other moves up the back hill, and the railway bridge hill later, but there was no splitting this bunch!
Freya Johnson (Gosforth RC) put in a great attack but was chased back again! What a great attack for this riders first road race. Following all the moves intently and staying up at the front was Zoe Parker (Solihull CC) and Lydia Horsfield (Bootleggers CC)
As the bell lap rang, another attack came from Joanne Rea who attacked just around the start/finish, stretching the field and putting in a decent gap, but alas this was not to be either and the bunch were back together again!
A nervy and chaotic last lap, and Freya Johnson again leapt off the front with two final corners to go! Freya held the gap into the final corner before the finish, but the bunch were quickly catching! Once the rest of the bunch had launched their sprint, Freya was caught.
Thanks Seacroft Wheelers!”

!st – Olivia Channon Cycles Shark (£125 Pactimo Voucher & trophy)
2nd – Dani Cullum Rule 28 ATP Performance (£100 Pactimo Voucher)
3rd – Zoe Parker Solihull C.C. (£75 Pactimo Voucher)
4th – Ruby Carleton Loughborough Students C.C. (£50 Pactimo Voucher)
5th & Highest place cat 4 – Imogen Edwards Liverpool University C.C. (£125 Pactimo Vouchers & trophy)

Full results and points can be viewed here.

Sprint finish video can be viewed here.

Bernards flickr album can be viewed here. (Please tag him @bernardmarsden on your shares.)

A few racing incidents/nudges aside we are happy to report there were no accidents/injuries once again this year and the paramedics could sit back and enjoy the show.

The distance that the female racers are prepared to travel is testament to both the need for more amateur races and their commitment and tenacity to get to the start line. Special mention to our longest traveling racer (new event record) Charlotte from Bermuda B.A. we love and celebrate the diversity of the make up of our race as evidenced in the teams and clubs in the prizes.

Some initial photo dump pics are on our facebook page here as two separate posts.

*Some thoughts from the day*

“Always a fantastic race! Thanks.”
Tom C.

“ was a brilliant display of great positive racing… I was in 2 breaks, one of which I had to fully send it to get across to. I was confident that was the winning move but it’s amazing how things can change with one lap to go…”
Tom R.

“Thanks again for organising a lovely race and atmosphere 🙂 see you next year.”

“The seacroft wheelers road was a great race to start my road racing journey . As a first time road racer it was brilliant to have the  such a supportive opportunity! The course was great with very good road surface as far as British roads go so, as a new and nervous racer pot holes weren’t a massive worry .
The whole team was incredibly welcoming and encouraging as were all the racing ladies . I was very appreciative and lucky to be able to race in such a great race because road racing can be incredibly daunting and a big step up but, the seacroft wheelers road race made this step up a lot easier and very enjoyable!
I could not recommend this race more to newbie races too !!”

“Well done yesterday on yet another really warm and welcoming race. Top-notch organising as ever”

“Will defo be back!”

A big thank you to all our club helpers, marshals, convoy drivers, Accredited Marshals, Commissaires without which we couldn’t run the safe, happy event that we do and to our event sponsor Pactimo for kindly providing nearly £1,000 in kit vouchers. Special mention to Wil for sorting out the chip timing for us and removing a huge amount of race judging stress and faff.

See you all next year 🙂  Helen and Craig

Seacroft Wheelers Summer Road Races 2024 supported by Pactimo

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